Homosexuality is legal in Lithuania since 1993, but same-sex marriages and adoption are not recognised and only foreign same-sex marriages are recognised by Lithuanian law. Discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation is outlawed in Lithuania in the areas of housing, employment and military service. It is legal in Estonia to change one's legal gender and name without sex reassignment surgery (Equaldex LGBTQ rights: Lithuania).
- An overview of rights and legal acts by ILGA Europe [in English].
- Country ranking by ILGA Europe [in English].
- Books
- Mole, R. (2021). Queer Migration and Asylum in Europe. London: UCL Press.
- Mole, R. (2019). Soviet and post-Soviet sexualities. (First ed., Routledge contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe series).
- Sremac, Ganzevoort, Sremac, Srđan, & Ganzevoort, Reinder Ruard. (2015). Religious and sexual nationalisms in Central and Eastern Europe: Gods, gays, and governments. Boston: Brill.
- Sükösd, Bajomi-Lázár, & Bajomi-Lázár, Péter. (2003). Reinventing media : Media policy reform in East-Central Europe. Budapest : Central European University Press.
- Zdanevičius, A. et (2007). Heteronormos Hegemonija : Homoseksualių žmonių socialinė atskirtis ir diskriminacijos patirtys. Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas Kaunas.
- Dissertations
- Pelz, M., Hansen, Randall, Austin, Robert, & Way, Lucan. (2016). Europeanization, National Party Systems, and LGBT Rights: The Cases of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.
- Periodicals
- Feminizmas, visuomenė, kultūra - a Lithuanian academic journal focusing on gender, society and culture [in Lithuanian].
- Klėja was a Lithuanian academic journal focusing on gender, society and culture [in Lithuanian].
- Kultūra ir visuomenė: socialinių tyrimų žurnalas (Culture and Society: Journal of Social Research) - an academic journal publishes articles among other topics on gender and sexuality [in Lithuanian, English, and French]. Collection of articles.
- Sociologija. Mintis ir veiksmas (Journal of Sociology) publishes articles including topics on gender and sexuality [in Lithuanian].
- Repositories
- Mykolas Romeris University repository gives access to works on gender and LGBTQ topics published by students and academics [in English and Lithuanian].
- Vytautas Magnus University repository gives access to articles on gender and LGBTQ topics published by students and academics [in English and Lithuanian].
- Vytautas Magnus University e-theses section gives access to theses and dissertations on gender and LGBTQ topics published by students [in Lithuanian].
- Vytautas Magnus University library e-catalogue gives access to articles on gender and LGBTQ topics published by students and academics [in English and Lithuanian].
- ELABA (Lithuanian Academic E-Library) gives access to OA academic articles and theses, published in Lithuania including academic works on gender and sexuality [in multiple languages].
- Lithuanian Gay League publishes reports and other related material on LGBTQ issues in Lithuania. Full list in English and the full list in Lithuanian.
- Data and statistics
- State-Sponsored Homophobia report: latest edition, includes maps and dataset, ILGA Europe - a world survey of sexual orientation laws + older editions [in English].
- European LGBT Survey, 2014. FRA Europe [in English].
- Reports
- ECRI - Country monitoring in Lithuania. Reports, 1997 - 2019 [in English].
- Annual Review of the Human Rights Situation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex People. ILGA Europe, available from 2011 onwards [in English].
- #Trans lt: Documenting Experiences of Transgender People in Employment. Lithuanian Gay League, 2016 [English].
- Homophobic Bullying in Lithuanian Schools: survey results and recommendations. Lithuanian Gay League, 2015 [in English].
- Homophobic and Transphobic Hate Crimes in Lithuania. LGL Monitoring Report 2013 [in English].
- Monitoring Implementation of the Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 to member states on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity : Documentation Report: Lithuania. Lithuanian Gay League, 2013 [in English].
- Homofobija ir diskriminavimas Lietuvoje / Homophobia and discrimination in Lithuania. Lithuanian Gay League, 2003 [in Lithuanian].
- Homofobiniai ir transfobiniai neapykantos nusikaltimai Lietuvoje / Homophobic and transphobic hate crimes in Lithuania. Lithuanian Gay League, 2013 [in Lithuanian].
- Meeting the challenge of accession Surveys on sexual orientation discrimination in countries joining the European Union. ILGA Europe Policy Paper, April 2004 [in English].
- Sexual Orientation and Discrimination in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia 2002. Lithuanian Gay League, 2002 [in English].
- News portals
- Gayline publishes a wide range of LGBTQ related articles, media, and audio-visual material [in Lithuanian].
- Audio-visual
- The Summer of Sangaile (Sangailės vasara), Lithuanian language drama film directed by Alantė Kavaitė.
- Discussion: Can an openly gay politician be popular in Lithuania? [in Lithuanian].
- Primary Sources
- A series covering LGBTQ issues in Lithuania: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 [in Lithuanian].
- A Youtube channel dedicated to LGBT experiences [in Lithuanian with English subtitles].
- An interview with Stuart Milk - Stuart Milk, an LGBT activist and a nephew of the iconic human rights advocate Harvey Milk talks on the LGBT rights situation in Lithuania and Eastern and Central Europe more generally [in English].
- Organisations
- Lithuanian Gay League - a national organisation for LGBTQ rights in Lithuania. Official Youtube Channel [in Lithuanian, English].
- Other resources
- From Dusk till Dawn. 20 Years of LGBT Freedom in Lithuania - exhibition catalogue featuring LGBTQ visual art and literary essays [in English and Lithuanian].
- Išgirsti - a project dedicated to fostering a positive image of LGBTQ in Lithuania. Contains factual information, personal experiences of LGBTQ people and their friends etc [in Lithuanian, Russian].
- Kreives - annual LGBTQ film festival [in Lithuanian, English].