UCL Credit Value: 30 | ECTS Value: 15 | Terms 1 and 2 |
Module Coordinator: Eszter Tarsoly Taught By: Eszter Tarsoly |
Weekly Contact Hours: 4.0 |
Prerequisites: None |
Summative Assessment
3 hour written examination (75%), oral examination (25%)
Formative Assessment
Progress is carefully monitored, in particular in the early stages of the course, through a number of formative assessment tasks (reading and translating in class) and homework exercises.
Module Outline
This course aims to provide a competent reading knowledge of Hungarian and basic communicative skills in the language. Students who complete the course successfully will be able to assure both potential employers and academic supervisors that they possess the necessary foundation-level Hungarian language skills to work with original Hungarian texts and to enable them to undertake study and/or research in Hungary. The course provides an intensive introduction to Hungarian grammar, a knowledge of basic vocabulary, practice in the skills of oral communication in Hungarian in straightforward situations, translation and information retrieval skills, using Hungarian texts in Hungarian and international cultural, political, and social themes. The course is designed for beginners. It requires intensive study including learning and practising independently beyond the contact hours.
Expected Outcomes
By the end of the course students should have reached level B1+ (a solid upper intermediate to advanced level) in reading skills and in awareness of language structure, and level A2 (lower to upper intermediate level) in all other skills (speaking, writing, listening) according to the grading provided by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Students will improve their independent study skills, analytical skills, and general language learning ability.
Key Reference Texts
Course materials produced by the teacher will be provided.
Core learning materials:
Reading Strategies: A Graded Reader of Hungarian for Research-focused Learners (CEELBAS Language Repository; teacher's own material).
Material from the following will also be provided in class or may be used independently:
Rounds, Carol H., Sólyom, E. 2012. Colloquial Hungarian, The Complete Course for Beginners. London and New York: Routledge. (Grammar points, glossary, and dialogues.)
Rounds, Carol H. 2001 (2003, 2004, 2006). An Essential Grammar: Hungarian. London: Routledge. (Grammar overview and revision.)
Sherwood, P. 1996. Concise Introduction to Hungarian. SSEES, University of London publications. (Grammar practice exercises, especially through English-Hungarian translation).
Szita, Sz., Görbe, T. 2009 (2010). Gyakorló magyar nyelvtan A Practical Hungarian Grammar. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. (Grammar notes and many hands-on practice exercises to consolidate and clarify grammar.)
Hlavacska, E. Hoffmann, I., Laczkó, T., Maticsák, S. 1996. Hungarolingua 1-2. Course book and Work book for Elementary and Intermediate Level. Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetem. (Many dialogues and audio recordings, with grammar illustrations and exercises built on them.)
Szita, Sz., Pelcz, K. 2013. MagyarOK I. A textbook for beginners (to level A1+). Pécs. (A rich collection of dialogues, reading, and grammar exercises, with a wealth of additional materials available online. It is recommended for independent study; all audio recordings, grammar explanations, word lists, and solutions to exercises are available online, also in English.)