Researchers from the DoUbT Project took part in GEF Global Technology Needs Assessment Workshop
19 October 2018
Daniel Hogendoorn and Lucas Somavilla, Researchers from the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy, recently took part in the The Third Round of Technology Needs Assessment (TNA III).
Implemented by UN Environment and executed by UNEP DTU it aims to assist 23 developing countries in determining their technology priorities for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The project is funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) as part of the Financial Mechanism of the UNFCCC to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
During the meeting challenges and opportunities regarding TNA implementation were discussed. This assessment tool has become one of the instruments to implement Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), requiring the scaling up and implementation of policies, measures and technologies, as well as mobilising national and international funding.
The workshop which took place in Bangkok, Thailand, covered discussions on how to elaborate and how partnerships for technology transfer and implementation are created today, involving the challenges to accelerate such efforts for further advancing the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreements under the Convention.
For further information visit UNEP DTU and STEaPP project - Deltas Dealings with Uncertainty.