
Science and Technology Studies


STS offers degrees at each university level: undergraduate, masters, and PhD


Current Doctoral Students

STS Postgraduate (Research) students pursue doctoral studies, leading to a PhD or MPhil. This directory lists current and former students. It is current from September 2024.

Current STS postgraduate (research) students are listed here. They develop a digital presence as part of their training programmes, and links here are to resources they maintain themselves.

STS doctoral students 2024-2025



Ballo, Rokia(Social) science for policy during Covid-19
Belli, AntoniaContaining Knowledge: The Material History of Medicine Chests in Early Modern Italy
Bocca, CarlosMechanistic Explanation in Systems Neuroscience
Buchan, Nicholas

Identification and assessment of risk from latent-hazard activities in biotechnology and nanotechnology and their implications for human, animal and plant health

Cavaliere, IosephoAn in-depth Exploration of Italy's Brain Drain Phenomenon and its Modern Implications
Chana, Jasleen“The Life Scientific” Science Communication and the Contemporary Scientific Memoir
Clerkin, Shannon-MarieWhat is the influence of narrative in the cybersecurity AI imaginary?
Coates, RebeccaFrom Deficit to Dialogue? The role of the Royal Institution in COPUS from 1985-2002
Crowson, JaspreetHow are ‘accountability’ and ‘responsibility’ perceived amongst practitioners of AI?
Dickinson, Jonathan

Quantity concepts: an integrated historical and philosophical account for the nature of temperature

Elton, Julia

Nineteenth-century lighthouse engineering practice in France, Scotland and England and its international impact.

Fajinmi, OluwadamilolaMedical Device Reimbursement in the United States
Field Reid, OctaviaExploring power dynamics in technology companies to inform emerging regulation and governance
Francis, RyanGuided Scientific Inferences for Non-Empirical Physical Theories
Garrison, JesseBritish Solar Eclipse Expeditions in the Nineteenth Century
Hill, RachelRocketing Imaginaries: Futurity and (Extra)Planetary Environments in The Visualities of Spaceflight
Hilmer, CecilieMission-oriented research funding and public engagement - democratizing innovation or masking a hegemony of thought?

Johnstone, Robert

Seeing the light? Research into the export trade in window glass and associated technology from Britain to the British Atlantic colonies in the 18th and 19th Centuries.

Keir, ScottThe Royal Institution and COPUS: lessons from the 1980s and 1990s to inform 21st century public engagement
Kidd, BethanyResourcing the New Science, 1660-1760
Ktori, ElenaThe Art, Science and Philosophy of Electronic Music and Sound
Lakota-Baldwin, ZakImaginaries and Sociotechnical counter-imaginaries of AI
Lin, Shih-JungTaiwan's COVID-19 Vaccine Controversy and its Normative Implications
Love Soper, Jake

International comparisons of the ways different governments used science in their policy response to the Covid crisis.

Luca, LauraE-Government for All? The role of technology relating to the processes and mediation of diverse citizen-state interaction
Lucas, Catherine

The singing machine: science, music and speech in the long 19th century

Luthfiyah, NabilahPost Colonial Science and Democracy: A study on science institution development in formerly colonised countries
Maun, LucyUrban humans, wild animals and the technology between them: improving technosocial care in human-animal interactions with a focus on conservation and wild animal management
Mercier, DelphinePeople and objects in museums: Engaging with them and producing knowledge

O'Sullivan, Em

Gender, Technology, and Makerspaces

Ramelli, LucaColonial politics and industrial development in the interwar era: the case of Germany, Britain and the newly establised Tangayika Territory

Ranford, Paul

Sir George Gabriel Stokes Bart. (1819-1903) – his impact on science and scientists

Salgardo D'Arcy, RoshanScience Communication Onscreen:  How are Public Perceptions of Science Affected by the Media?
Tang, XiangchuThe Social Studies of FinTech
Tao, YiranFrom Aetiology to Treatment: Causation and Pluralism in Psychiatry
Tennison, David

Epistemic injustice and the interactions of patients and doctors outside the traditional clinical power hierarchies

Towler, OwenEvaluating Consensus Messaging Projects: Misinformation Combatants or Orwellian Ministries of Truth?
Urquhart, MollyVolcanic Wisdom: Strengthening Global Resilience Through Enhanced Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Alert Systems
Von Albertini, Greta

Therapeutic Screens: A multi-method research project on AI-based psychotherapy




Completed Postgraduate (Research) Students

These students completed their doctoral studies in UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS) since 2000). Recent dissertations are available online.

Zhang, Mengxi2024Older people's acceptance and engagement in emerging health technologies 
Falco, Elena2024A technosocial epistemology of Wikipedia 
Liu, Xiaoyu2024Introducing Geophysics at the British Geological Survey, 1920s-1950s 
Thomas, Kylo2024Black women's experiences of Working in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in UK Universities.  Labour.  Care.  Abolition. 
Kubota, Tadafumi2024The ‘Imagined Publics’ in Science Policy: A Study of Public Engagement around Advisory Committees 
Allegra, Alessandro2024The division of labour in the practice of scientific advice to policy in the European Union 
Katz, Osnat2023From London to Mars and Back to London: People, Objects and the History of UK Space Science 
Memon, Rakhshi2023Ethical issues in Randomised Clinical Trials for Adolescents  who Self-Harm: the limits of equipoise and evidence in a cultural context 
Guzman Gamez, Santiago2023Science for Colombia: scientific nationalism, and the case of Enrique Pérez Arbeláez 1929-1957 
Brown, Joseph2022The Land Experiments in Colour Vision -  Colour as a Physical, Phenomenological and Synthetic Object 
Weil, Benjamin2022Bad Blood: A Critical Inquiry into UK Blood Donor Activism 
Bossoh, Nathan2022Science, Empire, and Polymathy in Victorian Society: George Douglas Campbell, The 8th Duke of Argyll 
Griffiths, Jonathan2022Soul, Cosmos and Mathematics in Plato's Timaeus 
Van Laun, John2021John Cooke Bourne (1814-1896), Lithographer 'Drawings of the London and Birmingham Railway, 1836-1839' 
Zhang, Qinyuan2021Behind the laboratory: political psychology, military culture and science in the Japanese biological and chemical warfare programme (1933-1945) 
Boyle, Alison2020Stories and silences in modern physics collections: an object biography approach 
Martin, Rebecca2020Normalising whiteness: the use of standardised anatomical models in British university teaching, 1860-1910 
Cristalli, Claudia2020Charles Sanders Peirce and 19C psychology: a Pragmatist development of philosophy of science and philosophy of mind, and other stories 
Bankes, Edward2020A scientist walks into a bar: exploring science comedy as a form of science communication 
Jubber, Rory2020Character, objects and properties 
Jones, Erika2019Making the Oceans Visible: Science and Technology on the Challenger Expedition (1872-1876) 
Pantazakos, Themistoklis2019Scientific realism under the lens of processual ontology 
Aparicio De Narvaez, Alberto2019‘Accept no limits’: a study of responsibility in xenobiology. 
Mankoo, Alexander2019A Historical Sociology of Teargas Technology 
Lawrence-Mackey, Farrah2019Medical extractions in the 'Red' Atlantic: Translating A Mi'kmaq smallpox cure in the mid-nineteenth century 
Wills, Hannah2019The diary of Charles Blagden: information management and the gentleman of science in eighteenth-century Britain 
Lloyd, Hattie2019Rulers of Opinion: women at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1799-1812 
Harrison, Sadie2018The Conspicuous Body: Science and Fashion in Early Modern England 
Sanchez-Dorado, Julia2018Scientific representation in practice: models and creative similarity 

 Ward, Jacob


Information and control: inventing the communications revolution in Post-War Britain


Marsh, Oliver


"Nah, musing is fine. You don't have to be 'doing science'": emotional and descriptive meaning-making in online non-professional conversations about science


Sozudogru, Erman


“Pluralism, values and context: understanding the boundaries of plurality in scientific practices in the case of neglected tropical diseases”


Anzures, Tonatiuh


Scientific migration and the brain drain in Mexico 


Chu, Huiping


“We are not science museums but Ke Ji Guan”: A study of Ke Ji Guan in China and their visitors’ identity-related motivations. 


Quinn Schone, Harry


What do we talk about when we talk about disease?


Friend, Toby


A Humean account of laws and causation


Cole, Rupert


The common culture: promoting science at The Royal Institution in Postwar Britain 


Campbell, Christopher


The chemistry of relations: the periodic table examined through the lens of C.S. Peirce's philosophy


Velho, Raquel


Fixing the Gap: an investigation into wheelchair users' shaping of London transport


Wilson, Jennifer


Crystallographer and Campaigner: The life and work of Dame Kathleen Lonsdale FRS (1903-1971)


Jones, Elizabeth


The Search for Ancient DNA in the Media Spotlight: A Case Study of Celebrity Science


Vanderslott, Samantha


Neglect in Policy Problems: The Case of 'Neglected Tropical Diseases'


O'Donnell, Thomas


The Affect of Fosterage in Medieval Ireland


Peres, Sara


Breeding resilience: plant biodiversity and climate change 


Smith, Paul


The Development of Horticultural Science in England, 1910-1930


Au, Yin Chung


Synthesising heterogeneity: trends of visuality in biological sciences
circa 1970s - 2000s 


Shan, Yafeng


Exemplarising Science: From Mendel to de Vries 


Smallman, Melanie


The impact of 10 years of public dialogue in science 


Magnusson, Kajsa-stina




Chou, Ju-Yi


From insiders to outsiders: British homeopathy as a medical reform movement, 1875-1893


Huang, Hsiang-Fu


 Commercial and Sublime: popular astronomy lectures in nineteenth-century Britain


Ratcliffe, Steph


 Natural Kinds and chemical processes


Nissen, Timothy


 Incorporating societal concerns into research and development of security centric technologies


Paskins, Matthew


The Society of Arts and cultures of invention and experiment


Cho, Hyun Sook 


Korean BSE protests


Everett, Jonathan


Kantian approaches to the philosophy of science


Vijayan, Shana


Performance Anxiety: The nature of performance management in the NHS under New Labour.


Teira Serrano, David


Impartiality in Clinical Trials


Serpente, Norberto


Cells from Icons to Symbols: Molecularising Cell Biology in the 1980s


Entradas, Marta


Who's for the planets? - An analysis of the 'public for space exploration' and views of practitioners on their 'publics' and public communication.


Morley, Irenie


The MMR Controversy


McCabe, Irena


Second Best as Researcher, Second to None as Populariser? The Atmospheric Science of John Tyndall FRS (1820-1893)


Clarke, Brendan


Causation in Medicine


Aicardi, Christine 


Harnessing non-modernity: A case study in Artificial Life 


Jones, Allan


History of science broadcasting in the BBC


Kroener, Inga


CCTV - A Technology Under the Radar?


Milne, Richard


No Natural Home: Placing the Promise of Biopharming


Priestley, Mark


Logic and the invention of programming languages


Riesch, Hauke


Scientists' views on the scientific method


Ambrosio, Chiara


Iconicity, models and visual metaphors in Pablo Picasso: Creativity, network thinking and visual cognition 


Taylor, Georgette


Variations on a theme: Patterns of congruence and divergence among 18th century chemical affinity theories


Washer, Peter


Representations of newly emerging and re-emerging diseases


Godwin, Matthew


Anatomy of the 'Brain Drain' in UK after WW2


Jackson, Catherine


From analysis to synthesis: Organic chemistry in the 19th century 


Leung, Danny


Physiological and biological thinking in late nineteenth-century English medicine, with reference to Clifford Allbutt


Lock, Simon Jay


Lost in translations: Discourses, boundaries and legitimacy in the public understanding of science in the UK


Gooneratne, Sakura


White dwarfs: the controversy between Chandrasekhar and Eddington 1930-1936


Stilgoe, Jack


Mobile health risks: attempting a sociology of public science


Marie, Jennifer


The Importance of Place: A History of Genetics in 1930s Britain


Bregman, Leigh


"Snug Little Coteries": A History of Scientific Societies in Early Nineteenth Century Cape Town, 1824-1835


Doubleday, Rob


Corporate uses of "transparency" in GM food controversies


Palmieri, Paolo


Galileo's mathematical philosophy


Waller, John


The Social and Intellectual Origins of Sir Francis Galton’s (1822-1911) Ideas on Heredity and Eugenics


Hedgecoe, Adam


Narratives of geneticization: cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and schizophrenia


pre-2000 PhDs not listed