Czechia has been a member of the European Union since 1 May 2004. A brief overview of the country’s political system, trade and economy and Czechia as an EU member state can be viewed on the official website of the European Union. According to the Office for National Statistics, there were 45 000 Czechs living in the United Kingdom in 2018.
- Statistics
UK migration statistics and datasets
- Accession Monitoring Report, May 2004-March 2009: A8 Countries / Department for Work and Pensions
- Office for National Statistics: Population of the UK by country of birth and nationality: individual country data
- Office for National Statistics: Living abroad: migration between Britain and the EU8: EU8 citizens living in the UK
- Office for National Statistics: Living abroad: migration between Britain and the EU8: What are EU8 citizens living in the UK doing?
Czech migration statistics and datasets
- Emigrants: by cohesion region, region and district, Public Database, Statistical Office of the Czech Republic
- Public Database, Statistical Office of the Czech Republic
- Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic, Statistical Office of the Czech Republic
- Academic research, publications and projects
Doctoral theses
- Dolezalova, M. (2018) Czech and Slovak Roma in Leeds: escaping exceptionality, remaining Roma. University of Manchester.
- Guma, T. (2015) Everyday negotiations of in/securities and risks: an ethnographic study amongst Czech- and Slovak-speaking migrants in Glasgow. University of Glasgow.
- Black, R. ed. (2010) A continent moving west? : EU enlargement and labour migration from Central and Eastern Europe. (IMISCOE research). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. SSEES Collection.
- Brouček S. at al. (2017) Migrace z České republiky po roce 1989 v základních tematických okruzích. Praha: Etnologický ústav AV ČR. SSEES Collection.
- Machková. Z. (2015) Český exil, emigrace a krajané : Přehled archivních pramenů z let 1939-2014 uložených v Národním archivu. Praha: Národní archiv: Vydání 1. SSEES Collection.
- Pospíšilová, J. et al. (2018) Jak se žije Čechům v současné Evropě? Praha: Academia: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. SSEES Collection.
- Vaculík, J. (2009) České menšiny v Evropě a ve světě. (1. vyd. ed.). Praha: Nakl. Libri. SSEES Collection.
Book chapters
- Romské migrace z České republiky po roce 1989. In Davidová, E., Uherek, Z. (2014) Romové v československé a české společnosti v letech 1945-2012: národnostní struktura, specifika romské rodiny a migrací. Praha: Národohospodářský ústav Josefa Hlávky.
Journal articles
- Cook, J., Dwyer, P., Waite, L. (2011) 'The Experiences of Accession 8 Migrants in England: Motivations, Work and Agency', International Migration, 49(2), pp. 54-79.
- Guma, T. (2018) 'Exploring Potentialities of (Health)Care in Glasgow and Beyond: Negotiations of Social Security Among Czech- and Slovak-Speaking Migrants', Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 7(1), pp. 73-90.
- Janurová, K. (2018) 'The Unbearable Lightness of Moving: Czech Migrants Making a Home (or Not) in the UK', Sociologicky Casopis, 50(3), pp. 315-41.
- Literature
- Čep, J. (2007) Dojmy z Anglie. Šternberk: Sternberg. SSEES Collection.
- Folný, J. (2018) Víkend v Londýně. Brno: Host.
- Parkánová-Whitton, H. (2019) Jak si neudělat z domova cirkus jako na Piccadilly. Praha: Mladá fronta.
- Parkánová-Whitton, H. (2016) Jak nemít na pikniku o jeden sendvič míň. Praha: Mladá fronta.
- Parkánová-Whitton, H. (2015) Jak se po anglicku vytratit v Anglii. Praha: Mladá fronta.
- Parkánová-Whitton, H. (2013) Jak si vypěstovat na anglické zahrádce českého trpaslíka. Praha: Mladá fronta.
- Pekárková, I. (2015) Postřehy z Londonistánu : O jiných kulturách - zblízka. Mladá fronta. SSEES Collection.
- Pekárková, I. (2008) Láska v Londýně. (Edice Česká povídka). Jihlava: Listen. SSEES Collection.
- Pekárková, I. (20012) Multykulty pindy jedný český mindy. Statenice: Millennium Publishing.
- Urban, M. (2014) Přišla z moře. Praha: Argo: Vydání první. SSEES Collection.
- Audio-visual
- Waiting for Brexit: Czechs in The UK Look Ahead o 2019. Radio Praha in English.
- Media outlets and internet portals in the UK
- Anglie.co.uk - a community portal which provides news, useful information about living in the UK, links to TV programs etc.
- Anglie CZ/SK (Facebook page) - a community portal which provides news, useful information
- Bournemouth - a news portal for Czech and Slovak Community
- Češi a Slováci v UK (Facebook page) - a community portal which provides news, and other useful information
- Czech map of London - a search tool that helps to locate places and people related Czech community in London
- InterNations Czech expats in the United Kingdom
- Kotolna - an internet portal for Czech and Slovak community in the South East of the United Kingdom based in Brighton
- Pohyby - a news portal for Czech and Slovak Community in the UK
- Velká británie - an online magazine
- Organisations
- British Czech and Slovak Association raises awareness of matters relating to the history, arts, literature, politics, economies and science of Britain and the Czech and Slovak Republics.
- Embassy of the Czech Republic in London
- The Emmy Destinn Foundation is dedicated to upholding the legacy of the greatest Czech diva by supporting young singers in the early stages of their careers.
- London Czech Centre - The Czech Centre's mission is to actively promote the Czech Republic by showcasing Czech culture in the UK.
- Velehrad a charity organisation that promotes Czech culture in UK.
- Aberdeen University Czech and Slovak Society
- The Cambridge University Czech & Slovak Society (CUCSS)
- Czech and Slovak Circle in Reading
- Czecho-Slovakian Society, Coventry University
- Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain
- The Dvořák Society for Czech and Slovak Music
- The Forum for Czech and Slovak Studies in the UK, BASEESCzech Language Club
- UCL Czech and Slovak Society