Hungary has been a member of the European Union since 1 May 2004. A brief overview of the country’s political system, trade and economy and Hungary as an EU member state can be viewed on the official website of the European Union. According to the Office for National Statistics there were 82 000 Hungarians living in the United Kingdom in 2018.
- Statistics
UK migration statistics and datasets
- Accession Monitoring Report, May 2004-March 2009: A8 Countries / Department for Work and Pensions
- Office for National Statistics: Population of the UK by country of birth and nationality: individual country data
- Office for National Statistics: Living abroad: migration between Britain and the EU8: EU8 citizens living in the UK
- Office for National Statistics: Living abroad: migration between Britain and the EU8: What are EU8 citizens living in the UK doing?
Hungarian migration statistics and datasets
- Dynamic Historical Analysis of Longer Term Migratory, Labour Market and Human Capital Processes in Hungary. Demographic Research Institute at the HCSO. SEEMIG. 2013.
- National policy recommendations on the enhancement of migration data for Hungary. Hungarian Central Statistical Office Demographic Research Institute. 2014.
- Statistical Reflections 2018
- Academic research, publications and projects
- Mészáros A. (2006) Az Unió nomádjai. Budapest: Népszabadság Könyvek. SSEES Collections.
Journal articles
- Cook, J., Dwyer, P., Waite, L. (2011) 'The Experiences of Accession 8 Migrants in England: Motivations, Work and Agency' International Migration, 49(2), pp. 54-79.
- Kováts, A., Papp Z. A. (2016) 'Patterns of success amongst Hungarians living in the UK', Review of Sociology 26(4), pp. 95–123.
- Koudela, P. (2013) 'International Migration outflows from Hungary, inflows to the UK as a typical East-West direction in the EU', Ege Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi Cilt, 4(1), pp. 1-14.
- Moreh, C. (2014) 'A Decade of Membership: Hungarian Post-Accession Mobility to the United Kingdom', Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 3(2), pp. 79-104.
Research papers
- Laczik, A. (2014) Hungarian Migrants in the UK Labour Market: A Pilot Study on the Former Education of Hungarian Migrants and on Underutilisation of their Skills in the UK. SKOPE Research Paper No. 119, February 2014.
- Tereshchenko, A. Eastern European migrant pupils in English schools - research project funded by the British Academy through the Newton International Fellowship, hosted by the Department of Education & Professional Studies at King’s College London; project report including statistical information and analysis.
- Literature
- Martin, V., Sykes, T., Szirtes, G., & Remigi, E. (2017). In limbo: Brexit testimonies from EU citizens in the UK. SSEES Collection.
- Remigi, E. (2018). In limbo too: Brexit testimonies from EU citizens in the UK. SSEES Collection.
- Audio-visual
- Why Hungarian migrants want to move to Brexit Britain - BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme, 11 April 2016.
- Media outlets and internet portals in the UK
- Organisations
- Angliai Magyar Versmondók Egyesülete
- Angliai Magyar Református Egyház / Hungarian Reformed Church in the U.K
- Association of Roman Catholic Hungarians in Great Britain
- Balassi Institute Hungarian Cultural Centre London - funded in 1999, Hungarian Culture Centre London is dedicated to promoting Hungarian culture and art in the UK.
- Cambridge Szeged Society
- Csillagszeműek Anglia Hungarian Folk Dance Group
- Hungarian School and Cultural Association, Guildford
- Hunique Dance - Hungarian folk dance ensemble London
- MAOSZ Magyarok Angliai Országos Szövetsége / The National Federation of Hungarians
- Oxford Hungarian Society - established in 1987. Officially a University of Oxford society but membership is open to all.
Hungarian schools
- Cambridge Hungarian School
- London Magyar Iskola (Hungarian Children and Parents Group) - the oldest Hungarian Saturday school in the UK, funded in 1987
- Mosoly Hungarian School
- St Albans Hungarian School
- Woking Hungarian School
- Other