"It's an American story, about an American career": The Transnational Fame of Joseph Brodsky
08 October 2018, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm

Part of the SSEES Russian Studies Seminar Series
This event is free.
Event Information
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Russian Studies Seminar Series
347UCL SSEES16 Taviton StreetLondonWC1H 0BW
Joseph Brodsky occupies a unique position in the history of Russian poetic fame because of the scale and transnational nature of his celebrity and canonization. This talk focuses on three key moments in Brodsky's career - his denunciation and trial in 1963-64, his arrival in the USA in 1972, and the award to him of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1987 - using these as a basis for considering how literary fame and celebrity are generated and distributed, how they travel across geographical borders, and how they function culturally in different times and places.
This is event is free and open to all, no need to register.
About the Speaker
Alex Harrington
at Durham University
Alex Harrington is Reader in Russian Studies at Durham University. Her research to date has focussed principally on Anna Akhmatova's poetry and place in Russian culture. She is currently working on a book-length study of Russian literary fame and celebrity.