


Send a document to print on UCL printers

Print @ UCL is a ‘Pull Print’ service. All Print jobs are sent to one central queue and can then be printed from any Print @ UCL printer.

Before you start

You will need:

  • your UCL ID card;
  • to have already registered your UCL ID card with Print@UCL before you can print;
  • access to a Print@UCL device;
  • to set up your computer to connect to the Print@UCL print queue. Note: computers in student computer workrooms and staff Desktop@UCL computers are already set up for you.; 
  • the correct paper media for your print job (e.g. if you're printing labels or cards).

To send and release your print job follow the instructions below.

  1. Send your document to be printed as normal, to the print-ucl queue.
  2. Touch your ID card on the card reader on the device. You will see options to 'Print', 'Scan' or 'Copy' on the touch screen.  
  3. Select the 'Print' options to view all queued jobs. You can select those to print, delete or to keep in the queue. 

For further information follow the Print@UCL how to guides.