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search-total-matching353search-total-matching- Prof Baio to give the 18th Armitage Lecture at the MRC Biostatistics Unit Cambridge | Statistical Science - UCL – University College London
- UCL 'Hacking the Climate' hackathon | Statistical Science - UCL – University College London
- Fairness and Diversity in Statistical Science | Statistical Science - UCL – University College London
- Award of funding for UCL/EPSRC Mathematical & Statistical Sciences Doctoral Training Programme | Statistical Science - UCL – University College London
- Job vacancy: Lecturer / Professor in Statistical Science | Statistical Science - UCL – University College London
- Research lead by Prof Baio funded by the Wellcome Trust | Statistical Science - UCL – University College London
- Prof Serge Guillas funded by EPSRC, STFC and UKAEA for three projects on exascale computing | Statistical Science - UCL – University College London
- Regional disparities in psychosis rates shown by new prediction tool | UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences - UCL – University College London
- MAPS Faculty Postgraduate Prize Winners and Dean’s Commendations Announced | UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences - UCL – University College London
- Professor Silva to participate as keynote panelist at FAccT 2021 | Statistical Science - UCL – University College London
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