Professor Joanna Chataway delivers keynote speech at GRIPS Symposium in Tokyo
28 February 2019
On 15th February 2019, Professor Joanna Chataway was invited to attend the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) symposium in Tokyo to deliver the keynote speech, “What is Inclusive Innovation and why now”
Alongside experts from the Japanese Cabinet Office, and the winner of the 2018 TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize, Dr A Mashelkar, Professor Chataway opened the conference with a presentation on Inclusive Innovation, discussing the importance of understanding demand, and how inclusive innovation can be embedded and extended beyond borders.
Jo had this to say about the event "It was fascinating to see that inclusive innovation was being discussed both as a strategy for Japan’s support to research and innovation in LMICs but also as an important strand of domestic science and innovation policy"