
UCL Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy


IPPO: The pandemic two years on

24 March 2022, 9:00 am–4:00 pm

IPPO event card

The pandemic two years on: What have we learned, and are we better-placed to deal with future crises?

This event is free.

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To mark the second anniversary of the UK’s first COVID-19 lockdown, IPPO is hosting a day-long event that will take stock of the many policy responses and research initiatives that have been launched over the intervening two years, discussing what’s been learned and what insights should continue to inform long-term recovery plans in each UK nation.

Throughout 2021 and into this year, IPPO has been synthesizing evidence and working with policymakers, using our global partners to scan policy initiatives in more than 100 countries. This special event will bring together policymakers from UK government, the devolved administrations and local government, plus a wide range of researchers, practitioners and others interested in the social dimensions of the pandemic. We will include inputs from across the world, the best available analysis, data and evidence synthesis, to inform discussions on future priorities in fields ranging from skills and jobs to population mental health and place-based strategies.

The all-day event will bring together a wide range of decision-makers, thinkers and commentators – including Chair of the International Network of Government Science Advice Sir Peter Gluckman, Director of the Asia Research Centre Inaya Rakhmani, Andy Haldane (who led the government’s recent Levelling Up White Paper), the statistician Sir David Spiegelhalter, Bristol City's Mayor Marvin Rees, BBC and Times commentator David Aaronovich, northern Ireland’s Mental Health Champion Siobhan O’Neill, Professor Annette Boaz, NCVO Chief executive Sarah Vibert, Associate Director of the Institute for Community Studies Richard Harries, Edinburgh Council's chief executive Andrew Kerr, Director of the Cardiff Capital City Region Deal Kellie Beirne, Deputy Mayor of London for Planning, Regeneration & Skills Jules Pipe, Aberdeen Council's chief executive Angela Scott, CEO of Birmingham City Council Deborah Cadman, chair of the ESRC Professor Alison Park, Professor Dominique Brozzard, VP at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Ursula Gobel, Michael Mansfield QC,  Evening Standard journalist David Cohen, and many others