Workshop R for Health Technology Assessment
17 April 2020
The R for Health Technology Assessment (HTA), an academic consortium led by Professor Gianluca Baio and whose main objective is to explore the use of R for cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) as an alternative to less efficient, generalisable and powerful software such as spreadsheets, is organising the third edition of the R for HTA workshop at UCL. The workshop will be held on 30th June. On the 29th June, two short courses will be also held at UCL, aimed at introducing the use of the software R in health economic evaluation.
- Short Course 1 Registration Link
- Short Course 2 Registration Link
- Workshop Registration Link
*Notwithstanding the current emergency, for now, the event will go ahead as planned. However, we're assessing the situation very closely and may need to postpone, if it becomes evident that it won't be safe to hold it.*