This is an online course and will be taking place on Zoom.
The teacher for this class has been teaching Russian online extensively since March 2020 and all course materials are designed especially for the online environment
This classes will be on Wednesdays from 4pm to 6pm ONLINE.
Study materials for each lesson will be emailed to you one week in advance of the relevant class.
After each lesson you will receive a Zoom chat from the lesson and audio recordings of the text / story from the lesson.
Homework can be submitted as a Word file, or you can take a picture of your work in the notebook and email it to the teacher.
Course description: This course is for people who completed the Lower Intermediate course or who have sound knowledge of the language acquired through visits to the country or through self-study. The course runs over three ten week terms and each session is two hours long. This conversational course focuses on expanding and enriching learners vocabulary in a variety of current and popular subjects through discussions, short reading assignments, interviews, and problem-solving activites. You will also learn essential phrases for expressing your opinion, agreement or disagreement and formulating questions in relaton to the subject of discussion in a clearer and more efficient way. The course is also a good opportunity to refresh your existing knowledge of Russian.
- travel
- culture
- technology
- social networks
- education
- migration
- work and leisure
- lifestyle
- living abroad and more.
- Learning useful vocabulary and phrases for the topic of discussion.
- Understanding how key vocabulary and phrases function when put in a context via short reading assignments and exercises.
- Instantly employing newly learnt vocabulary in discussions, interviews and problem solving activities.
- Expressing views and formulating questions on such popular subjects as travel, social media and Internet, work and leisure, life style, technology, living abroad and much more.
- Learning essential phrases for expressing opinion, agreement / disagreement and formulating questions.
Grammar: Verbs of motion (both basic and prefixed), the use of verbs with various cases (verbal government), imperfective and perfective aspects of the verbs, prepositions with various cases, expression of condition, expression of purpose and much more. Declension of adjectives and nouns.
All course materials are prepared by the teacher