CANCELLED: "Solovki Gulag literature": Towards a New Understanding of Gulag Literature
23 March 2020, 5:15 pm–7:15 pm
Join us for a seminar in the SSEES Russian Studies Seminar Series with Andrea Gullotta
This event is free.
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Russian Studies Seminar Series
Masaryk RoomSSEES16 Taviton StreetLondonWC1H 0BW
Some thirty years after the collapse of the USSR, the theme of the Gulag is one of the Leitmotifs of Russian literature. However, Gulag literature has to date been astonishingly under-analysed. There is an evident lack in the assessment of Gulag literature as a united body of texts, and an almost complete lack of attention by scholars towards the text published within the Soviet concentration camps. This talk is based on a monograph devoted to the literary text produced within the Solovki prison camp, which aims to shed new light on Gulag literature by analysing the texts written within the camps putting them in connection to the socio-cultural context of the camp and the historical-literary context of the 1920s.
About the Speaker
Andrea Gullotta
at University of Glasgow
Andrea Gullotta is lecturer in Russian at the University of Glasgow. He has also worked for the University of Palermo, the Ca' Foscari University of Venice and the University of Padua, where he obtained his Ph.D. He is co-editor of the journal AvtobiografiЯ, which deals with life-writing and the representation of the self in Russian culture.