No 5, February 2025, Spotlights: ASCR Social Events last term; ASCR AGM, furniture
Beer Tasting
In October, the ASCR staged another well-attended beer tasting event, providing members with the opportunity to sample an intriguing variety of beers. Peter from the Southwark Brewing Company talked about the history of brewing, the importance of IPA, drinking cultures around the world, particularly in Czechia (with a tasting of Pilsner Urquell, one of the original Pilsner lagers from Pilsen) and Japan (including Ashai Lager). He also talked about American brewing and the start of the micro-brewery revolution.

Housman Talks
The first Housman Talk of 2024-2025 was presented by Professor Steve Jones (UCL Genetics, Evolution & Environment). Steve talked about “Nature, Nurture or neither ...”
The second talk, by Martin Butcher (Chair of the ASCR Committee and former UCL Registrar), explained how the history and art of Finland came to establish the national identity “Finnishness” and how the country has since developed into a kind of “utopia”.
The third talk, presented by Professor Giovanna Tinetti (UCL Physics and Astronomy) gave an insight to exoplanets and described the Ariel space telescope which is due to be launched in 2029.
Nature, Nurture or neither? Finntopia Exoplanets
2024 to 2025 Events Remaining Events (Invitations will be sent out a week before each event)
12 Feb: Afternoon Tea, 16.00-17.30
5 Mar: Wine Tasting 17.30
12 Mar: Housman Talk, 17.30 “
30 Apr: Housman Talk, 17.30
13 May: Coffee Morning, 10.15-11.30
5 June: Housman Talk, 17.30
18 Jun: Afternoon Tea, 16.00-17.30
2 Jul: Summer event, 17.30
ASCR AGM (Annual General Meeting)
The AGM was held on Wednesday 20th November 2024 and, as is now customary, was followed by a curry dinner. Zak Liddell had decided to step down from the Committee this year, all other members being willing to continue. Maria Novella Mercuri-Rosta (School of European Languages, Culture and Society) and Sarah West (Campus Experience and Infrastructure) were elected as new members of the Committee for 2024-25.
The ASCR’s programme of social events continues to be popular with members; however, with the increasing cost of catering and the time required to arrange these events, the Committee had agreed on some changes. As a cost-control measure, there would be fewer Housman Talks in 2024-25, though coffee mornings, afternoon teas, the summer event, and wine and beer tastings would continue as hitherto.
There was a lively discussion about people signing up for social events and then either cancelling at very short notice or failing to attend on the day. It was finally agreed that the Committee should consider using Eventbrite to charge a non-refundable fee for the wine tasting and beer tasting events. Subsequently, the committee agreed that a non-refundable fee of £5 would be charged for each of these events.
The next AGM will be held on Wednesday 19th November 2025.