


Short-Term Research Abroad

Short-term university research programmes for undergraduate and postgraduate-taught students.

The research opportunities below are listed to give students an idea of the opportunities available globally. Students apply directly to the host institution and are responsible for the costs and meeting their deadlines, however some of the opportunities come with scholarships and stipends attached. Additionally, students are encouraged to apply for a Global Experience Bursary to support their activities. If student cannot find the right placement from what is listed, they are are encouraged to investigate other countries, institutions and organisations to discover more programmes (and can still apply for a Global Experience Bursary).

Details for the 2025 opportunities are to be confirmed, so will be updated as soon as Study Abroad receives information from partners. Please continue to look at the host institution's webpages for the most up-to-date information and to get idea of opportunities offered in the past that could be offered in the future too.

Chinese University of Hong Kong Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (SURP)

The Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (SURP) provides an opportunity for undergraduate students from overseas universities to undertake research attachments for eight weeks at CUHK during the summer. Students will conduct research under the supervision of a CUHK faculty member from various academic disciplines, including Arts, Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science and Social Science. Early applications are strongly encouraged to secure places in preferred projects.

Dates: 22 June - 23 August 2025

Tuition Fees: HKD8,151

Application Deadlines: 28 February 2025

For more information, please visit the CUHK SURP website.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) Online Summer Research Internship Program

SJTU offers research projects for undergraduate students across different fields that can include mechanical engineering, electronic information and electronic engineering, agriculture and pharmacy. The internships are usually six weeks and students will also have chance to collaborate on the paper-writing process and serve as a co-author on a publication. Please see the eligiblity criteria for strict requirements.

Dates: 1 July - 21 August 2024

Tuition Fees: 8400RMB

Application Deadline: 30 April 2024

For more information visit the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Summer Research Internship Program website.

DAAD Research Internships in Science and Engineering (RISE) Germany

RISE Germany offers undergraduate students from North American, British and Irish universities the opportunity to complete a summer research internship at top German universities and research institutions. RISE Germany is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.Students are matched with a host university or institute according to their area of interest (biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, engineering, or a closely related field). Host universities and institutes provide housing assistance and match students with Ph.D. student mentors. German language is not required and the working language will be in English. 

Dates: 15 May - 15 July 2025

Programme Fees: a monthly scholarship of 992 Euros. DAAD provides health insurance, accident and personal liability insurance. All interns are invited to the three-day RISE Germany meeting in Heidelberg at the beginning of July and will receive an allowance of 160 Euros for travel to the meeting.The scholarship also covers international travel costs with an international travel subsidy.

Application Deadline: 30 November 2024

For more information visit the DAAD website.

Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile: Global Research Program

Postgraduate-taught and non-first year students have the opportunity to undertake a period of on-site/virtual research through a diverse range of projects with PUC Chile. Students are invited to pursue their research, while also experiencing Chilean culture through interactions with staff and students.

Dates: A period of 4 - 12 weeks between April - May, agreed by student and proposed supervisor

Tuition Fees: Free

Application Deadlines: 3 December 2024

For more information visit the PUC Global Research Program website.

Universidad San Francisco de Quito Research Projects

Undergraduate students from all over the world have the unique opportunity to conduct a research project in conjunction with a USFQ faculty member in various fields of study. This program is called The Latitude Zero: Ecuador Research Initiative (LOERI). Research themes available include Venezuelan Migration in Ecuador, Human Genetics, Psychological Wellbeing During Covid-19 in an Ecuadorian Population and Invasive Species and Drones in Galápagos.

Dates: Varies depending on students' arrangements with their supervisors (Summer is May - August, Fall is September - December, Winter is January - April)

Tuition Fees: USD600

Application Deadline: Varies depending on students' arrangements with their supervisors

For more information visit the USFQ Research Opportunities website.

University of Tokyo Summer Research Internship Program  

The University of Tokyo Summer Internship Program in Kashiwa (UTSIP Kashiwa) provides hands-on research internship opportunities in the fields of natural sciences and social sciences. Alongside the period of research, lectures are also offered from world-leading researchers at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences. All participants will be assigned to a laboratory in their desired area of interest and will conduct a research project under the guidance of a faculty member or senior graduate students. Participants will also experience Japanese culture and world-leading Japanese technology through weekend events and a field trip.

Dates: Program A: 26 May - 11 July 2025 (47 days)

Program B: 16 June - 1 August 2025 (47 days)

Tuition Fee: JPY 50,000

Application Deadline: 17:00, 15 January 2025 (Tokyo time)

For more information visit the UTSIP Kashiwa webpage.

University of British Columbia Visiting International Research Students (VIRS)

UBC welcomes international students at undergraduate or postgraduate level to conduct full-time research for a defined period of time, under the supervision of a UBC faculty member. Since 2014, UBC has welcomed over 2500 VIRS students from over 650 universities and 85 different countries. The VIRS program is managed by Go Global under the Office of the Vice Provost, International. Please note that it is the responsibility of the individual applicant to identify, contact, and obtain approval from a UBC faculty member who will be their VIRS supervisor.

Dates: Varies depending on students' arrangements with their supervisors

Programme Fee: CAD415

Application Deadline: Submit the completed VIRS application at least 12 weeks before the planned start date for the research

For more information visit the UBC VIRS website.

ETH Robotics Student Fellowship

The ETH Robotics Student Fellowship (ETH RSF) program offers graduate students the opportunity to research alongside experts on the specific topic of robotics of their choice. This fellowship takes place mainly during summer (July - August).

Dates: 30 June - 29 August 2025

Programme Fee: FREE - housing, travel, visa and living expenses covered by a scholarship

Application Deadline: 13 January - 25 February 2025

For more information visit the ETH SSRF website.

ETH Student Summer Research Fellowship

The Student Summer Research Fellowship (ETH SSRF) programme offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to gain their first research experience in an area of their choice. The fellowship provided by the Computer Science Department of ETH takes place during two summer months.

Dates: 1 July - 31 August 2025

Programme Fee: FREE - Housing, travel, visa and living expenses covered by a scholarship

Application Deadline: 16 December 2025 (13:00 CET)

For more information visit the ETH SSRF website.

Sasakawa Studentship

A £15,000 studentship is available for UCL two-year Masters or MPhil/PhD candidates that are conducting their research in any aspect of Japanese studies but particularly politics, economics, and international relations, arts and science.

There is a range of specific criteria that applicants must meet, so for full details and instructions on how to apply students should visit UCL's Sasakawa Studentship webpage.

Dates and Programme Fee: UCL can nominate up to three students for these studentships, which are worth £15,000 and are for one year's duration

Application Deadline: 19 March 2024

For more information visit the UCL's Sasakawa Studentship webpage.

Nanyang Technological University Singapore Global Connect Fellowship (NTU-GCF) 

This research opportunity at NTU is open to bachelor's or master's degree students with a 2:1 average, graduating in 2025 or 2026. Students from any discipine are welcome to apply, however STEM students are prioritised. Research areas include AI, Smart Manufacturing, Digital Economy, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Sustainability, 3D Printing, Health Sciences, Fintech, and more. In addition to reserach, students will engage in master classes and networking for their professional development, showcase their reserach at the GCF symposium and participate in social activities with participants from other parts of the world.

Dates: 3 February - 2 May 2025 (College of Science, students graduating in 2025 or 2026) OR 3 February - 31 March (All other schools, students graduating before July 2025) 

Summer Intake - 1 July - 31 August 2025

Programme Fee: FREE, SGD5,000 (2 month) /SGD6,500 (3 month) stipend and complimentary housing at NTU's Yunan Garden campus

Application Deadline: 30 September 2024 for Spring intake. 28 February 2025 for Summer intake. Students apply directly to NTU

For more information visit the NTU GCF information page and see the information sessions below

Session 1: 5th Feb                                            
Time: 9.00 AM Singapore Time

https://ntu-sg.zoom.us/j/83402297768?pwd=NP8XaY2sBzu1LEX4wPtUHWShBAxJar.1 Meeting ID: 834 0229 7768
Passcode: NTU

Session 2: 5th Feb
Time: 6.00 PM Singapore Time
https://ntu-sg.zoom.us/j/89882659630?pwd=mb6NO0CP7NMD1afOl3MgI2hMHNPh0K.1 Meeting ID: 898 8265 9630
Passcode: NTU

Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR Singapore)

Singapore's Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) drives mission-oriented research that advances scientific discovery and technological innovation. Theirs Singapore International Pre-Graduate Award (SIPGA) gives students from overseas opportunity to work with world-renowned researchers at A*STAR’s Research Entities.
Students pursuing their Bachelor’s (3rd or 4th year only) or Master’s degree in Computing and Information Science, Biomedical Science, Physical Science or Engineering and Technology are welcome to apply.

Dates: Between May - August 2025, as determined between students and supervisors. UCL recommends two month research placements in the summer, however students can choose any dates in this period, as long as it does not interfere with thier term-time studies.

Programme Fee: Free, SGD2,000 monthly stipend 

Application Deadline: 30 November 2024. Students apply directly to A*STAR

For more information visit the A*STAR SIPGA information page.

University of Hong Kong Summer Research Programme

Open to Undergraduate students in Year 3 and 4 with a high 2:1 (equivalent to at least a CGPA 3.6) and Master’s students with a 1st Class Honours Bachelor’s degree, this is a 10-week research opportunity with networking and extra-curricular activities that wish to pursue research postgraduate studies at HKU.

Dates: 2 June - 8 August 2025

Programme Fee: Free if selected. HKD10,000 scholarship, up to HKD5,000 airfare contribution and potential conditional HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship offer

Application Deadline: applications open 2 January 2025 and close 3 February 2025. Students apply directly to HKU.

For more information visit the HKU Summer Research Programme information page.

Global Research Immersion Program for Young Scientists - China

This opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students is jointly conducted by Zhejiang University, University of Science and Technology of China, Fudan University and Nanjing University. Around 200 students from around the world are invited to participate in an immersitve research experience in China's Yangtze River Delta region.

Dates: From June 2025 for 5-6 weeks, depending on reserach project

Programme Fee: Free if selected

Application Deadline: 9 March 2025

For more information visit the The Global Research Immersion Program for Young Scientist information page.

Tohoku STEM Research Internship Program (T-SRIP)

T-SRIP offers an opportunity for undergraduate students from selected partner universities to participate in some aspects of advanced scientific research projects at Tohoku University's world leading laboratories.

Dates: 30 June - 8 August 2025

Programme Fee: JPY250,000

Application Deadline: 12 February. UCL students must get in touch with Study Abroad via askUCL with a short paragraph of why they wish to be nominated and a copy of their latest transcript by 1 February to be nominated.

For more information visit the T-SRIP information page.