Internal Communications
Our staff and students are at the heart of UCL and our communications. It is vital that they feel fully connected to the university’s mission: not only to enrich their experience as members of our community, but also to enable them to act as ambassadors for our work with external stakeholders.
We have an ongoing, backdrop of communications to all, both staff and students. For staff, this comprises leadership communications, such as Provost Views, Town Halls and a suite of support materials for faculty and VP offices, as well as direct communications with staff through our UCL-wide channels. These include: The Week@UCL (weekly e-newsletter to all staff at UCL), Life at UCL (our staff news website), and digital screens throughout campus.For students, we aim to develop and implement a student communications strategy and embed a culture of internal communications at UCL among students. Communications channels include: myUCL (weekly newsletter to students), the student news website, and our student social media channels.
For all staff communications related queries, please contact For student communications related queries, please contact
Staff communications
- Advice/resources to support effective Internal Communications (IC)
Internal Communications (IC) is the function responsible for effective communication within an organisation. It involves delivering messages and campaigns "in a way which motivates staff to maximise their performance and deliver the business strategy most effectively. It is not about 'sending out stuff' !" (The IC Space, Government Communication Service).
Effective IC has the power to:
- Give staff practical information and support to do their job effectively
- Support the strategic direction of the organisation – delivering messages and campaigns on behalf of management so staff can see how their work fits into the bigger picture
- Make staff feel connected to their organisation and more engaged with their work – if they know what’s going on and feel valued, they are more likely to feel motivated and care about what they do
- Facilitate two-way conversation and feedback.
- For advice on a specific project or piece of work, in the first instance you should contact your local communications manager (see UCL Communication Channels on Sharepoint, for further information).
If internal communications is a key part of your role, you should consider joining the Internal Communications Community of Practice (IC CoP). This will give you access to more resources, contacts and opportunities to learn about best practice. In addition, the IC CoP have put together a template internal communications plan, with writing guidelines, available to colleagues across UCL on the Staff Intranet Task Library.
- Getting a story featured in UCL internal communications channels to staff
UCL-wide communications to staff are circulated through our two main channels: The Week@UCL newsletter and the Life at UCL news portal for staff.
The Week@UCL, our weekly e-newsletter to all staff at UCL, covers key internal announcements, news and events relevant to a wide cross-section of staff. If you have a story you'd like to submit for the staff newsletter, please have a look at our editorial policy and submit using the online form.
For inclusion on the Life at UCL page, and for queries regading both channels, contact
- Getting a message promoted on the digital screens
For details on digital screens, refer to the CAM digital page.
Student communications
- Getting a story featured in myUCL, the newsletter to all current students
myUCL is a weekly term-time e-newsletter to all students (undergraduate and postgraduate) at UCL, which covers key internal announcements, events and opportunities relevant to a wide cross-section of students.
We work with staff and students to craft effective messaging for internal announcements, events and opportunities relevant to a wide cross-section of students for publication in myUCL. If you have a story you'd like to submit for the student newsletter, please have a look at our editorial policy and submit using the online form.
Stories submitted for inclusion in myUCL, will also be considered for inclusion on the Student News website.
If your event or opportunity isn’t suitable for inclusion in myUCL, we may be able to suggest alternative communication channels within UCL.
For specific queries, contact
- Other channels available to reach current students
We are able to support your communications with students via our social media channels listed below. You can submit your story through our online form.
- UCL Instagram: UCL’s official Instagram channel, featuring news, events, competitions and images from across the UCL community
- @ucl Twitter channel: sharing highlights of life at UCL from across UCL's diverse community
We can also advise on the following:
- Targeted emails to current UCL students through Radius - go to the campaigns and promotion page.
- Student Communications Steering Group: shares information, best practice and provides content for organisation-wide internal communication channels
For more details, contact