Filming, lighting, sound recording, interview technique, presentation, narrative, documentary and docudrama genres and postproduction paper, film and sound editing.
Science and Film Production
The module is practical in design. It also has a theoretical dimension, establishing a social, cultural and intellectual context for production and offering a strong critical foundation for the effective realization of production work. Students will create film productions that will engage with real audiences on the web and other media platforms.
Course Objectives:
By the end of this module students should be able to:
- Explain the information revolution, and a little of the recent history of information and communication technologies, with a particular focus on its ethical and societal significance.
- Understand some of the conceptual difficulties in defining information, in spite of its extensive usefulness in multiple areas of science and technology.
- Understand and explain some of the philosophical issues caused by the rapid technological change of the information revolution, such as how we should conceive of personal identity, society and knowledge.
- Construct clear and rigorous arguments concerning these topics.
Course Syllabus:
UCL Module Catalogue: Science and Film Production (HPSC0066)