This opportunity is only available to current UCL PhD students.
- Job title: Postgraduate Teaching Assistant (PGTA);
- Start date: 1st October 2024;
- Duration: 1 year;
- Part time, at least 15 hours per academic year (to include teaching preparation and training);
- Salary: grade 6 spine point 22, £18.18 per hour (not including the annual leave payment, which is calculated as 18.72% of hours worked and should be taken outside of working hours). PhD students with a contract who have completed at least 9 months of service by August 1st 2025 will automatically progress by one increment within grade 6, unless an increment is withheld as a result of the outcome of a disciplinary or capability procedure.
- An undergraduate or masters degree in statistics, mathematics, economics, or other closely related discipline with substantial advanced statistical content. As a minimum, familiarity with the content of a first year statistics module.
- Working toward a PhD in statistics, or with substantial statistics content, as of 1st October 2024.
- Ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing, with students and academic staff.
Desirable criteria
- Competence in R and/or Python and a willingness to assist during computer practicals which use R or Python.
Further information:
The successful candidate will receive a guaranteed minimum hours contract with a minimum of 15 hours per academic year. The employment contract will set out the Terms and Conditions of employment, which include paid annual leave. Hours are paid using a payment request form submitted by the department. Incremental progression takes place on the 1st August, subject to having completed at least 9 months of service before then. PGTAs will automatically progress by one increment, within their current grade, each year until the contribution threshold is reached, unless an increment is withheld as a result of the outcome of the disciplinary or capability procedures. More information can be found here and here.
Due to an ongoing review at Faculty level, we anticipate that changes to this arrangement will be in place by next academic year. We will of course keep you informed and look forward to receiving your applications.
How to apply:
Please submit your application by completing this Microsoft form and sending a short CV to Hanna Boeck ( by 5 pm on 15th September 2024. You may receive an out-of-office response from Hanna but rest assured that she will process all applications after the deadline has passed. The CV is required so that we can check your academic experience. Note that you don't have to have teaching experience to apply.