Christian Perspectives on 'Paganism' in Kyivan Rus' and England
28 February 2019, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm

This event is part of the SSEES Research Student Seminar Series. Join us to hear SSEES research students discuss their projects. On the 28th February, Ursula Woolley with The Practice & Policy of Public History in Ukraine and Kristina Batorshyna with Christian Perspectives on 'Paganism' in Kyivan Rus' and England.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
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- Free
347SSEES16 Taviton StreetLondonWC1H 0BW
How differently was 'paganism' regarded by Christians on the peripheries of European Christianity and how these approaches shaped the culture and religious thought of the regions?
My research will revisit the reasons and circumstances in which the processes of conversion took place in England and Rus’. I will be looking at how Christians saw 'pagans', how 'pagan' elements may have survived in Christianity and what that may imply. I am going to show how the 'pagan' elements interact with Christian ones and how they are used and accommodated in Christian sources.
In my presentation I will show how I am going to conduct this research, discuss what new layers it can add to the existing literature, and, most importantly, why do we need to study it.
The other half of this evening will be PhD Candidate Ursula Woolley with The Practice & Policy of Public History in Ukraine
About the Speaker
Kristina Batorshyna
PhD Candidate at UCL SSEES
I have done BA History of Art, University of Leeds, and MA Medieval and Renaissance Studies, UCL. My general research interests include: interactions between various belief systems, religious thought, mythology, culture and memory studies, medieval European history and art history.
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