Slovakia has been a member of the European Union since 1 May 2004. A brief overview of the country’s political system, trade and economy and Slovakia as an EU member state can be viewed on the official website of the European Union. It is estimated that close to 90,000 Slovaks live and work in the UK. The UK established diplomatic relations with the independent Republic of Slovakia in 1993, following the Velvet Revolution which saw the peaceful dissolution of Communist Czechoslovakia. For an autobiographical account of the times during and after WWII and migration to London, you can read Professor Gerta Vrbova's of UCL, 'Trust and Deceit : A tale of survival in Slovakia and Hungary, 1939-1945'.
- Statistics
UK migration statistics and datasets
- Accession Monitoring Report, May 2004-March 2009: A8 Countries / Department for Work and Pensions
- Office for National Statistics: Population of the UK by country of birth and nationality: individual country data
- Office for National Statistics: Living abroad: migration between Britain and the EU8: EU8 citizens living in the UK
- Office for National Statistics: Living abroad: migration between Britain and the EU8: What are EU8 citizens living in the UK doing?
- Dynamic Historical Analysis of Longer Term Migratory, Labour Market and Human Capital Processes in Slovakia - a report prepared for South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme
Slovak migration statistics
- Pramenné dielo - Migrácia
- Prehľad pohybu obyvateľstva - SR, oblasti, kraje, okresy, mesto, vidiek (ročne)
- LEAF prieskum Slovákov v zahraničí 2018 / Survey by LEAF Slovak Professionals Abroad
- Academic research, publications and projects
Doctoral theses
- Dolezalova, M. (2018) Czech and Slovak Roma in Leeds: escaping exceptionality, remaining Roma. University of Manchester.
- Guma, T. (2015) Everyday negotiations of in/securities and risks: an ethnographic study amongst Czech- and Slovak-speaking migrants in Glasgow. University of Glasgow.
- Palovic, Z. (2017) From East to West: Learning, Knowledge and Personal Development through Migration and its Impact upon Return. University of Surrey.
- Yafai, A. (2017) Listening to how first generation Slovak-Roma boys and their parents perceive education in a Yorkshire secondary school: what experiences have facilitated or acted as barriers to positive encounters in their school. University of Sheffield.
- Bahna, M. (2011) Migrácia zo Slovenska po vstupe do Európskej únie. Bratislava: Veda. SSEES Collection
Journal articles
- Búriková, Z. S. (2016) 'EU enlargement and au pairing in the United Kingdom', Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 6(4), pp. 207-214.
- Cook, J., Dwyer, P., Waite, L. (2011) 'The Experiences of Accession 8 Migrants in England: Motivations, Work and Agency', International Migration, 49(2), pp. 54-79.
- Fox, J. E., Moroşanu, L., Szilassy, E. (2012) 'The Racialization of the New European Migration to the UK', Sociology, 46(4).
- Guma, T. (2018) 'Exploring Potentialities of (Health)Care in Glasgow and Beyond: Negotiations of Social Security Among Czech- and Slovak-Speaking Migrants', Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 7(1), pp. 73-90.
- Guma, T. (2018) 'Turning citizens into immigrants: state practices of welfare ‘cancellations’ and document retention among EU nationals living in Glasgow', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, October 2018, pp. 1-17.
- Lášticová, B. (2014) 'New media, social capital and transnational migration: Slovaks in the UK', Human Affairs, 24(4), pp.406-422.
- Palovic, Z., Janta, H. & Williams, A. M. (2021) In search of global skillsets: manager perceptions of the value of returned migrants and the relational nature of knowledge. Journal of ethnic and migration studies, 47(8), pp.1793-1810.
- Rozenfeld, J. (2013) 'Aspects of Ethnicity, Class and Religion in Case of Slovak Immigrant Communities in the UK', Romanian Journal of English Studies, 10(1), pp. 35-61.
- Williams A. M., Baláž V. (2005) 'What Human Capital, Which Migrants? Returned Skilled Migration to Slovakia From the UK', The international migration review, 39(2), pp. 439-468.
- Baláž V., Kusá, Z. (2012) Social Impact of Emigration and Rural-Urban Migration in Central and Eastern Europe: Final Country Report: Slovakia. Commissioned by European Commission.
- Brown, P., Scullion, L., Martin, P. (2013) Migrant Roma in the United Kingdom. Population size and experiences of local authorities and partners. Final report. University of Salford, Manchester.
- Koštialová, K., Hofreiter, R. Returning young migrants Slovak republic. Matej Bel University. PROMISE: Youth involvement and social engagement. Manchester University.
- (2009) The movement of Roma from new EU Member States: A mapping survey of A2 and A8 Roma in England - A report prepared for DCSF. European Dialogue.
- Literature
- Gergelyova, M. (2013) Most nad riekou Liffey. Koruna.
- Audio-visual
- Lištičky / Foxes (2009) - feature film by Mira Fornayová about Slovak Au-pairs in Ireland
- Media outlets and internet portals in the UK
- - a community portal which provides news, useful information about living in the UK, links to TV programs etc.
- Anglie CZ/SK (Facebook page) - a community portal which provides news, useful information
- Bournemouth - a newsportal for Czech and Slovak Community
- British Czech and Slovak Review
- Češi a Slováci v UK (Facebook page) - a community portal which provides news, and other useful information
- Kotolna - an internet portal for Czech and Slovak community in the South East of the United Kingdom based in Brighton
- - online portal for Czechs and Slovaks in the UK
- Velká británie - an online magazine
- Organisations
- The British Czech and Slovak Association (BCSA)
- The Czech & Slovak Club UK
- The Embassy of the Slovak Republic in London
- Folklore Ensemble Morena Slovak Dance Society in London
- Slovak Centre London
- The Slovak Theater in London
- Aberdeen University Czech and Slovak Society
- The Cambridge University Czech & Slovak Society (CUCSS)
- Czech and Slovak Circle in Reading
- Czecho-Slovakian Society
- Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain
- The Dvořák Society for Czech and Slovak Music
- The Forum for Czech and Slovak Studies in the UK
- Slovak Catholic Mission in London
- Slovakia Czech Language Club
- UCL Czech and Slovak Society
- Velehrad