UCL Chaplain's First Term Welcome and Events Update
22 August 2024
The UCL Chaplain and Interfaith Adviser welcomes you to UCL and gives an update on support offered along with activities for Term 1.
I hope that you all have had a great summer. I want to extend a very warm welcome to UCL, whether you are new or returning to UCL! I am looking forward to meeting many of you throughout the year, and I wish you every success on your courses of study. My office is on floor B2 of the Student Centre. Please stop by to say hello, or stop me when I am walking around campus.
I am part of Student Support and Wellbeing Services and am responsible for supporting your spiritual wellbeing while you are at UCL. I am committed to supporting students of all faith and belief backgrounds, as well as those of no faith. You can find more information on the Chaplaincy's Faith and Belief webpage, including information about other chaplains, local places of worship, SU Faith and Spirituality Societies, and Quiet Contemplation Rooms (QCR's) on campus.
Please find details of various events and activities that I am hosting throughout this term below, alongside information about support I can offer along the way.
One-to-One Support
You can speak to me in confidence about anything that is impacting your time at UCL. It may relate to your faith or belief background, or a non-religious world view. It may also be completely unrelated, and that is okay too. These sessions are your time to discuss and reflect on whatever is on your mind at the time. You can email me (reid.humble@ucl.ac.uk) or book an appointment online.
Weekly Events During Term Time (except for reading week during 4-8 November)
Silent meditation sessions are held on Wednesdays from 1.10pm-1.50pm in the Meditation Room on floor B2 of the Student Centre. It is especially accommodating for gathering people from all faith backgrounds and those from none. As it is silent, we can maintain a variety of intentions while practising together. The first session is on Wednesday 2 October.
A Drop-in Space is available on Wednesdays from 3pm - 4pm at 30B Torrington Square, London WC1E 7JL. It is just a couple of minutes walk from the Student Centre and there is a University Chaplaincy sign on the building. Come, relax and de-stress over a hot drink with us. There is no agenda or programme, just a friendly space to chat or take a break. The first session is on Wednesday 2 October.
A Eucharist is also held on Thursdays from 1.10pm-1.50pm in the Meditation Room on floor B2 of the Student Centre. This is a Christian service of Holy Communion that is open to students of all Christian denominations and those who are just curious. The first session is on Thursday 3 October.
UCL East
I am also available to provide support at our UCL East campus. I am happy to arrange to visit for an appointment or specific events taking place. I will based at Marshgate on Monday 21 October and Monday 25 November.
Visits to Places of Worship in London
These visits are a great way to explore different parts of London and meet new people on interesting and engaging trips. They also help to strengthen good relations across faith and world view difference by increasing understanding.
We are in the process of finalising dates and times for this term's visits. This space will be updated as soon as the details are available.
If you have any recommendations, please email reid.humble@ucl.ac.uk.
Interfaith Week 2024
Interfaith week 2024 will take place from 10 - 17 November. You can find more information about what this week is, why it takes place, and what the aims of the week are here.
Details of activities will be updated as they are available.
If you would like to be involved or contribute to an event, please email reid.humble@ucl.ac.uk.
Reid Humble, UCL Chaplain and Interfaith Adviser