UCL Welcome Ambassador Programme 2023/2024
22 May 2023
Ever enjoyed studying at UCL so much that you wanted to work with us too? Well, apply for the UCL Welcome Ambassador Programme and get paid to provide other students with top notch service in a variety of different ways!

We consider the UCL Welcome Ambassador Programme one of our most important initiatives as it gives the opportunity for students and staff to work together for the betterment of the university using what we believe is a key component; peer-to-peer support.
Now, because we want our UCL Welcome Ambassadors to represent our student body as much as possible, we want as many of you to apply as possible. However, it's really important that you read the job description and FAQ answers below about what you'd be doing and what eligibility requirements you need to meet. As much as you may want to work with us and vice versa, you need to be OK with the following.
- What kind of work would I be doing (job description)?
During the main welcome and induction periods in September and January, UCL Welcome Ambassadors work on events and services including UCL ID card and BRP card collection, campus tours, running information points, managing queues and running mixer events.
We also work with other teams throughout the year so expect there to be other types of work available to you.
For full details on your responsibilities, please look at the job description.
- How much work would I be expected to do?
Technically, there's no minimum amount of work we need our UCL Welcome Ambassadors to do.
However, by you applying for the scheme and us hiring you, there's an assumption that you want to work. The more shifts you request, the more you are likely to receive.
- Where would I be working?
The vast majority of shifts will be taking place at either the Bloomsbury Campus or the UCL East Campus.
There may be some shifts offered which take place elsewhere but the locations of these would be clearly advertised and because you request shifts and aren't just assigned them, you wouldn't have to go if you didn't want to.
- Am I eligible to work on the UCL Welcome Ambassador Programme?
All home students should be eligible to work on the UCL Welcome Ambassador Programme by the fact that they are either British citizens or their home country has an agreement which includes the right to work in the UK.
International students need to be a little more careful. If you are studying at UCL on a Student Visa/Tier 4 Visa, then you should be eligible to work on the UCL Welcome Ambassador Programme, however, it is your responsibility to ensure you don't exceed your weekly working limit as stated on your visa.
Please note that we can only hire UCL students who will still be UCL students by the time we start the September welcome and Induction period. So, if you are in your final year of study now, you will not be eligible.
Ultimately, everyone will need to pass their Right to Work checks conducted by Unitemps but its worth being sure before you embark on the application process.
- When is the application deadline?
The application deadline is Friday 16 June 2023 at 11:59 pm. Any applications received after this time will be discounted.
- When will the interviews take place?
If you are selected for an interview, they will take place over a 2 week period, online, via Microsoft Teams. Between Tuesday 18 July 2023 and Friday 28 July 2023.
We will offer slots ranging from 9:30 am to 4:40 pm UK time, so those of you who will be back in your home country should still be able to find a time which suits you.
- When will the mandatory, in-person training take place?
The mandatory (that means you have to attend) in-person training will take place between Monday 11 September 2023 and Friday 15 September 2023.
We will offer 3 training sessions of which you will only have to attend 1. We offer 3 identical in-person training sessions due to the high number of UCL Welcome Ambassadors we need to train.
The in-person training is absolutely essential in preparing you for helping to run our events and services. You will also need to complete in-person Right to Work checks with Unitemps, therefore, if you are not able to be in the UK for these dates then you should not apply for the UCL Welcome Ambassador Programme.
- When will the first shifts take place?
The first shifts are likely to be available from Monday 18 September 2023 onwards however working schedules haven't been 100% decided yet.
- Do I have to work on specific days, at specific times and in specific locations?
Shifts will be advertised to our UCL Welcome Ambassadors with details on what work you would be doing along with the date, time and location.
It will be up to you whether you choose to request a shift, we will never force you to work a shift.
- How much will I be paid?
All UCL Welcome Ambassadors will be paid £13.31 per hour plus £2.57 per hour in holiday pay. This equates to £15.88 per hour.
All work performed as a UCL Welcome Ambassador will be paid through Unitemps.
Please note that Unitemps will only pay into a UK Bank Account so it's important you have one before working with us.
Please also note that although you can start working in the UK without a National Insurance Number (NIN), you will be put on an emergency tax code and will almost certainly pay more tax than you need to. Applying for and receiving an NIN before working is best.
- What will I have to prepare for the application?
Aside from the normal details you need to give in a job application, you will also need your UCL Student Number (8 digits long) and your UCL email address.
It will ask you to confirm that you will be available on certain dates and finally ask you to write two answers on your suitability for the UCL Welcome Ambassador Programme.
- What if I still have some questions about the UCL Welcome Ambassador Programme?
If you have ready through this page and genuinely still have questions about the UCL Welcome Ambassador Programme, then you can contact welcome@ucl.ac.uk
Apply for the UCL Welcome Ambassador Programme