Please note that due to the volatile situation in Ukraine, not all of these resources may be accessible. We will try to update the list regularly. [04/03/2022]
TV Channels
- UA:Перший
Live stream
TV news programmes:
Новини [broadcast Monday – Friday at 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 9:25, 13:00, 15:00, 18:00 and 21:00; Saturday and Sunday: 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 and 21:00.Latest broadcast of the programme.
Archival broadcasts since 2018 [Official YouTube channel].
Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary
СхемиLatest broadcast and archive of the programme since July 2014.
Тема дняLatest broadcast and archive of the programme.
Наші грошіLatest broadcast and archive of the programme.
#@)₴?$0 з Майклом ЩуромLatest broadcast and archive of the programme.
For local TV news please choose required regional TV station from the right hand column.
- Інтер
Live stream
TV news programmes:
Подробиці [broadcast 7.00, 8.00, 9:00, 12.00, 17.40, 20.00]Latest broadcast and archive of the programme since 7 September 2010 [to view a broadcast please select the desired date from the calendar].
- Украина
Live stream
TV news programmes:
Сьогодні: [broadcast at 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 15:00, 19:00, 23:00]Latest broadcast (22/03/2021) and archive of the programme.
Сьогодні. Підсумки [Sundays, 19:00]Latest broadcast (11/10/2020) and archive of the programme.
Official YouTube channel of Сьогодні programme containing latest broadcasts and archive.
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Live stream
TV news programmes:
ТСН ранок: Latest broadcast including archive of the programme (since 2016).
ТСН 16:45: Latest broadcast including archive of the programme (since 2016).
ТСН 19:30: Latest broadcast including archive of the programme (since 2016).
ТСН Ніч: Latest broadcast including archive of the programme (since 2016).
ТСН. Тиждень: Latest broadcast including archive of the programme (since 2016).
ТСН Спецвипуск: Latest broadcast including archive of the programme.
Dedicated web page of ТСН programme including archive.
Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary:
Право на владу: Latest broadcast including archive of the programme.
Спецкор: Latest broadcast including archive of the programme.
Чисто NEWS: Latest broadcast including archive of the programme.
Гроші: Latest broadcast including archive of the programme.
Live stream
TV news programmes:
Факти ICTV: [broadcast at 6.45; 7.15; 7.45; 8.45; 12.45; 15.45; 18.45; 21.10]Latest broadcast and archive of the programme.
Факти тижня: [Sundays]Latest broadcast and archive [last four broadcasts].
Archive of Факти ICTV and Факти тижня programme since 16 July 2013 [Official YouTube channel].
Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary:
Свобода слова: Latest broadcast and archive [last four broadcasts].- СТБ
TV news programmes:
Вікна-новини: Latest broadcast and archive of the programme.
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Live stream
TV news programmes:
Час новин. Київ Latest broadcast (30/05/2019) and archive of the programme [official YouTube Channel].
Час новин (main news 8PM): Latest broadcast and archive of the programme.
Час. Підсумки тижня: Latest broadcast (09/02/2021) and archive of the programme [official YouTube Channel].
Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary:
Інформаційний день: Latest broadcast (17/01/2020) and archive of the programme [official YouTube Channel].
Інформаційний вечір: Latest broadcast (18/09/2020) and archive of the programme [official YouTube Channel].
СПЕЦРЕПОРТАЖІ: Latest broadcast (28/12/2019) and archive of the programme [official YouTube Channel].
#Кендзьор: Latest broadcast (25/12/2020) and archive of the programme.
За Чай.com: Latest broadcast (12/11/2020) and archive of the programme.
Блог-пост: блогери миють кістки політикам наживо: Latest broadcast (22/05/2019) and archive of the programme [official YouTube Channel].
ІНТЕРВ'Ю: Latest broadcast (06/01/2021) and archive of the programme [official YouTube Channel].
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Live stream
Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary:
Спецкор: Latest broadcast and archive of the programme.- Прямий
Live stream
TV news programmes:
Деталі: [Broadcast Monday – Friday at 13.00]Latest broadcast and archive of the programme.
Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary:
Підсумки [Broadcast Monday – Friday at 21.00]Latest broadcast (05/09/2019) and archive of the programme.
Итоги недели [Broadcast on Sundays at 22.00]Latest broadcast (11/08/2019) and archive of the programme.
Закрита зона [Broadcast on Saturdays at 22.00]Latest broadcast (19/10/2019) and archive of the programme.
МЕМ [Broadcast Monday – Friday at 22.30]Latest broadcast (22/08/2019) and archive of the programme.
Поярков News [Broadcast on Fridays at 22.00]Latest broadcast (10/01/2020) and archive of the programme.
Прямий ефір [Broadcast Monday – Thursday 20.00]Latest broadcast and archive of the programme.
Ситуація [Broadcast Monday – Friday 17.00]Latest broadcast and archive of the programme.
Тhe Week [Broadcast on Saturdays at 20.00]Latest broadcast and archive of the programme.
Кисельов. Авторське [Broadcast on Saturdays and Sundays at 20.00]Latest broadcast (10/09/2019) and archive of the programme.
- Еспресо TV
Еспресо TV
Live stream
Full list of current and archival programs and broadcasts.
List of current and archival programs and broadcasts [official YouTube channel].
- Громадське Телебачення
Громадське Телебачення
Live stream
Talk shows/Information programs:
- Свобода вибору з Андрієм Куликовим
Latest broadcast (27/11/2019) and archive of the programme.
- Життя інших
Latest broadcast (24/07/2019) and archive of the programme.
- Мокрик По Живому [Broadcast on Thursdays at 21.15]
Latest broadcast and archive of the programme.
- Нині вже [Broadcast Monday – Friday at 19.00]
Latest broadcast (04/05/2020) and archive of the programme.
- Hromadske.doc [irregular]
Latest broadcast (25/08/2020) and archive of the programme.
- Громадське.Світ
Latest broadcast (25/12/2019) and archive of the programme.
- Дуже важлива передача
Latest broadcast (26/12/2019) and archive of the programme.
- Україна розумна
Latest broadcast (30/03/2020) and archive of the programme.
- VoxCheck
Latest broadcast (17/05/2019) and archive of the programme.
- Телеканал Рада
Телеканал Рада
Live stream
Archival broadcasts
Official YouTube channel
- Президент України
Президент України
Archive of video broadcasts.
Official YouTube channel.