
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


UG Economics and Business Handbook 2024-25

Economics and Business Handbook 24-25

Degree Structure

In this degree you will acquire a grounding in Economics and Business studies combined with an application of these disciplines to the East Central European region and the Russian Federation. You will also have the opportunity to learn an East European language and to gain deeper insights into the major economic issues involved in the process of institutional change, including liberalisation, privatisation, monetary and exchange rates policies, financial and trade openness, European integration and economic implications of all these. The current structure of the degree requires you to take 360 (3x120) credits over 3 years, 120 credits in each year.  Each course-unit is equivalent to two terms worth of workload. You will also:

  • Learn the basics of an East European language if you wish.  
  • Achieve an understanding of the disciplines of Economics and Business.  
  • Write a dissertation based on your own research related to a topic in Economics and/or Business with reference to the region
Year One


Compulsory Modules (75 credits):

Both SESS0007 - Introduction to Microeconomics and SESS0008 - Introduction to Macroeconomics modules must be passed (and cannot be condoned) in order to be awarded BA EBEES degree.

Optional Modules:

Plus courses to the value of 45 credits selected from the following:

Politics and Sociology, SSEES

NB: The politics and sociology courses are normally prerequisites for second-year courses in their respective fields.

History, SSEES

NB: This is a prerequisite course for most second-year history courses.

Departments of Mathematics and Statistics, UCL

NB: Students should select either MATH0039 or MATH0045 depending on their level of confidence with calculus – students who feel they would benefit from MATH0039 can take MATH0045 and MATH0046 as floating options in Year 2 or 3 if they would like.  Students who got an A in A-level Maths are likely to be better served by going directly to MATH0045 in Term 1 and can add MATH0046 in Term 2 if desired. Students cannot take MATH0039 and MATH0045 together.

Language and Culture, SSEES

 SEEE0003 - How Words Work: Meaning and Modularity (pre-requisites: none; Level 5; 15 credits; Term 2) -not offered in 24-25)

SSEES Language courses - Optional Modules
  • SERS0007 - Russian 1A (pre-requisites: none; Level 4; 15 credits; Taught over two terms)
  • Other languages and levels– Eastern European languages in SSEES  or any of languages offered by CLIE (UCL Language Centre (15 or 30 credits depending on course)

Language courses are normally offered at three levels in Bulgarian, Czech, Finnish, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian and Ukrainian and at four levels in Russian. SSEES currently offers one level of Slovene.  German, French or any other language courses may be taken from the UCL language centre, CLIE – if you wish to register for any of the CLIE courses, you will need to contact your programme administrator with the module code for the module you wish to take after visiting CLIE department and obtaining the module code. Please note we cannot guarantee that all languages and levels will be available every year.

Please note: Students may take up to 45 credits of language courses during the whole of their degree and cannot switch to a different language during their studies. Language should be studied in consecutive years without a break (eg Yr1+Yr2 or Yr2+Yr3, or Yr1+Yr2+Yr3 [if all the modules taken are 15 credits] but not Yr1+Yr3). You cannot start studying language for the first time in Year 3. No more than 15 credits of language modules can be taken in any given year. Students can begin a language at an intermediate level if desired, if they pass a proficiency test during induction week.


Year Two


Economics & Business Group A (45 credits):

Modules to the value of 45 credits to be selected from:

Economics & Business Group B (30 credits):

Modules to the value of 30 credits to be selected from:

Courses to the value of remaining 45 credits to be selected from:

  • Any Group A or Group B courses if not already selected or:
Politics and Sociology, SSEES


Languages and Culture, SSEES

Note: Only a maximum of 30 credits may be taken from: Languages & Culture courses listed below (for further offers refer to SSEES website) or History courses (please refer to UCL History department for further information)

Floating Options

Students may choose courses from other departments at UCL up to a maximum of 30 credits of floating options in each, year 2 and year 3, totalling 60 credits
Subject to availability and the permission of all departments concerned.  Please refer to UCL website for further information.

Please note:  Students may take up to 45 credits of language courses during the whole of their degree but not more, and cannot switch to a different language during their studies.  Language should be studied in consecutive years without a break (eg Yr1+Yr2 or Yr2+Yr3, or Yr1+Yr2+Yr3 [if all the modules taken are 15 credits] but not Yr1+Yr3). You cannot start studying language for the first time in Year 3.


Year Abroad


In addition to the courses required by the host institution, UCL requires students to pass all Year Abroad requirements as listed in the Year Abroad Handbook.  Please visit the SSEES Year Abroad guidance within the Student Handbook : this describes the requirements as they stand at the beginning of the 2021/22 academic year.  For students who commenced the degree in 2016/17 or later, there may be some changes made to the Year Abroad requirements before they begin their Year Abroad, but these will not increase the burden on students and will be communicated clearly as soon as any such changes are agreed.

Year Three (Year Four for those on the year abroad programme)

Students must have at least 90 credits of advanced modules taken throughout their studies in order to be awarded an honours degree at the end. Students cannot take more than 150 credits of introductory courses (level 4) throughout their studies and should not take introductory courses in their final year of study (L4) - if still desired, only 15 credits of L4 courses would be permitted in the final year of study. Students can only take 15 credits of language at intermediate or advanced level in their final year of study and cannot start a new language.

Compulsory Module 

Courses to the value of 90 credits to be selected from the following:
Note: at least 30 credits must be chosen from Economics & Business

Economics and business, SSEES:
Politics and Sociology, SSEES
Languages and Culture, SSEES

Please note:  Students may take up to 45 credits of language courses during the whole of their degree but not more (unless the 30 “floating” credits are used to study French or German), and cannot switch to a different language during their studies.  Language should be studied in consecutive years without a break (eg Yr1+Yr2 or Yr2+Yr3, or Yr1+Yr2+Yr3 [if all the modules taken are 15 credits] but not Yr1+Yr3). You cannot start studying language for the first time in Year 3.

Floating Option

Students may choose courses from other departments at UCL up to a maximum value of 30 credits in each, Year 2 and Year 3, subject to the permission of all departments concerned.

No more than 150 credits can be taken at level 4 over the whole period of your study.  We do not recommend Level 4 courses in final year of study.