The potential impact of green economy in Africa is huge, but there are also significant risks, challenge and threats
This project aims to articulate the research and policy action needed to facilitate effective green growth in the continent, with specific emphasis on the dynamics of inequality, justice, and inclusiveness.
In recent years, many African countries have started to embrace the concept of green growth, prompted by a combination of factors including national circumstances and the encouragement of international development partners.
This project aims to lay the foundation for a robust assessment and understanding of green growth governance in Africa and the implications for sustainable economic development through a series of activities including workshops, mapping of existing initiatives, a review of literature on green growth mapping and an initial capacity gap assessment.
Initial case studies will focus on the following countries
- Ethiopia
- Rwanda
- Nigeria
- Kenya
STEaPP contributors
Professor Yacob Mulugetta | |
Dr Adam Cooper |
Contributors to GIGGA are drawn from across the globe and from a range of fields, including researchers from multiple social science disciplines, as well as think tanks, civil society organisations and government departments.
- University of Reading (Lead Research Organisation)
- Edinburgh
- Sussex
- University of Ethiopia
- Oxford Brooks
- FUNAI, Nigeria
- UNN Nigeria
- South Africa
- ORF India
Think tanks
- UNECA (Africa)
- ACTS (Africa)
- ATPS (Africa)
- Ungozi Institue Tanzania (Tanzania)
- Quantum Global (Switzerland)
Civil society
- PACJA Africa ( Africa)
- C4CC (Nigeria)
- NEST (Nigeria)
- National Planning Commission Nigeria (Nigeria)
- EPA Addis Ababa City (Ethiopia)
- REMA (Rwanda)
ESRC - Economic & Social Research Council