
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Polish Migration Profiles

List of scholars and their research projects



Derek Anderson

PhD student
School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research,University of Kent
Cornwallis North East, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NF
E- mail: dz38@kent.ac.uk

Derek is a former journalist who has a background in migration (MA in Migration at the University of Kent) and is currently researching how post accession Polish migrants ‘integrate’ (or not) into British society, and whether different levels of education and skills have any impact on this process. Derek hopes that his research will contribute to theorizing on migration and integration during a time of growing ‘superdiversity’, as most studies on integration (in Britain) have been done on migrants from Commonwealth countries, while Poles represent a different type of migrant - predominantly white and Catholic, and without a post-colonial connection.

Professor Katarzyna Andrejuk

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Nowy Świat 72, Warsaw, Poland
Email: kandrejuk@ifispan.waw.pl

Professor Andrejuk is a sociologist and lawyer. She works at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Her professional interests include multiculturalism, migration, European Union and Europeanisation. She graduated from the University of Warsaw (MA) and Queen Mary University of London (LLM).  She defended her PhD dissertation in sociology in 2012. It examined educational migration from Poland to the United Kingdom after Poland’s accession to the European Union and encompassed an in-depth qualitative study of Polish students at London universities. Her habilitation in sociology explored the significance of Ukrainian migrant entrepreneurship in Poland (Ukrainian entrepreneurs in Poland. Structure and agency in the settlement process, IFIS PAN, Warsaw 2017).  She has worked as a visiting scholar at the European University Institute in Florence (Migration Policy Institute), University College London (School of Slavonic and East European Studies), Herder Institute in Marburg, and Helsinki University (Ruralia Institute). Since 2019 she has been the head of the Sociology of Migration Committee of the Polish Sociological Association.

Karima Aziz

Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher, PhD student
London Metropolitan University
Email: karima.aziz@gmx.at

Karima is originally from Austria and has studied political science and Polish studies at the University of Vienna, where she has researched 24h, live-in Polish care-workers in Austria - taking an intersectional approach - as well as weblogs of Polish return migrants. She is currently undertaking research in the context of her PhD as part of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network 'Changing Employment' on the topic of female Polish migrant workers' experiences in the UK.

Dr Justyna Bell

Research Fellow
UKCRC Centre of Excellence for Public Health (NI)
Queen’s University Belfast,School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
Royal Victoria Hospital,Grosvenor Road, Belfast BT12 6BJ,
e-mail: j.bell@qub.ac.uk

Justyna recently completed a PhD in Sociology entitled: ‘Between continuity and change - Narratives of Polish migrants in Belfast’ during which she conducted biographical narrative interviews exploring migration experiences and interpersonal interactions of Polish migrants in Belfast, Northern Ireland. She is currently research fellow at the UKCRC Centre of Excellence for Public Health (NI), Queen’s University Belfast working on a research programme aimed to improve the understanding about mental health problems in migrant populations. One such study examines the mental health and well-being of Polish migrants in Northern Ireland. Justyna’s research interests revolve around migration; public health; studies in mental health and well-being; resilience; migration policies; interpersonal interactions; narrative analysis, cultural studies; identity formation; belonging; cognitive processes and life-world research.



Izabela Benisz

PhD student
School of Education and Health,
Greenwich University Mansion Site,
Bexley Road,
London SE9 2PQ
E-mail: i.benisz@gre.ac.uk

Izabela is originally from Poland where she completed secondary education. She completed her BA and MA in London and has also worked in the HE sector in England. Her PhD research focuses on a comparison of higher education in two out of the four highest tertiary participation EU countries, Poland and England (Scott, 2013). She investigates why both countries are among the leaders of recruiters of tertiary education students in Europe, as well as, the impact of higher education in respective countries on Polish graduates in the circumstances in which they find themselves in the two countries, taking into account the dependence of post-graduation trajectories on individuals’ socio-economic status and the educational establishments they attended. Her research interests include: massification and changes of higher education, tertiary education policies, tertiary education students and graduates, graduate labour market and social mobility.  

Dr Katherine Botterill


Lecturer in Human Geography
Edinburgh Napier University
0131 455 6166

Email: K.Botterill@napier.ac.uk

Kate's research interests lie in the social and political geography of mobility. She is interested in exploring the relationship between mobility and inequality, drawing attention to how particular forms of mobility reproduce social differentiation. Her PhD thesis (completed 2012) critically engaged with theories of 'new' mobility  through empirical research with young Polish migrants in Edinburgh and Kraków. The thesis explores the spatial and social mobilities of young Polish migrants and demonstrates the contingent histories, practices and representations of mobility in post-socialist and post-accession contexts. Her postdoctoral work at Newcastle University was on the 'everyday geopolitics' of young people in Scotland. This focused on the experiences of ethnic and religious minority and migrant youth in Scotland to examine the link between global and national politics and everyday life.


Kirstie Bowden

PhD student
School of Geography,University of Exeter,Amory Building,Rennes Drive
Exeter EX4 4RJ
Website: http://www.ex.ac.uk/eprofile/kirstiebowden
Tel.: + 44 (0)1392 263357

Kirstie is currently researching and writing her PhD entitled ‘Polish identity in rural England’. Her work is reflecting upon the significant questions raised by the rural placement of post-accession Polish migrants, questions about both the scripting and performance of Polish identity, and the ways in which integration occurs, particularly in areas where community support mechanisms exist. Her research will thus lead to innovative conceptualisation of “other” white identities, and of how hegemonic whiteness and “other” whiteness are negotiated in rural settings.



Alexandra Buckland – Stubbs

PhD Researcher and Visiting Lecturer
Biological and Environmental Sciences Department
School of Life and Medical Sciences
The University of Hertfordshire,
College Lane,
Hertfordshire AL109AB
Email: a.buckland-stubbs@herts.ac.uk
Twitter: @AlexStubbs92
LinkedIn: www.linkedIn.com/in/alexandrabstubbs

Alexandra is a PhD candidate at the University of Hertfordshire, researching the housing experiences and future intentions of Polish migrants in the UK. She is also a visiting lecturer within the Biological and Environmental Sciences department of the University and teaches at undergraduate level on a range of aspects within human geography, including cartography, residential mobility and migration. Additionally, Alexandra is a postgraduate fellow of the Royal Geographical Society as well as a member of the LSE British Society for Population Studies and the UH teacher training society. Her research interests are primarily focused on migration and migrant experiences.  



Dr Kathy Burrell

Senior Lecturer in Social and Cultural Geography,
University of Liverpool,
Email: k.burrell@liverpool.ac.uk

Kathy’s research interests are in post-war and contemporary migration to Britain, concentrating on a range of different aspects: material culture and consumption; mobility and migrant journeys; transnationalism; memory; narratives; and gender. She is currently researching Polish migration to the Midlands from the 1950s to date, focusing on changing experiences of mobility, travelling and journey time-spaces; material culture and consumption, including migrants’ relationships with shops selling Polish products; and migrants’ life-histories and memories of socialist and post-socialist Poland – especially the importance of 'the west' in these narratives.


Dr Gobnait Byrne

School of Nursing & Midwifery,Trinity College ,24 D’Olier Street Dublin 2
E-mail: gobnait.byrne@tcd.ie

Gobnait is a Lecturer at the School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin. Her research interests include community nursing, cardiology and health promotion. Gobnait recently completed a PhD at the School of Public Health & Population Science, University College Dublin. The title of her PhD study is "Irish Polonia: Self Perceived Health, Lifestyles and Use of the Health Services by Polish People Living in Ireland: A Mixed Methods Study". The study design is a sequential exploratory mixed methods approach. The qualitative phase of this study consists of individual interviews and focus groups with members of the Polish community. The data analysis from this phase informed the development of a questionnaire distributed to Polish people living in Dublin, Cork and Kerry, Ireland. This questionnaire was available in Polish and English. The findings of this study helped identify the key health concerns and the lifestyles of Polish migrants living in Ireland.


Linda Cadier

PhD Researcher
Centre for Transnational Studies,University of Southampton, Avenue Campus
Highfield,Southampton SO17 1BJ
E-mail: l.cadier@soton.ac.uk

Linda's research interests are in globalization, concentrating on transnationalism and the trans locality of migrant communities. In the context of the health sector in the city of Southampton, she is currently researching how migrants negotiate and contest trans local 'place-making' through their language and cultural practices. Her interest is in how these practices demonstrate the impact of the global on the local, the theory of migrant trans locality and the city as a site of linguistic and cultural diversity. Practically her work looks to inform best practice in working with migrant communities at the hospital and other sectors.




Dr Anna Zofia Chruscinska


Anna's research interests are in Polish diaspora in France and in South Africa, with an emphasis on national identification of Polish migrants. She holds two MA degrees: the first one is in Art History from the Uniwersytet Jagielloński in Cracow, the second one is in Sociology from the Université Paris Descartes. Her PhD research (conducted at the Université Paris Descartes) was on national identification of Polish migrants in South Africa. The research was conducted in Cape Town and based on qualitative methods (interviews and observations) and on traditions of the Chicago School (the use of personal documents: letters and diaries).

Dr Barbara Cieślińska

Instytut Socjologii
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku,15-403 Białystok, Plac Uniwersytecki 1
E-mail: cieslinskabarbara@gmail.com

I am interested in processes of emigration from Poland to other countries. Recently my interests are focused on individual migration experiences and socio-economical contexts accompanying international migrations in sending and receiving countries.


Rachel Clements

PhD Researcher
School of Geography, Politics and Sociology
Newcastle University ,5th Floor, Daysh Building,Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU
E-mail: Rachel.clements@ncl.ac.uk

I am currently undertaking a PhD in geography looking at Polish migrant parents in Newcastle. This is a gendered migration study which addresses the concepts of both migrant motherhood and fatherhood, examining the organisation of Polish migrant households with particular reference to the division of childcare responsibilities and paid employment. The study looks at migrant parents’ experience of networks, community and citizenship, asking whether these experiences help or hinder processes of integration. The research explores how Polish migrant parents identify with Poland, Britain, the North East region and the city of Newcastle.


Alex Collis

PhD Researcher
Department of Faculty of Health and Social Care
Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, Cambridge,CB1 2PT
Tel.:0845 196 2558
E-mail: alex.collis@anglia.ac.uk


Alex has been involved in a number of studies on Central and Eastern European migration to the UK, and particularly within the East of England. Most recently she has been involved in a three year longitudinal mixed methods project which explored and tracked changes in motivations (both economic and non-economic) behind migration decisions and thoughts on length of stay. Her particular research interests lie in mental health and migration, coping mechanisms and the function of social networks. Alex has also worked as the Research Manager for Keystone Development Trust in Thetford, where she recently completed a study of migrant workers’ access to and experiences of health services.


Dr Joanne Cook

Hull Business School
E-mail: joanne.cook@hull.ac.uk

Joe recently moved to Hull Business School from the University of Stirling and before that, the University of Leeds; previously she worked in Sociological Studies at the University of Sheffield. Her research interests are focused around the citizenship of older migrants, gender and intergenerational relations, post-migration. She has also recently conducted research on A8 migration and a comparative project on African migration across three countries Britain, France and South Africa.




Dr Elżbieta Czapka

Assistant professor, Marie Curie-Sklodowska University, Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Pl. Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej 5, 20-031 Lublin, Poland & Norwegian Center for Minority Health Research, Oslo, Universitetssykehus (Postboks 4956, Nydalen, 0424 Oslo)


mobile: +4746385562, +48602765042

Elżbieta graduated from the Catholic University in Lublin (Poland). She obtained a PhD in sociology in 2004 from the same University (dissertation title: The Stereotype of a refugee. A Comparative analysis based on the research conducted among the students of selected European Countries). At present Czapka’s main affiliation is Marie Curie-Sklodowska University, where she is employed as an assistant professor. Czapka’s second affiliation is the  Norwegian Center for Minority Health Research (NAKMI) where she works on various aspects related to new labour migration and health. She focuses especially on Polish migrants’ integration in the Norwegian health care system. Her main scholarly interests include theories of migration; the relation between migration and health; gender, care and migration and the sociology of morality.


Dr Ayona Datta

Senior Lecturer in Citizenship and Belonging
School of Geography,Faculty of Environment
University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT
Tel: 0113 3433362

Email: a.datta@leeds.ac.uk

Translocal Geographies: Spaces, Places, Connections

Book Review Editor for Gender, Place and Culture



Dr. Elaine Dewhurst

Lecturer in Employment Law
University of Manchester,Oxford Road, Manchester UK M13 9PL
Tel: 0161 2755785
Email: elaine.dewhurst@manchester.ac.uk

Elaine’s research interests are in Immigration Law, Employment Law, International and European labour law, Public International law and Human Rights. She has published articles and presented papers at national and international conferences in the area of immigration law, employment law, human rights and European law. She has just finished a research for the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency on a Thematic National Legal Study on the rights of irregular immigrants in voluntary and involuntary return procedures. She is also a staff member of the Socio-Legal Research Centre at Dublin City University.




Dr Markieta Domecka

Independent researcher

E-mail: markieta.domecka@gmail.com

Markieta is a sociologist specialising in biographical research methods, especially the autobiographical narrative interview as developed by Fritz Schütze, applied in the fields of migration, marginalization and labour market transformations. She holds a MA degree from the University of Wrocław and a PhD from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. She has worked in several small and big-scale biographical research projects dealing with migration processes. The two studies concerning Polish migrants, among others, were the FP7 Euroidentities project: “The Evolution of European Identity: Using biographical methods to study the development of European identity” http://www.euroidentities.org, where autobiographical narrative interviews were conducted with Polish people living in different parts of the UK and the Republic of Ireland, and the PRIN project funded by the MIUR, the Italian Ministry of Education and Research, “PRIN 2011: Pratiche sostenibili di vita quotidiana nel contesto della crisi: lavoro, consumi, partecipazione” [“Sustainable Practices in Everyday Life in the Context of Crisis: Work, Consumption and Participation”], where autobiographical narrative, semi-structured and focus group interviews were conducted with several groups of young people, among them, young Poles living in the North and in the South of Italy. Markieta has been also collaborating with a social cooperative, Dedalus (www.coopdedalus.it) working with migrants in the South of Italy.



Dr Stephen Drinkwater

Senior Lecturer
Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD)
School of Business & Economics
Swansea University
Singleton Park
Tel.: 01792 513684
Fax: 01792 295872
Email: s.j.drinkwater@swan.ac.uk

Stephen's main research interest lies in the labour market analysis of migrants and ethnic minorities. His research has primarily focused on labour market discrimination, self-employment, international and interregional migration and the effect of language on economic
activity. He has received recent research funding from the European Commission (to investigate the impact of East-West migration following EU enlargement), the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (to examine the performance of ethnic minorities in the UK labour market), the ESRC (for a socio-economic analysis of recent Polish migration to the UK) and NORFACE (to investigate patterns of temporary migration amongst Poles living in England and Wales). The latter forms an element of the TEMPO project, which focuses on temporary migration, integration and the role of policies in Europe. For more information see: http://www.norface-migration.org/currentprojectdetail.php?proj=10.

He is a research associate at the Centre for Migration Policy Research (CMPR) at Swansea University, a research fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn and an external research fellow at the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM), University College London.


Dr Ewa Duda-Mikulin

Research Associate in the Research Centre for Social Change: Community Wellbeing
Manchester Metropolitan University

Ewa is interested in migration and Polish migration to the UK with particular reference to the role of gender in the migratory process. Ewa’s broader research interests include: social policy issues; qualitative research methodologies and data collection methods; international migration, particularly from Central and Eastern Europe to the UK; minority ethnic communities; integration; citizenship (national/transnational); gender; welfare. Ewa's thesis explores the influence of migration on Polish migrant women's gender roles and it examines how women utilise migratory spaces within the European Union to better their own and their families’ wellbeing.


Dr Franck Düvell

Senior Researcher
Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS)
University of Oxford,58 Banbury Road,Oxford OX2 6QS
Tel.: +44 (0) 1865 284980
Fax: +44 (0) 1865 274718
E-mail: franck.duvell@compas.ox.ac.uk
Website: www.compas.ox.ac.uk



Professor Peter Dwyer

Professor of Social Policy
Room A/C/110 (Alcuin C Block)
Department of Social Policy and Social Wor,k University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD
Phone: 0044  (0)1904 321229
Email: peter.dwyer@york.ac.uk
Profile: http://www.york.ac.uk/spsw/staff/peter-dwyer/

Professor Dwyer's research interests' centre on issues related to social citizenship. Key themes explored in this work include welfare provision, conditionality (the linking of rights to responsibilities) and issues of social inclusion/exclusion within and beyond the boundaries of nation states. Migration and its impact on individuals' welfare rights is an increasingly important aspect in his work. He currently leads a major five year ESRC funded project on welfare conditionality http://www.welfareconditionality.ac.uk/ which brings together teams of researchers working in six English and Scottish Universities i.e. University of York, University of Salford, University of Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University, Heriot-Watt University and the University of Glasgow. Central to this work is a desire to inform policy and practice through the establishment of an original and comprehensive evidence base on the efficacy and ethicality of conditionality across a range of social policy fields and diverse groups of welfare service users. Migrants (both TCNs and EEA nationals) are one of the groups who are being sampled. Additionally he is also currently working on an EC funded project a project exploring Roma inclusion in 10 EU Member States including Poland see https://romamatrix.eu/ He has previously completed funded projects on forced migration (asylum seekers/refugees), international retirement migration and A8 labour migration.


Dr Mariusz Dzięglewski

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology
Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland
ul. Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Krakow, Poland
E-mail: mdzieglewski@wp.pl

Mariusz’ research interests focus on new forms of migration and mobility after 2004 EU enlargement. He is currently conducting research on the socio-cultural and economic aspects of the recent wave of migration from Poland to Ireland and UK. The main focus is on the social mobility of young graduates from Polish universities leaving the country of origin as well as their integration into social and cultural mainstream in the host country. He is also interested in the way immigrants’ identity is being constructed and negotiated while living ‘between’ home and host country. Mariusz’ research includes issues such as: ties with home country, immigrants’ perception of own national group and constructed category of ‘others’, cultural barriers of integration, job career and return migration.  Recently Mariusz has conducted research on the representation of Polish emigrants and the impact of the recent wave of emigration on the Polish economy in weekly magazines, echoing public debate on emigration in Poland. The research was based on content analysis. Besides economic aspects of emigration he also analysed the way social implications of the emigration are being presented in press articles.



Dr. Gabriella Elgenius

Associate Professor (Docent)
Department of Sociology
University of Gothenburg
Mobiles: +46766109500 (SE) and +447909511273 (UK)
Email: gabriella.elgenius@gu.se / gabriella.elgenius@sociology.ox.ac.uk
Postal Address: Gothenburg University, BOX 720,  SE 40530 Gothenburg, Sweden
Web profiles:

Gabriella’s research interests focus on diaspora, nationalism and community-building, with particular interests on Diaspora community campaigning and migrant civil societies; identity-politics studied with reference to both national museums and the repatriation of cultural heritage but also to national populist parties. She has a longstanding interest in strategic use of national symbolism (e.g. national days and commemorations) as markers of nation building (ERC, Swedish Research Council). Gabriella recently joined the Dept. of Sociology at University of Gothenburg but remains visiting scholar and associate member of the Dept. of Sociology at the University of Oxford. She previously held a fellowship from the British Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities and has worked with Professor Anthony Heath on projects such as: Are traditional identities in decline? (ESRC), Diaspora Communities in the UK (British Academy, John Fell Fund) and Hard Times and the divisive toll of the economic slump (Multi-funded). Gabriella completed her PhD as a Marie Curie Fellow at the LSE under the supervision of Professor Anthony D. Smith.

Dr Tim Elrick

Department of Geography
Malteserstr. 74-100
12249 Berlin,Germany
E-Mail: tim.elrick@fu-berlin.de

Tim Elrick has conducted research on labour migration and migration policy, social in-/exclusion, social networks and entrepreneurship studies. He has published on East-West European migration (Polish and Romanian migrants) as well as on ethnic entrepreneurship and urban diversity. He has been part of the Knowmig project based at the University of Edinburgh, http://www.migration-networks.org/, and is now working on two projects, one on ethnic entrepreneurship in the UK and Germany and the other on international graduate migration and regional development in Canada and Germany.


Dr Marta Bivand Erdal

Research Professor
Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Mailing address: PO Box 9229 Grønland
NO-0134 Oslo
E.mail: marta@prio.no
Marta’s background is in Geography, and her overarching research focus is on the dynamics of migration and transnationalism, in both contexts of emigration and of immigration. Her research spans different categories of migrants, including refugees, labour migrants and return migrants, and includes the perspectives of migrants, non-migrant populations, as well as of state actors in emigration and immigration contexts. Marta has in particular worked on Polish migration, Pakistani migration, and migration and diversity in Norway, especially on themes such as: return migration - remittances - home and belonging - transnational ties - citizenship - development.



Professor Małgorzata Fabiszak

School of English
Adam Mickiewicz University
Al. Niepodległości 4
61-876 Poznań
Website: http://ifa.amu.edu.pl/fa/Fabiszak_Malgorzata

Malgorzata's research interests are in the role of metaphor in discourse, its role in constructing migrant's identity and their understanding of the migration experience. The first article in her publications list concerns the ways in which Polish families staying in their country construe the identity of a child born to Polish migrants in England and how they negotiate the baby's identity status relative to their discursive goals. The second article focuses on how the youngest generation of Poles views their migration experience. A parallel is drawn between Polish students migrating to the UK and Ireland and the British students' gap year.


Dr Ian Fitzgerald

School of the Built and Natural Environment
Northumbria University,Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST
Direct line: 0044 (0) 191 227 4362
Email: ian.fitzgerald@northumbria.ac.uk

Ian has been working on the Polish accession migration since 2005. He has managed and undertaken a wide range of research including projects for the TUC, ONE North East and two ESRC grants (RES-000-22-2034 and RES-451-26-0779). This research has focused on social justice and the broad integration of Polish migrant workers into UK society through business, trade unions and the local community. More recently his focus has widened to consider the regulation of the UK labour market through two UK national expert studies for the European Commission. These last two projects reported on the Posting of Workers Directive and the protection of workers' rights in the subcontract chain. He has published widely in this area (http://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/view/creators/Fitzgerald=3AIan=3A=3A.html) and recently his prima facie case was approved by committee for a PhD by publication. He has a social science, industrial relations background and has used an action research approach in his work. He is currently Honorary Patron of a newly established Polish community association and his Polish immigrant work continues through a joint collaboration with a colleague from the Polish Academy of Sciences.


Dr Naomi Flynn

Associate Professor in Primary English Education, 
SFHEA Institute of Education,
The University of Reading, London Road Campus,
4 Redlands Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 5EX

Telephone:  +44 (0)118 378 2770 / Email: n.flynn@reading.ac.uk

Naomi’s research interest is in the experiences of Eastern European children in school in England and of their teachers. Specifically she is interested in the capital attributed to the English language by families migrating to the UK, and in English teachers’ practice for teaching English to non-native speakers. Her doctoral research focussed on the experiences of primary school teachers in Hampshire schools working in settings unaccustomed to linguistic or cultural difference. Interviews uncovered teachers’ attitudes to their pedagogy for teaching English, and their construction of Polish children as a ‘model minority.’ Naomi employs a Bourdieusian approach to analysing teachers’ responses to their Polish pupils.


Dr Jon Horgen Friburg

Senior Researcher
Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research
Oslo, Norway
E-mail: jhf@fafo.no

Jon is a sociologist and has worked on several issues related to migration, labour markets and social integration. His PhD thesis, titled "The Polish worker in Norway - Emerging patterns of migration, employment and incorporation after EUs eastern enlargement" (completed in 2012, defended in 2013) dealt with decision-making, adaptation and incorporation among Polish labour migrants in Norway, as well as the consequences for Norwegian society of post accession labour migration from Poland. He is currently involved in several projects involving Polish migrants in the Nordic countries, using both qualitative and quantitative data.


Dr Aleksandra Galasinska

Senior Research Fellow in European Studies
School of Law
Social Sciences and Communications
University of Wolverhampton
Wulfruna Street,Wolverhampton UK, WV1 1LY
E-mail: a.galasinska@wlv.ac.uk

Aleksandra’s research interests focus on ethnographic and discursive aspects of lived experience of post-communism as well as post-89 and post-enlargement migration. She has been collecting migrants’ narratives recounting experiences of moving country; doing fieldwork in Polish migrants’ centres, shops and restaurants in the West Midlands; and researching on-line media and internet forum discourses in relation to post-04 migration from Poland. Her new project is devoted to the topic of return migration.


Dr Jadwiga Gałka

Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Krąków, Poland
Institute of Geography and Spatial Management
Jagiellonian University
E-mail: jadwiga.galka@uj.edu.pl
Tel : +48 12 664 53 18
Fax : +48 12 664 53 85

I am a Lecturer in Human Geography at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Management at Jagiellonian University in Krakow. I hold a MSc in Geography, specialisation: Environmental Protection (Pedagogical University in Krakow) and a PhD in Geography, specialisation: socio-economic geography (Jagiellonian University). I am a member of Polish Geographical Society. My research interests are around spatial and social mobility of Polish post-accession immigrants in London. My PhD (completed in 2012) explored the links between spatial and social mobility among Polish immigrants in London. My research also investigated social distance between Poles and other nationalities who lived in London as well as future migration plans and potential future migration directions in the age of economic crisis.
Currently my research interest lies in the internal and international migration of Poles. I have also carried out research with refugees and people seeking asylum in Poland. I have received recent research funding from the National Science Center (to investigate the scale of suburbanization processes and demographic behavior of internal migrants in Krakow’s Metropolitan Area).


Dr Michał P. Garapich

Centre for Research on Nationalism Ethnicity and Multiculturalism
Roehampton University
E-mail: m.garapich@roehampton.ac.uk

Michał is a social anthropologist and a Research Fellow at CRONEM. His PhD thesis (Jagiellonian University, Krakow) focused on power relations between established Polish ethnic institutions and new migrants, Polish nationalism, the practice of the de-territorialised nation-state and identity politics within an ethnic group. Michał joined CRONEM at the end of 2005 and, with Prof. John Eade and Dr Stephen Drinkwater, has conducted a study for the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) on Polish migrants’ perceptions and constructions of social class and ethnicity. . At present Michał is undertaking various applied research projects for local governments experiencing large influxes of migrants from Eastern Europe. He has carried out studies informing local social policy for Councils of Greenwich, Hammersmith&Fulham, Redbridge, Lewisham and Merton. He has also carried out large scale surveys among Polish migrants for BBC Newsnight and Institute of Public Policy Research. Some of the reports from these can be found on the CRONEM website, www.roehampton.ac.uk/researchcentres/cronem. His current project – funded by the Methodist Church – is ethnography of alcohol consumption and problem-drinking among migrants from Eastern Europe. The report from that study is due in summer 2010. Michał is a frequent commentator for the Polish media and between 2006 and 2009 had a weekly opinion column in the largest Polish daily, Gazeta Wyborcza.


Dr Anna Gawlewicz

School of Social and Political Sciences
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8RT
Email: Anna.Gawlewicz@glasgow.ac.uk

Anna’s research interests include attitudes towards and encounters with difference, transnational circulation of ideas (incl. social remittances), queer migration, Polish migration to the UK and reflexive qualitative methodologies. She currently works on the Intimate Migrations project led by Dr Francesca Stella and Dr Moya Flynn which looks at lesbian, gay and bisexual migrants from Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union in Scotland. Anna’s PhD (2010-2014) explored Polish migrants’ encounters with difference in terms ethnicity, religion, class, sexuality, gender, age and disability, and the circulation of ideas about difference between the UK and Poland (part of the LiveDifference research programme).


Dr Nick Gill

Lecturer in Human Geography
Amory Building
College of Life and Environmental Sciences
University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter EX4 4RJ
Email: n.m.gill@exeter.ac.uk

Nick Gill's research is located at the intersection of geographic state theory, govern mentality and migration studies, with a specific focus on forced migration. He is currently engaged in both theoretical and empirical research on geographies of activism around forced migration in the UK and US (ERSC funded), place-making among Polish migrants in the UK (Nuffield Foundation funded), and the relationship between geographies and decisions. Before coming to the University of Exeter, UK, where he presently teaches, Nick taught at Lancaster University and Bristol University, UK and taught and studied at the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. He holds a BSc in Geography with Economics (LSE), an MSc in Management (LSE), an MSc in Society and Space (Bristol) and a PhD in Geography (Bristol).


Sean Gill

PhD Researcher and Teaching Assistant
School of Geography, Politics and Sociology
5th Floor Claremont Tower
Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, NE1 7RU
Email: Sean.Gill@newcastle.ac.uk

Sean is currently researching and writing his PhD entitled “Transitions to adulthood: young Poles’ experiences of migration and life in Northumberland”. His project aims to explore the transitions to adulthood of young Poles in Northumberland and how these shape, and are shaped by, both experiences of migration and life in Northumberland. His research objectives are: to investigate the everyday geographies and senses of belonging of young Poles’ in Northumberland, to explore the role and influence of young Poles’ family, social and support networks and to explore young Poles’ choices, aspirations and feelings about their future education and work lives.


Kinga Goodwin

PhD student
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies
16 Taviton Street
London WC1H 0BW

Kinga Goodwin has a background in cross-cultural psychology, but her research is interdisciplinary. Her work is based on in-depth interviews and ethnographic observation/participation with Polish women living in the United Kingdom (UK) and New Zealand/Aotearoa (NZ). This research is comparative, and largely theorized within the intersectionality model, and discusses how class, gender and ethnicity intersect in Polish women’s behaviour in culturally and geographically different environments. Kinga's research shows Polish women in the context of lifestyle migration, rather than in the labour migration context in which Polonia is often discussed.


Professor Robin Goodwin

Director, Centre for Culture and Evolutionary Psychology
Social Sciences
Brunel University
E-mail: robin.goodwin@brunel.ac.uk

I have recently completed a British Academy funded project, ‘The Acculturation of Polish Immigrants into British Society: A Multi-method investigation’ (2007-2009), a two year longitudinal study of Polish migrants. This project has been presented to academic audiences in more than a dozen times in as many countries, and papers are currently being written up from this work, hopefully to be published in 2010.


Dr. Elżbieta M. Goździak

Research Director and Editor-in-Chief, International Migration
Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM)
Georgetown University
3300 Whitehaven St. NW Suite 3100
Washington DC 20007
E-mail: emg27@georgetown.edu

Elżbieta’s research agenda includes a broad array of issues of migrant mobility and integration, migration and trafficking of children and adolescents, urban refugees, and crisis migration. In Poland, she has been collaborating with researchers at the Center for Migration Studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in her hometown of Poznań. Currently, she is collaborating with Izabela Czerniejewska on a study of Polish men who fell on their luck in Great Britain and returned to Poland assisted by a charitable organization facilitating their reintegration into the Polish society. Recently, Elżbieta was involved in a study of third country nationals residing in Poznań and their access to education, health care, and the labor market. The results of this study have been published in a volume edited by Natalia Bloch and Elżbieta M. Goździak Od gości do sąsiadów. Integracja cudzoziemców spoza Unii Europejskiej w Poznaniu w edukacji, na rynku pracy i w opiece zdrowotnej (CeBaM 2010). With support from the Fulbright program, she conducted research on attitudes towards foreigners in Poland. Her paper, co-authored with Leszek Nowak, Ten Obcy: Stosunek Wielkopolan do Cudzoziemców is forthcoming in the spring 2012 issue of Przegląd Wielkopolski. She will be presenting her findings in the upcoming conference on migration in Moscow in April 2012. She had also completed an exploratory study of migration of Polish health and social care workers and is currently working with colleagues in Poznań to expand this research, with a particular focus on migration of social care workers to Germany. She holds a Senior Specialist Fulbright grant.

Elżbieta serves as an editor-in-chief of International Migration, a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal on migration policy and research. Elżbieta received her doctorate from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland in 1984.


Professor Izabela Grabowska-Lusińska

Centre of Migration Research University of Warsaw ul. Banacha 2b, 02-097, Warsaw 

Website: www.izabelagrabowska.com

Email: i.grabowska@uw.edu.pl

Professor Izabela Grabowska-Lusinska is a sociologist and economist; Head of Research Group at the Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw; Deputy Chair of IMISCOE Board of Directors, member of IMISCOE Executive Board; professor of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw (SWPS); national expert of the European Commission in ESCO (Classification of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations); co-editor, among other publications, of Mobility in Transition. Migration Patterns After EU Enlargement (2013, IMISCOE Research Series, Amsterdam University Press; open access: http://www.oapen.org/search?identifier=449203) and author of a habilitation monograph, Migrantow sciezki zawodowe bez granic, [Boundaryless careers of migrants], 2012, Warsaw: Scholar.

Currently she is leading the project on 'Diffusion of Culture Through Social Remittances between Poland and The United Kingdom' funded by the National Science Centre Poland. This is a collaborative project between the Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, and the University of Roehampton, London.


Julia Halej

PhD candidate
School of Slavonic and East European Studies
University College London
16 Taviton Street
London WC1H 0BW

Website: www.ssees.ucl.ac.uk/research/halej.htm

My research focuses on the discursive construction of East European migrants in Britain, their perception by the host society and its impact on migrants' lived social reality and integration. My multidisciplinary approach (incorporating cultural/historical perspectives into social scientific analysis, drawing on media analysis, narrative interviews and social psychology methodology) seeks to determine the extent to which the monolithic category of 'East European' is being broken down, and the different meanings and hierarchies that emerge as a result, particularly in the context of 'whiteness' and 'gender'. On this basis I will investigate whether prejudice and stereotypes affect migrants' everyday life and integration patterns, and the opportunities and limitations the label 'East European' holds for migrants in Britain.


Catherine Harris

Interdisciplinary Centre for the Social Sciences,
University of Sheffield,
Sheffield, S1 4DP

Email: Catherine.harris@sheffield.ac.uk

Catherine’s PhD investigated the experiences of Polish migrant entrepreneurs in the West Midlands region of the UK and is the first large-scale study of its kind. Her research has attracted interest internationally and has been featured in the media. Her research interests include ethnic entrepreneurship, EU enlargement, Polish migration and the Polish community in the UK. She is particularly interested in the translocal interactions between Polish migrants in the UK and individuals/organisations in Poland. Catherine is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow working on the ERC funded project ‘Living with Difference: making communities out of strangers in an era of super mobility and super diversity’. The project focuses on diversity in Leeds and Warsaw.


Dr Anna Horolets

Associate Professor
University of Gdańsk
Email: anna.horolets@ug.edu.pl

Anna Horolets started research on Polish post-2004 migration in 2010-11 when she was a Leverhulme Research Fellow at the University of Wolverhampton. The research project was devoted to post-2004 Polish migrants' leisure mobility and was conducted in the West Midlands.

She subsequently conducted research on Polish migrants’ leisure in Chicago: ‘Leisure participation and adaptation of Polish immigrants in urban and suburban neighbourhoods of Chicago metro’. The research was supported by the Kościuszko Foundation; the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was a partner institution.

She is a founder and coordinator of the summer school ‘Studies of Migration and Mobility in Europe’ (Erasmus Intensive Programme), Sopot, Poland. The school has run for three years (2011-2013) and attracted over 70 students and 20 teaching staff from 9 European countries.

Anna’s research interests are mobility and leisure. She has been a part of the project ‘Leisure practices and perception of nature. Polish tourists and migrants in Iceland’ (University of Gdańsk and University of Iceland; PI: Agata Bachórz).

Most recently she has joined a research team of the project ‘Managing the European Refugee Crisis’ (University of Warsaw; PI: Adriana Mica) and coordinates the Work Package devoted to discourse analysis of the media coverage of the EU refugee relocation scheme from 2015 in three countries: Poland, Hungary and Romania.


Professor Krystyna Iglicka

Faculty of Management
University of Warsaw

Dr. Maja Jankowska

Lecturer in Educational Psychology
University of Bedfordshire
Park Square
Luton, LU1 3JU
E-mail: maja,jankowska@beds.ac.uk

Maja Jankowska is a Lecturer in Educational Psychology at the University of Bedfordshire. She is interested in bilingualism (the experiences of Polish-English bilingual children in the English system of education, their wellbeing and sense of identity as well as teacher’s perceptions and attitudes towards bilingual and EAL children and school’s approaches and systems). She is also interested in the life of Polish migrants in the UK and actively participates and supports the Polish community in Bedfordshire. She collaborates with Polish British Integration Centre (PBIC) in a number of community based and community-centred projects.



Barbara Janta

Doctoral researcher
Institute for Employment Research
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7AL
Email: b.janta@warwick.ac.uk
Website: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/ier/people/phdstudents/barbara/

Barbara Janta is a doctoral researcher investigating Polish migrants' childbearing in the UK. Barbara's study focuses on the relationship between migrants' childbearing and decisions to settle in the UK or return to Poland. Her study also examines the challenges of Polish migrants' childbearing for policymaking, in particular for the labour markets, demography, and public services.


Dr Hanna (Hania) Janta

Hania Janta, PhD
Senior Lecturer in Hospitality and Events
School of Hospitality and Tourism
Faculty of Business Economics and Law
University of Surrey,Guildford GU2 7XH
Email: h.janta@surrey.ac.uk


Hania's  PhD thesis focused on Polish migrants employed in the UK hospitality industry. Her research interests are in the area of hospitality employment, Polish migration post 2004, migrant workers and netnography.


Dr. Michael Johns

Associate Professor of Political Science
Laurentian University- Barrie Campus
130 Bell Farm Road
Suite 2 and 3,Barrie, Ontario, Canada, L4M 5G6
Email: mjohns@laurentian.ca

Michael's research focuses on the role intra-EU migrants play in furthering our understanding of concepts of minorities, European mobility and citizenship. Much of his current work examines the Polish community in Britain and Ireland with particular attention given to the Polish migrants in Llanelli, Wales. Recently Michael started an additional research project examining the development of migration networks of Polish migrants and the role of the local community in this process. Currently he is a Honorary Research Fellow with Cardiff University.


Dawn Judd

Senior Lecturer (retired)
Faculty of Health and Social Care
University of Central Lancashire
Preston, Lancashire PR1 2HE
E-Mail: DBJudd1@yahoo.co.uk



Dr Paweł Kaczmarczyk
Director of the Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Warsaw CMR
ul. Banacha 2b
02-097 Warsaw
Fax: +48 22 8227404 Email: p.kaczmarczyk@uw.edu.pl
Tel.: +48 22 6597411

Pawel’s main research areas include migration, particularly in CEE countries, labour economics, demography, international economics and migration policy. With regard to migration his research has focused on causes and consequences of labour migration, highly skilled mobility, remittances and welfare impacts of migration. He is a SOPEMI correspondent at the OECD, IZA Fellow and TFMI Fellow. In 2008-2011 he was also a member of the Board of Strategic Advisers to the Prime Minister of Poland where he provided expertise on subjects linked to demography, the labour market, mobility and migration, as well as the welfare system.

Monika Kaliszewska
Research Assistant and PhD Candidate
Employment Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin
Department of Sociology
2-3 College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0) 1 896 1876
Email: kaliszwm@tcd.ie

Between 2009 and 2010 I was involved in Polonia in Dublin project, funded by IRCHSS, employing a large scale migrant survey in order to examine the lives of Polish migrants that arrived to Ireland after 2004. Currently (from October 2010) I am involved in an international large scale longitudinal study - Causes and Consequences of Socio-Cultural Integration Processes among New Immigrants in Europe, the so-called SCIP Project. It is a collaborative project between Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Ireland. This project studies integration trajectories of new immigrants and its substantive focus is specifically on migrants’ socio-cultural integration. My doctoral study examines core networks of Polish migrants to Ireland. It includes two groups: those that arrived to Ireland after 2004, during the times of economic boom, and those that arrived to Ireland during economic recession. I am specifically interested in micro-scale integration processes, social capital, resources available to migrants within their core networks and transnational networks. I have an MA in Sociology from Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland (2006), and Masters in European Political Sociology, Dalarna University, Falun, Sweden (2005).

Dr Julie Knight
Research Manager & Adjunct Professor
Regional Economic Studies Institute, Towson University
Department of Sociology, Loyola University of Maryland
E-mail: knight@towson.edu

After completing her PhD (2014) entitled ‘Motivations and Trajectories: A study of Polish migrants in Cardiff, Wales’ in the Department of Social Sciences at Cardiff University, Julie moved to the US to continue conducting interdisciplinary research. Julie’s current research interests are in contemporary migration flows, the cultural integration of long-term migrants, migration policy and regional economic development. In addition, Julie has taken an active role in developing the next generation of young researchers through her position as the Editor- in- Chief of the Early Careers Section of the open access journal Regional Studies, Regional Science.

Dr Anna Kordasiewicz
Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw
e-mail: a.kordasiewicz@uw.edu.pl

Anna Kordasiewicz is a sociologist, a graduate of the Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw, and assistant professor at the Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw. She is working in the Polish NSC funded project "Unfinished migration transition and ageing population in Poland. Asynchronous population changes and the transformation of formal and informal care institutions", led by prof. Marek Okólski (http://migageing.uw.edu.pl/). She is also involved in a project “Londoner – Pole – Citizen” that reaches out to Polish youth in the London Borough of Lewisham and is carried out by the CMR Foundation, funded by the Senate of the Republic of Poland (http://www.obmf.pl/projekty/projekty_POLeng.html). She collaborates with Institute of Sociology, University of Łódź, where she is part of the project "Poles in the world of late capitalism: changes of biographical processes in terms of professional careers, social relations and identity at the time of system transformation in Poland", Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw, and with Field of Dialogue Foundation, which she co-established in 2011. Her research interests pertain to paid domestic work, including care work, aging, social services, transformations of contemporary social relationships, and civic engagement. She has studied paid domestic work in Italy, Germany and Poland. She specializes in and teaches qualitative research and analysis, including computer assisted qualitative data analysis. Anna Kordasiewicz has published several articles and co-edited a book Edukacja obywatelska w działaniu [Civic education in action] (2013) which brings together UK, German and Polish theory and practice of youth engagement (co-editor Przemysław Sadura). She recently prepared a report on Ukrainian domestic workers in Poland for the International Labour Organization (2016, together with Marta Kindler and Monika Szulecka). Anna Kordasiewicz is currently (Autumn 2016) publishing a book based on 10 years research on paid care and domestic work in postwar Poland: (U)sługi domowe. Praca domowa w powojennej Polsce [Domestic serv(ice/ants). Paid household work in postwar Poland

Olga Kozłowska
Researcher and PhD student
School of Law, Social Sciences and Communications
University of Wolverhampton
Millennium City Building
Wulfruna Street
E-mail: olga.kozlowska@wlv.ac.uk

I worked on a one year project on the mental health of post-accession Polish migrants in the UK (‘Migration, Stress and Mental Health: An Exploratory Study of Post-accession Polish Immigrants to the United Kingdom’). The research employed a quantitative and qualitative approach to examine the prevalence of mental distress among Polish migrants and to identify the pressure points threatening their mental well-being. In the research carried out as my PhD project (‘Lived experience of economic migration in the narratives of migrants from post-communist Poland to Britain’) I explore the post-accession migratory experiences of highly educated young migrants.

Dr Kinga Kozminska
DPhil General Linguistics and Comparative Philology
Somerville College
Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6HD
E-mail: kinga.kozminska@ling-phil.ox.ac.uk

I have just completed a study on how Polish young adults, who received part of their education in the UK and are now living and working here, draw on English in their Polish. The study examines linguistic practices of the group as well as their language ideologies in order to understand Polish transnational identities of the members of the group.


Mike Krawiec
University of the West of England,
Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries and Education,
Coldharbour Lane,
Bristol BS16 1QY
Email: Michael2.Krawiec@live.uwe.ac.uk

I am currently researching my PhD. The work explores the dichotomy within the post-war Polish diaspora 1945-1960. Given the title “The Re-emergence of the Polish Nationalist Inter-war Regime in Post-war Britain” the work explores identity, cultural and socio-political influences and their origins. It further explores the paradigm between the Polish Catholic Church and Polish elites and the important role this played in the construction of a ‘Myth of Return’.

Aneta Krzyworzeka-Jelinowska
Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies
University of Warsaw

PhD candidate at the Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw. Member of the research group in the Centre for French Culture and Francophone Studies, UW. Graduated of the Jagiellonian University (sociology, cultural studies) and UVSQ (France). Within the Erasmus programme she studied at the University of Poitiers (Laboratoire GRESCO). She received Centre of Migration Research scholarship. Her researches are focus on the Polish Diaspora, mainly in Western Europe, women and migration, Polish education and Polish policy towards the Polish Diaspora. In this context, she conducts research on identity, especially national identity. Apart from the Polish context, she deals with the situation of women and children in a refugee crisis and French social studies.


Dr Lukasz Krzyzowski
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Philosophische Fakultät III
Institut für Sozialwissenschaften

Postal address:
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
For visitors:
Universitätsstraße 3b, room 137

E-Mail: lukasz.krzyzowski@hu-berlin.de

Dr Łukasz Krzyżowski is a postdoctoral researcher at Humboldt University, Berlin. Krzyżowski holds a doctoral degree in Sociology from the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (2012). He is a member of the Research Training Group of the “From Heterogeneities to Social Inequalities” Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) at Bielefeld University. Krzyżowski was team leader of the “Transnational Caregiving and Intergenerational Relations in Migrant Cultures” project financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. Since 2013 he has held the position of Assistant Professor at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. Krzyżowski's expertise is in qualitative methods of research, in particular multi-sited ethnography and mixed methods research and he lectures qualitative and qualitative methods of research at AGH. Krzyżowski's interests are in transmigration and old age and elderly care and care provision and intergenerational solidarity under Polish systemic culture-bound conditions.

Dr Agnieszka Kubal
Research Officer
International Migration Institute
University of Oxford
Website: http://www.imi.ox.ac.uk/people/past-staff/agnieszka-kubal

Agnieszka completed her DPhil (2010) at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford. It explored how migrants build their relationship with the legal system of the host country, using the case study of Polish post-2004 EU Enlargement migrants in the UK. She has recently published as a monograph with Ashgate (2012), entitled: 'Socio-legal integration. Polish post-2004 EU Enlargement migrants in the United Kingdom.' The book examines how contemporary migrants respond to the law in the host country, and which factors influence this relationship. It suggests a more comprehensive insight into the socio-legal integration of migrants by analysing the interplay between the new legal environment and migrants'existing culturally-derived values, attitudes, behaviour and social expectations toward law and law enforcement. The book uses the case study of Polish post-2004 EU Enlargement migrants in the UK during the 'transitory period', i.e. when the European law on free movement was suspended and it was the British Accession Regulations 2004 and 2006 which governed migrants' work and residence in the UK.

Agnieszka's research interests encompass migrants' legal incorporation, the rights-citizenship nexus, questions of legality and semi-legality, social theory and comparative legal culture.

Paul Lassalle
PhD Student
Centre for Contemporary European Studies
Business School
University of the West of Scotland
E-mail: paul.lassalle@uws.ac.uk

Paul is currently writing his PhD on Polish entrepreneurs in Scotland. Based on semi-structured interviews conducted with Polish entrepreneurs working in different sectors of the economy in the Glasgow area, his research focuses on their personal life trajectories (including their decision to emigrate), their relations (positive or negative) with the Polish community, their motivations to set up their own business in Scotland and their business strategies. This research contributes to the academic debates concerning Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurs, i.e. the importance of push and pull factors, the issues faced by immigrant businesses in accessing formal sources of support and advice, and the role played by social capital.

Dr Aleksandra Lewicki
Postdoctoral Researcher
Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship
University of Bristol
11 Priory Road
Bristol BS8 1TU
Tel: +44 (0) 117 3310607
Email: Aleksandra.Lewicki@bristol.ac.uk, Aleksandra.Lewicki@gmail.com

Aleksandra’s work is concerned with the comparative study of discourses and practices of democratic citizenship in Europe, and she is specifically interested in structural inequalities in relation to race, ethnicity, gender and religion, as well as institutional discrimination, legal approaches to equality, Islam in Europe, A8 migration, and recently also health and social care for older people. She has written on citizenship discourses in Britain and Germany and on Polish migrants’ citizenship practices in Britain and Norway. Currently, she conducts co-produced research into post-migration minorities’ strategies of political mobilisation, and works with minority organisations that engage in the provision of culturally sensitive care.

Magdalena Lopez Rodriguez
Magdalena López Rodríguez (BA in Cultural Anthropology, MA in Anthropology of Development, MRes in Social and Educational Research, MPhil) is a research fellow researching perceptions of children’s education by Polish migrant mothers in the UK and works on various migration-related projects (currently on a project conducted by the Poznań Institute for Western Affairs ‘Polish immigrant organizations in Europe’). She has published papers on diverse aspects of migrant education and recently produced a toolkit about education in the UK for migrants and minorities (Middlesex University, UK). Her research interests focus on analyses of cultural and social capital in migratory situations. She has extensive experience and expertise in qualitative research methods.

Helen Lowther
PhD Student
Centre for Urban and Regional Development (CURDS)
School of Geography, Politics and Sociology
Newcastle University
5th Floor, Daysh Building
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom NE1 7RU
E-mail: helen.lowther@hotmail.co.uk

Helen is a postgraduate student based within the Geography Department at Newcastle University. Her PhD focuses upon the relationship between social capital and integration for post-accession Polish migrants living in the North East of England and raises questions regarding the extent to which participation in activities beyond the working day impact the generation of social capital for this group.

Dr Amy Ludlow
University of Cambridge
01223 332497

@ACLudlow; @eumigrantworker

In 2016, Amy, together with Prof. Catherine Barnard, is running the ESRC funded 'EU Migrant Worker Project'. See http://www.eumigrantworker.law.cam.ac.uk

Dr Izabella Main
The Centre for Migration Studies
Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
E-mail: imain@amu.edu.pl

Izabella’s research interests are in the intersection of migration studies and medical anthropology. She has conducted research in Barcelona, London and Berlin about the change of beliefs and practices concerning health, access to healthcare, and medical tourism. Her interests include multiple mobility of individuals, mobility of care and medicaments. Izabella was also involved in projects aimed at developing strategies and activities for refugees and foreigners in Poznań and Poland.

Agnieszka Marciszewska
PhD student
Department of Literature, Languages and Theatre
University of Greenwich, London
E-mail: A.A.Marciszewska@greenwich.ac.uk

Agnieszka Marciszewska is currently working on a research study which deals with psycholinguistic processes occurring in a bilingual person's mind. The project involves Polish-English bilingual children and teenagers, which makes it scientifically truly cutting edge, especially considering that very few studies have looked at this specific language pairing. Agnieszka has recently been interviewed by a London-based media channel. You can find the details here: http://londynek.net/czytelnia/Przelomowe+badania+o+dwujezycznosci+prowadzone+w+Londynie%C2%A0+czytelnia,/czytelnia/article?jdnews_id=4182274 More information about this project can be found on Agnieszka’s website at www.amaris-studio.com.

Joanna Marczak
PhD student
Department of Social Policy
London School of Economics and Political Science
Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE
E-mail: J.Marczak@lse.ac.uk

I am writing a PhD about 'fertility intentions of Polish people in the UK and Poland'. In my project I will concentrate on fertility intentions and the progression to the second child among Polish people in the UK and Poland using a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods.

Professor Ewa Mazierska
Professor of Contemporary Cinema
School of Journalism, Media and Communication
University of Central Lancashire, Harris 249a,
Preston, PR1 2HE
E-mail: ehmazierska@uclan.ac.uk

Jenny McCurry
PhD candidate
School of Geography
Queen Mary University of London
Email: j.c.mccurry@qmul.ac.uk
Website: http://www.geog.qmul.ac.uk/staff/mccurryj.html

Jenny began her PhD research in September 2013.   It focuses on the participation of Polish migrants in politics and civil society in Northern Ireland, their motivations for participation and the barriers which they may experience.  Taking a transnational approach, it also explores their continuing ties to Poland, interest in Polish politics and continuing participation in Polish elections.  As well as making an empirical contribution to an area which requires further research, it offers the opportunity to explore the dynamics of migrant political participation in the context of a deeply divided society.  The establishment of devolved government in Northern Ireland provides an interesting framework to study multi-level understandings of citizenship and the construction of civic and political identities at multiple scales.  It also aims to engage with wider debates regarding citizenship and political participation against the backdrop of new patterns of mobility within the EU.

Professor Derek McGhee
ESRC Centre for Population Change
University of Southampton.
E-mail: D.P.McGhee@soton.ac.uk

Derek has previously worked with Professor Sue Heath (Morgan Centre, Manchester University) and Dr Paulina Trevena on a 3 year (2009-2012) ESRC Centre for Population Change project on the impact of migrating to the UK on post-accession Polish Families. The research team have published and are working on a range of papers on various themes: doing families at a distance, the relationship between intra- and inter-personal comparisons in Polish migrant biographies, housing biographies and the access to social housing in Glasgow, Polish parents' perceptions of the UK education system, Polish migrants' relationships to place and location, the impact of migration on transitions to adulthood amongst younger Poles. Derek will be starting a second 3 year ESRC Centre for Population Change Project early in 2014. In this project he wants to examine the drivers and impacts on Polish migrants settlement patterns in urban areas in England, Wales and Scotland and he will examine the impact of return migration to Poland on Polish family formations.

Vassiliki-Eleni Milonidis
MRes student, UCL SSEES

My research focuses on the social and personal experiences of migrants in the UK.  I am currently pursuing a comparative project that explores Polish and Greek migration in the UK. The aim of the project is to understand how involvement in a local Catholic or Orthodox parish aids the ‘integration’ of Polish and Greek migrants in London and Cambridge. The project will draw upon existing migration theory discussing the concepts of integration, migration networks and their impact on economic and social capital. The project will explore how parish participation of Polish and Greek adults, who have moved to the UK, may help to build a social network or community. This network can include Poles, Greeks, and local non-Poles or Greeks. The project will, in addition, consider the role that participation in a parish plays in maintaining transnational ties to Poland and Greece.

Dr Richard C. M. Mole
Senior Lecturer in Political Sociology
School of Slavonic and East European Studies
University College London, Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
E-mail: r.mole@ucl.ac.uk
Web profile: www.ucl.ac.uk/ssees/people/richard-mole

Richard's research focuses on the relationship between identity and power with particular reference to the construction of social and political hierarchies defined in terms of nationality, gender and sexuality. He is currently involved in a project examining the experiences of LGBT migrants from Poland, Russia and Brazil to London and Berlin. The project is funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Iris Mordue
PhD student and Associate Lecturer at Teesside University
School of Social Sciences, Business and Law

Iris’ research investigates how fear - the fear of crime, and also wider insecurities - influences the everyday lives of the people who live in a deprived area of Middlesbrough, Teesside: members of the traditional British white working class, Polish labour migrants, and refugees/asylum seekers. This comparative study seeks to explore the ways in which varying biographies and backgrounds influence the experiences and perceptions of the members of these three groups. This research interest was sparked by Iris’ twelve year career as a Community Development Officer, during which she specialised in working with ethnic minority groups in various parts of the North East of England. From 2005-2010 she worked particularly closely with the Polish community and from this group she gained many contacts and positive experiences. In addition to her studies, Iris has enjoyed leading the PG 'Regional Biographical Narrative Research Method Network' since March 2014.

Dagmar Rita Myslinska
Lecturer, State University of New York, USA PhD Candidate, London School of Economics & Political Science, Department of Law http://www.lse.ac.uk/collections/law/subjects/phd_students/dagmar-myslinska.htm

A graduate of Yale (BA) and Columbia University School of Law (JD), Dagmar practiced civil litigation and immigration law in the USA. She has also been an assistant professor of law and a lecturer at several American universities, including Columbia, Fordham, and Temple. She has published and presented academic scholarship related to contemporary migration, ethnicity, discrimination, civil rights, education, critical race theory, and whiteness studies. Her current research project focuses on the experiences of inequality faced by today's Polish migrants in the UK. In particular, she is interested in their engagement with the legal system, as well as in how they conceptualize and react to incidents of prejudice, particularly at work. In addition to performing critical analysis of race and ethnicity under EU Directive 2000/43 and the Equality Act (and cases stemming from those laws), Dagmar performs qualitative research with Polish migrants, lawyers, and community representatives in order to contextualize Poles' experiences of inequality or discrimination, and their engagement (or failure to engage) with the legal system.

Niamh Nestor
PhD Researcher
School of Languages and Literatures
University College Dublin
Dublin 4
E-mail: niamh.nestor@ucdconnect.ie

Niamh’s research interests are in language variation and sociolinguistics. She is currently working on a PhD at the School of Languages and Literatures, University College Dublin. Her research forms part of an inter-institutional, IRCHSS (Irish Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences) funded project entitled 'Second language acquisition and native language maintenance in the Polish Diaspora in Ireland and France'. The project investigates language use and identity among young Poles living in Ireland and will analyse speech data for a number of variables, including in/ing and discourse ‘like’.

Prof. Dr. Magdalena Nowicka
Leader, Project TRANSFORmIG
Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Universitätsstr. 3b, Berlin
Postal Address:
Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin
E-Mail: magdalena.nowicka@hu-berlin.de
Website: www.transformig.hu-berlin.de

Magdalena's research interests focus on two issues. First, the impact of commuting and return migration between Poland and Great Britain on their home communities in respect to the transformation of "social imaginaries" and the possibility of a transnational transfer of multicultural habitus between two opposed contexts, the British characterised by 'super-diversity' and the Polish shaped by relative ethnic, religious and cultural homogeneity. Second, the entrepreneurship efforts of Polish immigrants in Germany in the light of changes caused by the application of transitory measures limiting the access to the German labour market for the East Europeans for the period 2004-2011.

Witold Orlik
PhD researcher
University of Ulster
Magee campus, Northland Road
BT48 7JL, Northern Ireland
E-mail: Orlik-W2@email.ulster.ac.uk

My PhD project is about mental health condition of Polish migrants
to Ireland. Concepts like mood disorders, psychotic- like
experiences, discrimination, racism, life events and many more will
be explored.

Dr Dorota Osipovic
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Faculty of Public Health and Policy
Department of Health Services Research and Policy
15 - 17 Tavistock Place
London WC1H 9SH
Email: dorota.osipovic@lshtm.ac.uk
Website: http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/aboutus/people/osipovic.dorota

My main interests lie at the intersection of migration, welfare state and social action. In particular, I am interested in social attitudes to welfare and health care, as well as the relationship between normative attitudes and social practices. I have explored these links in my doctoral research project looking at the ways Polish migrants to the UK conceptualise their welfare views and engage with the welfare state. Since joining LSHTM I have been working on a number of projects investigating organisational structures and service delivery aspects of the NHS in England.


Dr Violetta Parutis
National Centre for Social Research
E-mail: violetta.parutis@natcen.ac.uk

My PhD (2009) is on the social practices of constructing 'home' among Polish and Lithuanian migrants in London. I was research associate on the project ‘Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles of London’s Eastern Europeans’ at UCL and a researcher on the project ‘Fathers across Three Generations: Polish, Irish and British Families’ at the Institute of Education. I am currently working on the longitudinal study 'Understanding Society' at the National Centre for Social Research.

Dr Aneta Piekut
Department of Geography
The University of Sheffield
Sheffield S10 2TN
United Kingdom
E-mail: A.Piekut@sheffield.ac.uk

Aneta's research interests include attitudes towards social diversity, immigrant integration, socio-spatial segregation, urban sociology and highly skilled migration. Currently she is a postdoctoral Research Fellow working for the project "Living with Difference in Europe: making communities out of strangers in an era of super mobility and super diversity" which studies diversity in Leeds and Warsaw. She is also affiliated with the Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, Poland.

Julie Porter: see Julie Knight

Dr Paula Pustulka
Postdoctoral Researcher 
Youth Research Lab  SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw.  Email: ppustulka@swps.edu.pl

Paula’s research interests revolve around the intersections of family scholarship and migration studies, as well as qualitative methodologies. She has recently joined SWPS University as a Postdoctoral Researcher for the "Education-to-domestic and- foreign labour market transitions of youth: The role of locality, peer group and new media" research project.  

Dr Marta Rabikowska
FHEA, Teaching Fellow
Principal Lecturer in Creative Industries
Leader in Creative Employability
University of Hertfordshire
School of Creative Arts
College Lane
AL10 9AB
Mobile number: 07759612066
E-mail: m.rabikowska@herts.ac.uk

Marta Rabikowska, PhD, M.Litt, BA and FHAE is Principle lecturer in Creative Industries at the University of Hertfordshire and a documentary filmmaker. Her research involves visual methods, especially videography, which she applies to gain an embodied and located view of ethnic communities living in London and in postindustrial environments in Eastern Europe. She works with the local communities as a consultant on community development. Her expertise is mainly in visual cultures, cultural identity and ethnicity in urban contexts. Her publications cover such areas as consumption, visual cultures, identity, community, migration, city and ethnicity. She is interested in the application of the arts in communication between migrant groups and the creative output of migrants living in London. Her latest research, funded by the Leverhulme Charity Trust with Queen Mary University, has resulted with a documentary film on well-being in Polish, Nigerian and Indian diaspora in South East London. Her other documentaries on everyday life of Polish migrants in London are available on YouTube. Her recent edited book is: The Everyday of Memory: Between Communism and Communism, Peter Lang (2013, and she is working on a monograph: Community, Diversity, Place: Critique of Ethnography.

Dr Agnieszka Radziwinowiczówna
Centre of Migration Research
University of Warsaw
ul. Banacha 2b
02-097 Warsaw
E-mail: a.radziwinowicz@uw.edu.pl

Agnieszka is a social anthropologist and assistant professor at the University of Warsaw Centre of Migration Research. She is working on an interdisciplinary project, “Unfinished migration transition and ageing population in Poland. Asynchronous population changes and the transformation of formal and informal care institutions”, where she looks into care arrangements in transnational families of ageing Poles. She is co-author of Migrants as Agents of Change: Social Remittances in an Enlarged European Union (Grabowska, Garapich, Jaźwińska, Radziwinowiczówna 2017). She holds an MA degree in Sociology and BA degree in Spanish Studies. In 2016 she defended (cum laude) her PhD dissertation “Living/Leaving the Deportation Regime: Power and Violence in Deportation from the United States” at the Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw. Her PhD research project was based on an ethnographic study in rural Oaxaca (Mexico) and explored the lived experience of deportation from the United States.

Dr Lucy Ramasawmy
School of Social and Political Science
University of Edinburgh
Room 3.14, Chrystal Macmillan Building
15a George Square
Edinburgh, EH8 9LD
Tel.: + 44 (0)131 651 1743
E-mail: lucy.ramasawmy@gmail.com

My research interests are around family migration and women, work and family. In my PhD project I looked at the experiences of Polish families who have come to Scotland since 2004, exploring the factors that were important in their decisions to stay or return, and in particular their work and child-care experiences and plans.

Adam Rogalewski
DProf student
Working Lives Research Institute
London Metropolitan University

Contact details:
Adam Rogalewski
Gewerkschaftssekretär Migration
Abteilung Vertrags- und Interessengruppenpolitik Unia Region
Rebgasse 1 4005 Basel
T: 0041 61 695 9346 M: 00 41 79535 74 10
E-mail: adam.rogalewski@unia.ch

My research interests concentrate on integration of Polish new migrants in British and Swiss trade unions. The draft title of my doctoral thesis is ‘The efforts of British and Swiss Trade Unions to include migrants from the new EU member states: Comparing UNISON and UNIA policies and their implementation to involve Polish migrant workers’. I use an auto-ethnograpy method.

Dr Joanna Rostek
Prof. Dr. Joanna Rostek
Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media Studies
Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
Otto-Behaghel-Straße 10 B, Room B 314
35394 Giessen
Email: joanna.rostek@anglistik.uni-giessen.de
Web: www.uni-giessen.de/rostek

Joanna’s research interests are in literature and culture produced by and about Polish migrants to the UK and Ireland, particularly in the wake of the ‘new’ migratory wave after 2004. She has written articles on ‘Dublin novels’ by Polish writers, on the depiction of women in Polish migrant literature and, with professor Dirk Uffelmann (Slavic Literatures and Cultures, University of Passau), on the representation of ‘subaltern’ Polish migrants in film, literature and music from Britain and Poland. Together with Dirk Uffelmann, she has edited a conference volume on Contemporary Polish Migrant Culture and Literature in Germany, Ireland, and the UK (Peter Lang, 2011).

Professor Louise Ryan
Professor of Sociology, Dept of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, Elmfield, Sheffield, UK, S10 TU2
E-mail: louise.ryan@sheffield.ac.uk
Website: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/socstudies/staff/staff-profiles/louise-ryan
Louise Ryan has been researching migration, ethnicity, religion, gender and identities for nearly two decades. She has published extensively on Polish, Irish and French migration to Britain. She has held two ESRC grants on Polish-related projects, including a project on Polish children in London Primary schools. She has also conducted ESRC-funded research on French highly skilled migrants in the financial sector. Louise has a particular interest in social networks and uses mixed methods, including visualisation, to research migrants’ social relationships, including spatially dispersed and dynamic family and friendships ties, as well as ‘weak ties’. She has published several highly cited papers on these issues. Louise, formerly at Middlesex University, is now co-Director of the Migration Research Group at the University of Sheffield. http://mrg.group.shef.ac.uk/featured-member/professor-louise-ryan/

Dr Joanna Rydzewska
Lecturer in Film Studies
Languages, Translation and Communication
Swansea University
Singleton Park
Tel: 01792 602635
E-mail: J.Rydzewska@swansea.ac.uk

Joanna’s research focuses on European, Eastern European and British cinema with particular emphasis on exile, migration and transnational film studies. She has written on émigré Polish directors – among others Roman Polanski, Krzysztof Kieslowski and Pawel Pawlikowski – as well as the representation of Polish migration in both Polish and British film and television. Her approach employs robust contextual analysis that informs aesthetic and thematic analyses of film and television texts. Most recently she has published on the representation of Polish migration to Great Britain in the Polish television series Londyńczycy/Londoners (2008 – 2009) and the changing discourses of Eastern Europeanness in contemporary British cinema.

Agnieszka Rydzik
Lecturer in Tourism and Events Management
University of Lincoln
Lincoln Business School
College of Social Sciences
e-mail: arydzik@lincoln.ac.uk

Agnieszka is currently completing interdisciplinary PhD research into the experiences of Central and Eastern European female migrant tourism workers and the impact of media discourses on their employment and identities. Her study is funded through UWIC’s Vice-Chancellor Doctoral Award. Agnieszka’s research interests include migration (in particular post-2004 migration from A8 countries), gender, mobility, identities, media discourse, labour research and critical tourism studies. She is particularly interested in participatory methodologies and visual research methods.

Dr Alina Rzepnikowska
Research Associate
School of Social Sciences
The University of Manchester

Website: http://manchester.academia.edu/AlinaRzepnikowska

Alina Rzepnikowska was awarded her PhD in July 2016 by the Faculty of Humanities, the University of Manchester. Her doctoral research, funded by the AHRC, explored convivial encounters between Polish migrant women and the local population in Manchester and Barcelona. Alina also managed a research project on exploitation and abuse of young European migrants in Greater Manchester, funded by Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner and the Home Office. Alina is currently a Research Associate at the School of Social Sciences at the University of Manchester. Her main research interests include: migration, diversity, inter-ethnic relations, conviviality, gender, race, ethnicity, language and cities.

Justyna Salamońska
PhD Student
Trinity Immigration Initiative/Employment Research Centre
Department of Sociology
Trinity College Dublin
3 College Green
Dublin 2
Tel: +353 (0) 1 896 3306
Email: salamonj@tcd.ie

Justyna is a research assistant on the Migrant Careers and Aspirations project (one of the 6 projects within the Trinity Immigration Initiative research programme) and a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology, Trinity College Dublin. Her doctoral study examines work life trajectories of Polish migrants in Ireland. It focuses on their middle class resources and the extent to which these are transferred between different employers, sectors and occupations of the European labour market.

Dr Lisa Scullion (nee Hunt)
Research Fellow
Salford Housing & Urban Studies Unit (SHUSU)
Joule House
College of Science & Technology
The University of Salford
Salford, Greater Manchester
M5 4WT, UK
Email: l.scullion@salford.ac.uk

Lisa has extensive experience of leading projects for various local authorities, housing providers and third sector organisations, in particular working with socially excluded and 'hard to engage' communities. She has led a number of studies with Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities. Over the last four years, Lisa has carried out studies for ten different local authorities focusing on the experiences Central and Eastern European (CEE) migrants living and working in the UK and recently been involved in a JRF project looking at the link between immigration policy and forced labour. She is currently co-investigator on a European Commission funded project focusing on the situation of Roma in six EU countries, a European project focusing on educational inclusion of Roma, and a project focusing on the UK response to Roma communities (funded by the JRCT). Lisa is a member of the European Academic Network on Romani Studies, and Europia - a community organisation in Greater Manchester that works with Central and Eastern European migrants.

Renata Seredyńska-Abou Eid
Doctoral Researcher
Critical Theory,
Department of Culture, Film and Media,
School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies,
University of Nottingham

E-mail: renata.eid@nottingham.ac.uk

Webpage: https://nottingham.academia.edu/RenataSeredynskaAbouEid

Twitter: @emi_gratka

Renata is a PhD candidate at the University of Nottingham, UK. Her interests encompass cultural translation, cultural issues in migration, inter- and cross-cultural communication and diaspora. Her doctoral project Translating Cultures – Adapting Lives is aimed at studying cultural translation among Polish post-2004 migrants in the East Midlands as a tool of their adaptation to the host culture. The ultimate aim of the project is to increase migrants’ awareness of socio-cultural elements of their existence in the target country and to inform policy makers about migrants’ needs in order to alleviate social tension that may partly result from the current unfavourable political climate.

Dr Chloe Sharp
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Institute for Health Research
University of Bedfordshire
Putteridge Bury
01582 743737
Email: chloe.sharp@beds.ac.uk
Chloe's PhD examined the perceived relationship between giving gifts, social capital, helping others, religion and organ donation. These aspects are looked at individually, in pairs and all together. The giving gifts aspect is linked with Mauss's gift exchange theory and the sociological and anthropological aspects of giving and reciprocity and views towards giving general donations to strangers. Social capital is viewed as a recent manifestation of gift exchange and considers social networking, feelings of belonging and trust in local communities and, to some degree, society. Helping others is viewed from the sociological psychological perspective of altruism and egoism. Religion is looked at in terms of religious teachings and leaders and to some extent the role of the church in Poland and migration in the UK. The type of organ donation discussed in deceased organ donation as opposed to living donation and identifying what is known about this. The perceived relationship between these elements were explored with the Polish migrants living in Luton through in-depth interviews from a constructivist grounded theory perspective.

Dr. Daniela Sime
Senior Lecturer
School of Social Work & Social Policy
University of Strathclyde
141 St James Road
Glasgow, G4 0LT
Phone: 0141 4448678

Email: Daniela.sime@strath.ac.uk

My research interests centre upon the issues of education, equality and social justice and children and young people’s lives. In pursuit of these interests, I draw upon theoretical and methodological insights from the new sociology of childhood, sociology of education, race and ethnicity studies and social policy. My research is particularly interested in social, cultural and educational contexts of exclusion, segregation and marginalisation. In 2010, I completed an ESRC-funded study involving Eastern European migrant children, which examined the impact of family migration on children’s everyday lives, including educational opportunities, well-being and relationships. Other studies I have completed have examined intergenerational learning in transnational families; migrant children's inclusion, identity and civic participation; inclusive approaches in the education of ethnic minority groups, with a focus on Eastern European children, Roma and Gypsy Traveller children. I am also interested in the methodological and ethical issues of doing research with children and young people.

Dr Alana Smith
Independent Researcher
E-mail: smithalana@hotmail.com

Alana is an urban sociologist with research interests in European transnational migration, affordable housing, residential mobility, neighbourhood change and place-making. Her recent publications are based on the results of PhD research completed in 2012 which focused on the housing experiences of Polish newcomers to Dublin, Ireland. This work was partially funded by a grant through the Trinity Immigration Initiative (TII). Alana holds a PhD from Trinity College Dublin, an M.S. from the New School and a B.A. from State University of New York. She is an adjunct lecturer in Urban Politics at St. Thomas Aquinas College and an employee of the Community Preservation Corporation in New York City.

Lucy Smout Szablewska
Postgraduate Researcher
Department of Geography
Durham University
South Road
Durham DH1 3LE
E-Mail: L.A.Szablewska@durham.ac.uk

Lucy Smout Szablewska's research is concerned with transnationalism, gender and livelihoods, focusing specifically on Polish migration to the North East of England, and the nature and effects of remittances to and from Poland. She is currently registered for a PhD in the Geography department at Durham University (co-supervised by Cheryl McEwan and Kathrin Horschelmann, and Alison Stenning at Newcastle University). During her earlier career she worked as an English language teacher and community organiser, and in the media and communications sector. Her qualifications include a diploma in social research methods from the Open University.

Will Somerville
Senior Policy Analyst
Migration Policy Institute (MPI)
1600 16 ST, Washington, DC
E-mail: wsomerville@migrationpolicy.org
Website: www.migrationpolicy.org/staff/index.php#Somerville

Will works on all aspects of UK migration and immigrant integration. He also advises various governments and international charitable foundations.

Dr Filip Sosenko
Research Associate
School of the Built Environment
Heriot-Watt University
William Arrol Building
Edinburgh EH14 4AS
Tel. +44 (0) 131 4514676
E-mail: f.sosenko@hw.ac.uk
Website: www.filipsosenko.com

My research interests include factors influencing the social integration of Polish migrants in the UK. Currently in the process of developing a project grant application relevant to this subject, additionally I am keen to participate as a Research Assistant or Co-Investigator in any project related to Eastern European migrants to the UK (or those migrants who have returned to their home countries). My Scottish location could be beneficial in this respect should the study’s remit cover Scotland.

As a Polish native speaker and someone familiar with Polish voluntary and community organisations in Scotland, I am able to facilitate ‘user engagement’, e.g. to involve Polish organisations in advisory groups, to facilitate discussions using online forums such as emito.net, use Polish websites to disseminate results and give feedback to the Polish community.

Stella Strzemecka
Institute of Sociology
Jagiellonian University
Grodzka 52
31044 Krakow
E-mail: stella.strzemecka@uj.edu.pl

Stella is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Population Studies at the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and Doctoral Researcher at TRANSFAM Project ‘Doing family in transnational context: Demographic choices, welfare adaptations, school integration and every-day life of Polish families living in Polish-Norwegian transnationality’ (2013-2016). She was a Guest Researcher in the Centre for Gender Research at the University of Oslo (2014, 2016). Stella has recently completed a qualitative study in Norway and she is currently working on her PhD thesis on the children of Polish immigrants growing up in Norway. Her research interests are at the intersection of family, childhood and migration studies.

Madeleine Sumption
Migration Policy Institute
1400 16th Street NW, Suite 300
Washington DC 20008
United States
Website: www.migrationpolicy.org/staff/index.php#Sumption

Madeleine’s interests include the economic aspects of immigration and the role of immigrants in the workforce. Her work has included publications on the economic integration of Eastern European immigrants to the United Kingdom since EU enlargement, and the impact of economic conditions on immigration and integration.

Dr Maruška Svašek
Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology
School of History and Anthropology
Queens University Belfast
Tel. +44(0)2890973879
E-mail: m.svasek@qub.ac.uk

Maruška Svašek has been engaged in research on human mobility, emotions and identity formation for the last ten years. Research has included projects on (1) Post socialism; (2) Sudeten German expulsion; (3) belonging and non-belonging amongst migrants in Northern Ireland; (4) transnational family links, ageing and care; and (5) transnational workers and the formation of European identities. The latter three projects have included research on migrants of Polish origin. Svašek is also co-director of the Cultural Dynamics and Emotions Network (CDEN) that aims to stimulate interdisciplinary research and teaching on themes that deal with emotional dynamics. 

Dr Aga Szewczyk
Research Associate
University of the West of England
PhD title: 'Stepping-stone migration. Polish graduates in England'. My research interests are focused on migration and mobility of Polish graduates who arrived in the UK after European Union enlargement in 2004, and stayed in the East Midlands region. I explore not only their motivations for migration, but also willingness and reasons for entering higher education or further education in the UK, and how they negotiate their skills advancement in the UK. The research embraces graduates' opinions on experienced higher education systems: Polish and English, and provides an insight on their skills and knowledge acquisition at both. In addition, the research includes graduates' feelings of home and belonging, and reasons for consideration of a British citizenship. Furthermore, their perception on belonging to a special Polish generation is being explored, including their stance towards other Polish graduate migrants in the UK. Overall, the study aims to bring an understanding of the ways graduates manage temporariness and future in terms of their personal life, career, mobility and settlement.

Blog about graduate migration and career development in the UK

Professor Bogusia Temple
Professor of Health and Social Care Research
School of Social Work
University of Central Lancashire
Preston PR1 2HE
E-mail: btemple1@uclan.ac.uk

Bogusia has been writing about Polish communities since the late 1980s. She is particularly concerned with issues of Polish identity and processes of inclusion and exclusion within Polish communities. She has also carried out research with refugees and people seeking asylum, including Polish people up to 2004. Her most recent research around Polish identity and migration was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and she has published and presented extensively from this.

Dr Paulina Trevena
Research Associate
Central and East European Studies
School of Social and Political Sciences
University of Glasgow
8-9 Lilybank Gardens
Glasgow G12 8RZ
Tel. 01413308238
E-mail: Paulina.Trevena@glasgow.ac.uk

Paulina is currently working on a four-year ESRC-funded project entitled 'Experiences of social security and prospects for long-term settlement in Scotland amongst migrants from Central Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union' with Prof. Rebecca Kay and Dr. Moya Flynn from CEES, University of Glasgow, and Dr Sergei Shubin and Dr Olga Tkach from the University of Swansea. The aim of the research is to provide a longitudinal qualitative study of perspectives and experiences of 'social security' amongst migrants from CEE and the FSU, and the ways in which these impact upon longer term intentions regarding settlement in Scotland.

Paulina has previously worked at the Centre for Population Change, University of Southampton, and the Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw. Her research interests centre around the impact of international migration on occupational and social mobility, educational opportunities, and well-being.

Michal Tuchowski
PhD Researcher
Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies
Cardiff University

E-mail: TuchowskiM@cardiff.ac.uk

Michal is currently researching and writing his PhD, titled ‘Diaspora and ethnic media in the age of migration. The role of the Polish ethnic media in the process of integration of Poles in the United Kingdom after May 2004’.

The main aim of his research project is to explore to the role of the Polish ethnic media in the United Kingdom in the process of integration of the Polish diaspora with British society. More specifically, to investigate the role of the media in the processes of social, cultural, political and economic integration of the migrants. Since the British government has started placing stronger emphasis on social integration, and has shifted from the politics of multiculturalism, it is important to explore what role the ethnic media play in building a socially integrated multicultural society.

Michal’s research interests include: ethnic media, ethnic journalism and media sociology.


Professor Dirk Uffelmann
Chair of Slavic Literatures and Cultures
University of Passau
Innstr. 25
D-94032 Passau
E-mail: uffelmann@uni-passau.de

Dirk Uffelmann investigates Polish migrants’ literature and culture from a postcolonial perspective. Together with Joanna Rostek, he has edited a conference volume on Contemporary Polish Migrant Culture and Literature in Germany, Ireland, and the UK (Peter Lang, 2011). With Joanna Rostek, Dirk organised an international conference on Contemporary Polish Migrant Culture in Germany, Ireland, and the UK (University of Passau, Germany, 15.-18.01.2009): 

Dr. Micheline van Riemsdijk
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
University of Tennessee
E-mail: vanriems@utk.edu

Micheline van Riemsdijk’s research agenda is broadly defined by questions of belonging and exclusion, barriers to the free movement of skilled labor, and the restructuring of skilled labor markets. She is especially interested in the ways in which institutions and actors shape international skilled migration flows, and how migration regulations are formed, contested, and possibly transformed. Micheline has conducted research on the working experiences of Polish nurses in Norway and the ways in which neoliberal reforms in elder care have affected these nurses. She has also examined the valuation of skills of Polish nurses, and difficulties with the mutual recognition of Polish nursing qualifications in the European Union. More information about Micheline’s research can be found on this web site: http://www.skilledmigration.net

Dr Louise Waite
Lecturer in Human Geography
School of Geography
University of Leeds
Woodhouse Lane
Leeds LS2 9JT
Tel +44 (0)113 343 3367
Email: l.waite@leeds.ac.uk
Website: www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/people/l.waite

For information on the Participatory Geographies Working Group(PYGYWG), please visit:

Louise Waite has research interests in migration, vulnerability and ideas of integration and belonging in multicultural contexts. Her latest two research projects have focused on 'encounters' between A8 migrants and established communities in the north of England, and diasporia belongings among African migrants in Yorkshire & Humber.

Dr Bartlomiej Walczak
Assistant Professor, Institute of Applied Social Sciences
University of Warsaw
ul. Nowy Swiat 69
00-927 Warsaw, Poland
E-mail: b.walczak@uw.edu.pl

Research interests: methodology and epistemology of social sciences, sociology of the family, migration and its implications on school and family, the history of field research in anthropology and of American anthropology, yanomamology.

Claire Wallace
Professor of Sociology
School of Social Science
King's College
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen AB24 3QY
E-mail: Claire.wallace@abdn.ac.uk

Claire Wallace has been researching East-West migration for the last ten years and is author of the book Patterns of Migration in Central Europe (2001). She is University of Aberdeen Team Leader for the ENRI-East project. ENRI-East (European, National and Regional Identities on the European Borderland) is an FP7 project with 11 partner teams from 7 EU and 3 CIS countries. It is co-ordinated in Vienna by the Institute for Advanced Studies. The project looks at the changing situation of minority groups that straddle the new EU borders. Some of these are Polish minorities and we are looking at Polish minorities in Lithuania, in Ukraine and in Belarus (as well as Ukrainians and Lithuanians in Poland). We are also exploring minority groups in Hungary, Latvia, Slovakia, Germany and Kaliningrad. The investigation takes the form of a survey of minority groups, biographical interviews with different generations of people and expert interviews. The research looks at historical memories of the minority groups, their relationship with the mother country and their relationships with the host country. Additionally there is a survey of musical identities in Lithuania and Hungary. The project ends in September 2011.

Professor Anne White
Professor of Polish Studies and Social and Political Science
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies
16 Taviton Street
London WC1H 0BW
Tel. 020 7679 8816 (internal 28816)
Postal Address:
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT

Web Profile

In 2011 I completed a British Academy funded project, 'Family Migration as a Livelihood Strategy in Contemporary Poland', which led to a number of articles and a monograph (see Anne White on Publications of this website). My next project, ‘Powroty do Polski i ponowne wyjazdy’ / ‘Double Return Migration’, was based on interviews in Poland and the UK. Interviews in Poland discussed the re-integration of return migrants, particularly their adaptation to the Polish labour market, and their thoughts about whether to work abroad again. Interviews in the UK explored the motives of ‘double return migrants’: people who had worked temporarily in the UK; then decided to return and settle down in Poland; but finally gave up and came back the UK, with thoughts of settling there instead. I examined the implications of this decision to settle for the migrants’ own objectives such as language learning, re-training and inviting family members to the UK, as well as their needs to access public services. The research resulted in articles in International Migration and Europe-Asia Studies. My third project investigated the links between long-term unemployment, poverty and migration, and was based on fieldwork in Grajewo and Limanowa (funded by the Polish Research Centre of the Jagiellonian University in London). I am currently working on the impact of Polish migration on Poland, with particular focus on social remittances.

Professor James Wickham

Director, Employment Research Centre
Department of Sociology
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2, Ireland
E-mail: jwickham@tcd.ie
Website: www.tcd.ie/erc

I have recently completed a three year project on Polish migrants in the Irish labour market, ‘Migrant Careers and Aspirations’. The core of the project was a qualitative panel study: using repeated interviews we tracked a small sample of Polish migrants for several years after they had begun work in Dublin. A book based on the research will be published by Manchester University Press. This research brings together my two interests: firstly the intersection of mobility and employment (ranging from business air travel to commuting) and secondly the social impact of the European Union’s political structures.

Sara Young

Department of Culture, Communication and Media
UCL Institute of Education
20 Bedford Way,
London WC1H 0AL
Email: s.young.14@ucl.ac.uk

Sara’s doctoral research examined identity negotiation by Polish adolescent migrants in the UK, focusing on Polish teenagers currently attending mainstream state secondary schools.  While much work on language and identity has been conducted in urban areas, Sara is interested in the experiences of adolescent Poles in more isolated communities.  Her research explores how narrative may be used as a means to construct identity, both for the individual and for a country.  Sara is also investigating the role played by language and a country’s literature in formulating a national identity, with particular reference to the UK and Poland.