


Objective 2

Objective 2 seeks to support students in their integration into life at UCL.

Effective integration into the community, a sense of belonging in the learning and living environments and close, encouraging peer networks are the foundations of good student wellbeing and success.

UCL’s diverse traditions and student population offer great opportunities, but developing a sense of belonging in such a diverse setting can be challenging and overwhelming at times for some.

Supported integration is a key step towards building inclusive local communities and enhancing student wellbeing. Induction into the UCL community begins much earlier than students’ arrival on campus to commence their studies.

Objective leads: Wes Durdle (SSW) and Guy Stepney (Students' Union UCL).

Action 2A

Provide more online information, preparation programmes and resources to facilitate a smooth and effective settling-in process.

Action 2B

Promote UCL and the Students’ Union as inclusive, caring and supportive communities to prospective and new students. Facilitate the development of inclusive personal networks and enable a sense of belonging in a culturally diverse context.

Action 2C

Deliver comprehensive local induction programmes in students’ learning and living environments. Encourage and facilitate personal interactions between new and current students as well as staff to foster a sense of community.

Action 2D

Identify best practice and strengthen the co-ordination of UCL and the Students’ Union’s many induction activities, ensuring that all students receive a welcoming start to their life at UCL.

Action 2E

Develop a web-based platform for staff providing guidance and resources for effective student inductions. Facilitate sharing of best practice between programmes, departments and faculties.

Action 2F

Ensure induction programmes promote academic success in the context of positive health and wellbeing.

Action 2G

Offer dedicated information to student groups who may require additional support to settle into UCL, such as care leavers, students transitioning gender, students affected by health conditions, students with disabilities, students who are parents or carers, BME students.

Action 2H

Parental support is an essential part of university life for some students. Develop dedicated web resources for parents and guardians who wish, for example, to engage with the processes of settling-in and accessing specialist services.

Other objectives

Read more about Objective 1.

Read more about Objective 3.

Read more about Objective 4.

Read more about Objective 5.

Read more about Objective 6.