Postgraduate Degrees
When founded the Department of Statistical Science was the first university statistics department in the world; however, research and teaching have kept pace with modern concerns, including applications of statistics in science, medicine, industry, economics and finance. We offer a friendly and supportive atmosphere, where small-group teaching and personal attention are available for all students.

Infographics for why to study Statistics at UCL

Infographics for why to study Statistics at UCL

MSc Data Science
Data science brings together computational and statistical skills for data-driven problem solving. This programme will equip you with the analytical tools to design sophisticated technical solutions using modern computational methods and with an emphasis on rigorous statistical thinking.

MSc Statistics
Statistical science skills are powerful tools that play a valuable role in all pure and applied sciences as well as in finance, commerce and medicine. The quantitative skills training provided by this MSc can lead to new and exciting opportunities in industry, healthcare, government, commerce or research.

MSc Statistics (Medical Statistics)
Medical statistics is a fundamental scientific component of health research. Medical statisticians interact with biomedical researchers, epidemiologists and public health professionals and contribute to the effective translation of scientific research into patient benefits and clinical decision-making. As new biomedical problems emerge, there are exciting challenges in applying existing tools and developing new superior models.