24-25 Study Abroad Vloggers and Bloggers Learn from the experiences of UCL students who are currently abroad. Aman Sidhu Najjhur Aman is a study abroad blogger who is currently studying abroad at PUC do Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Cerys Taylor Cerys is a study abroad blogger who is currently studying abroad at Osaka University, Japan. Charlie Beeston Charlie is a study abroad vlogger who is currently studying abroad at National University of Singapore. Izzie Moull Izzie is a study abroad blogger who is currently studying abroad at University College Dublin, Ireland. Le Zhou Le is a study abroad vlogger who is currently studying abroad at University of Helsinki, Finland. Nyree Marsh Nyree is a study abroad vlogger who is currently studying abroad at Seoul National University, South Korea. Rizqi Ardiasyah Rizqi is a study abroad vlogger who is currently studying abroad at Cornell University, USA. Sophia Scales Sophia Scales is a study abroad blogger who is currently studying abroad at Sorbonne Université, France.