Latvia has been a member of the European Union since 1 May 2004. A brief overview of the country’s political system, trade and economy and Latvia as an EU member state can be viewed on the official website of the European Union. According to the Office for National Statistics there were 92.000 Latvian nationals living in the United Kingdom in 2020. For a brief summary of diplomatic relations between Latvia and the United Kingdom see the website of the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia.
- Statistics
UK migration statistics and datasets
- Accession Monitoring Report, May 2004-March 2009: A8 Countries / Department for Work and Pensions
- Office for National Statistics: Population of the UK by country of birth and nationality: individual country data
- Office for National Statistics: Living abroad: migration between Britain and the EU8: EU8 citizens living in the UK
- Office for National Statistics: Living abroad: migration between Britain and the EU8: What are EU8 citizens living in the UK doing?
- Academic research, publications and projects
Doctoral theses
- Apsīte-Beriņa, E. (2013) Starpvalstu migrācija Eiropas Savienībā: Latvijas iedzīvotāju migrācija uz Lielbritāniju. Latvijas Universitāte.
- Ponomarjovs, D. (2008) Contemporary emigration from Latvia to Great Britain: Causes and potential consequences. Dalhousie University (Canada).
- Gilbert, E. (2013) Changing identities: Latvians, Lithuanians and Estonians in Great Britain. Devon, UK: Emily Gilbert. Stores: Gen.Balt.XIX GIL
Book chapters
- Krisjane, Z., Berzins, M. and Apsite, E. (2013) 'Post-accession migration from the Baltic states The case of Latvia' in Glorius, B., Grabowska-Lusinska, I. and Kuvik, A. (eds.) Mobility in Transition Migration Patterns after EU Enlargement. Amsterdam University Press, pp. 85 -110.
Journal articles
- Cook, J., Dwyer, P., Waite, L. (2011) 'The Experiences of Accession 8 Migrants in England: Motivations, Work and Agency', International Migration, 49(2), pp. 54-79.
- Endresen, S B. (2018) 'Facilitating Labour Migration from Latvia: Strategies of Various Categories of Intermediaries', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(4), pp. 1-17.
- Göler, D., Krišjāne, Z. and Bērziņš, M. (2014) 'International Migration in the Periods of Transition and Crisis: The Case of Latvia', Baltic Region, 2, pp. 75-85.
- King,R., Lulle, A., Conti, F. and Mueller, D. (2016) 'Eurocity London: A Qualitative Comparison of Graduate Migration from Germany, Italy and Latvia', Comparative Migration Studies, 49(1), pp. 1-22.
- Krisjane, Z., Berzins, M. and Bauls, A. (2009) 'New Labor Migration Trends: Evidence from Latvia', Geographical Review of Japan Series B, 81(1), pp. 34-46.
- Lulle, A. and Jurkane-Hobein, I. (2017) 'Strangers Within? Russian-speakers’ Migration from Latvia to London: A Study in Power Geometry and Intersectionality', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(4), pp. 596-612.
- Lulle, A. (2014) 'Shifting Notions of Gendered Care and Neoliberal Motherhood: From the Lives of Latvian Migrant Women in Guernsey', Women's Studies International Forum, 47, pp. 239-49.
- McCollum, D. and Apsite-Berina, E. (2015) 'Recruitment through Migrant Social Networks from Latvia to the United Kingdom: Motivations, Processes and Developments', Migration Letters, 12(1), pp. 50-66.
- Literature
- Foreignerski,W. B. (2019) Stroika with a London View. Austin Macauley Publishers.
- Media outlets and internet portals
Facebook groups
- Latvians in the UK
- Bristoles Latviesu Biedriba / Latvian Community in Bristol
- Latviešu Biedrība Skotijā LABS/Latvian Association in Scotland
- Latviešu Biedrība Skotijā – Aberdeenshire/Latvian Community in Aberdeenshire
- Latvieši Edinburgā/Latvians in Edinburgh
- Guernsey Latvian Association
- Birmingemas latviešu kopiena "Sakta"/ Birmingham Latvian Community "Sakta"
- Bērnu rīti "Saktiņa"/ Children's Morning "Saktiņa"
Internet portals
- Organisations
Latvian organisations in the UK
- Latvian Chamber of Commerce for the United Kingdom - a not for profit organisation that supports Latvian business community in the United Kingdom and promotes economic relations and trade between Latvia and the UK.
- The Daugava Vanagi Foundation - active since 1947
- Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Great Britain
- Latvian Educational Foundation 1990 - a UK charity that supports education in Latvian among Latvians resident in the United Kingdom
- Latviešu Nacionālā Padome Lielbritānijā / Latvian National Council for Great Britain
- TDK Salinieki - Latvian folk dance group
- Other
Latvian schools in the UK
- Sestdienas skoliņa "Straumēni" - Saturday school
- Burtnieki. Latviešu sestdienas skoliņa Wolverhamptonā - Latvian language school in Wolverhampton
- Londonas latviešu skola / Latvian School in London