As a UCL Mellon Fellow Jérôme was researching Identities and Culture in Europe with a focus on Word and Image, the role played by visual and textual representations in the construction of identity.
- 2002: PhD in French Literature and Philosophy, Kings College - Cambridge University Thesis: Expression as Becoming: A Poetics of the Virtual in the works of Christian Prigent, Dominique Fourcade, Olivier Cadiot, and Hubert Lucot Supervisor: Jean Khalfa, Trinity College - Cambridge University
- 1995: MA in Law, Sorbonne - University of Paris
- 1992: BA in Political Philosophy, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris:
- 5-6 September 2003: University College Dublin, International Colloquim 'Sens et présence du sujet poétique', title : "The rhizome and the cut-up: constructivist subjects in the poetry of Anne Portugal and Vannina Maestri".
- 27 - 29 June 2003: St. Andrews University, International Conference 'Violence, Culture, and Identity', title: "Resisting social and political repression: violence in contemporary French poetry".
- June 2003: University of Barcelona, IIè Congrès International du Groupe de Recherches sur les Ecritures Subversives (GRES) - Stratégies de l'Illisible, title: "Illisibilités contemporaines : Futur, ancien, fugitif d'Olivier Cadiot, ou le Sujet illisible".
- 18 April 2002: Institut Français, London, Studies in French Cinema Annual Conference, title: "Political French Cinema of the 1970s : The Case of Jean Eustache".
- 22-24 March 2002: 'Le Printemps des Poètes' - Centre Beaubourg/Georges Pompidou, Paris, introduction and convening of the round table "Poésie-monde: ouvertures et traductions"
- 7 February 2002: University of London, Institute of English Studies Gender and Sexuality Study Group, title: "Hermaphrodite Becomings: Gender Status in Gilles Deleuze's Ontology".
Articles and Book Chapters:
- "La Poésie sans sujet", in M.-C. Ropars and P. Sorlin (eds.), "L'Art sans sujet", Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 2004.
- "Poésie de Dominique Fourcade", in D. Viart (ed.), Ecritures contemporaines: Effractions de la poésie, Editions Minard, May 2003
- The Self as dispossession: Deleuzian becomings and Bataillian excess", in J. Horn and L. Russell-Watts (eds.), Possessions/Dispossessions in Modern French Identities, Peter Lang Publishers, December 2002.
- "La Vie dans les trous: importance de Christian Prigent", Il Particolare: Art, Littérature, Théorie Critique n°4-5, June 2001, pp. 169-183."Pensée pensante: poésie", Java n°21-22, April 2001, pp. 24-37.
- "Cinematic Bodies: The Blind Spot in Contemporary French Theory on Corporeal Cinema", Studies in French Cinema n°1, April 2001, pp. 47-53.
- "Le Virtuel Deleuzien: Cogito pour un moi dissous", BARCA: Poésie, Politique, Psychanalyse n°15, November 2000, pp. 57-80.