
Statistical Science


Dr Robin Mitra

PositionAssociate Professor in Statistics
Email (@ucl.ac.uk)robin.mitra
ThemesBiostatisticsComputational Statistics and Machine LearningGeneral Theory and Methodology; Multivariate and High Dimensional Data

Biographical Details

I am an Associate Professor in Statistics at University College London and Research Theme Lead in Structured Missingness for the Turing-Roche Partnership. Prior to my appointment at UCL I was a Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University, a joint appointment with the Office for National Statistics. My primary research interests are in Missing data and Data confidentiality as well as Bayesian modelling more generally.

I enjoy working collaboratively, both with colleagues in academia as well as with non-academic partners. Some of my collaborations have included working with the Office for National Statistics and the National Health Service Blood and Transplant, as well as the Institute of Employment Research in Germany. 

I am an active member of the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) and currently a member of the Celebrating Diversity Special Interest Group. Previously, I was the Chair of the Medical Section from January 2017- January 2020 and was on RSS Council from 2021-2024. I am also currently an Associate Editor for the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A.

Research Interests

Missing data, Data confidentiality, Bayesian methods

Selected Publications

  • Mantziou A., Lunagomez S., and Mitra R. “Bayesian model-based clustering for multiple network data.” Annals of Applied Statistics 2024 18(1), 266-302.
  • Mitra R. et al. “Learning from data with Structured Missingness.” Nature Machine Intelligence 2023 5, 13–23.
  • Maier, S., Polak, J.W. and Gann, D.M. (2020). Valuing portfolios of interdependent real options using influence diagrams and simulation-and-regression: A multi-stage stochastic integer programming approach. Computers & Operations Research, 115, 104505.
  • Lee K., Biedermann S., and Mitra R. “D-optimal designs for multiarm trials with dropouts.” Statistics in Medicine 2019: 38(15): 2749-2766.
  • Ghosh J., Li Y., and Mitra R. “On the use of Cauchy prior distributions for Bayesian logistic regression.” Bayesian Analysis 2018: 13(2): 359-383.