Paradise Planet Earth: A Cosmic Miracle under threat
01 November 2023, 5:30 pm–6:30 pm
By Dr Francisco Diego
Event Information
Open to
- Invitation Only
ASCR Manager
What is life? How did the Earth become a Paradise? Where do humans come from? And.... why is there so much injustice and destruction around us?
Dealing with these important questions, we will explore ancient creation myths, before following the scientific view of the nature and development of a Universe full of paradises, and of humankind within one of them.
We admire the amazing achievements of our scientific exploration and discovery. At the same time, we face the tragic consequences of our modern technological 'civilisation', thar overexploits and destroys most of humankind and a fragile living environment, most likely unique in our galaxy.
Finally, an open discussion. As members of a diverse UCL community, we have a great deal of responsibility in leading the way towards an imperative and radical change in the fabric of our modern society. Perhaps we should consider invoking our ancestral wisdom, to hopefully reconnect with our lost humanity.