Strategic repositioning in the party system: The electoral success of the Polish Green Party
10 March 2022, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm

A SSEES Politics & Sociology seminar with Agnieszka Kwiatowska (SWPS University in Warsaw)
This event is free.
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The Polish Green Party (Partia Zieloni), founded in 2003, for over a decade and a half failed to gain parliamentary representation. Only recently, thanks to its effective repositioning in the party system and transitioning from the left-wing to the grand centre-right coalition, the party won its first three seats in the 2019 parliamentary election. Additionally, from 2020, as a result of an affiliation change by one left-wing Polish MEP, there is also a representative of Poland in the Green Group in the European Parliament. Dr Kwiatkowska will present the profile of the Green Party in Poland, including the ideological stance, organization and participation in elections, with a focus on explaining the path that led to the party’s electoral success. Finally, she will demonstrate the potential of the strategy of political repositioning which was made possible as a result of changes in the Polish party system following the process of de-democratization.