
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Conferences and Seminars

Please note that Informator Migracyjny has information in English as well as Polish about a range of migration conferences and seminars.

Forthcoming Events

Impacts of Gender Discourse: Polish Politics, Society & Culture: Comparative Perspectives. Conference, UCL SSEES,  11-12 June 2018. Call for papers on topics including 'transnational sexualities' by 30 January 2018.

The new Polish Studies Group (affiliated to the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies) is holding its founding 'Critical Approaches to Polish Studies' workshop at the University of Manchester on 2 March 2018. Migration scholars are welcome, although migration is not one of the specific workshop themes.

Call for conference papers: ‘Beyond economic contribution: Migrant Identities, Working Lives and Social Embeddedness’, RSA Research Network on Migration, Inter-Connectivity and Regional Development (MICaRD). University of Lincoln, 25th April, 2018 - 27th April 2018.