SSEESing Salisbury
14 November 2018, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm

THIS EVENT HAS SOLD OUT. Making sense of the Novichok poisonings and their repercussions.
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Post Soviet Press Group
B40 Darwin Lecture TheatreDarwin BuildingMalet PlaceLondonWC1E 6BTUnited Kingdom
Sergei and Yulia Skripal were poisoned with Novichok in Salisbury on 4 March 2018. A police officer investigating the incident also fell ill after coming into contact with the nerve agent. Subsequently, two further people – Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess – were poisoned, the latter fatally. Agents of the Russian military's foreign intelligence agency – commonly referred to as the GRU – are the prime suspects in the British authorities' investigation. What is the broader context, and what are the broader implications, of these poisonings? How has the Russian political leadership responded? How has media coverage varied? Join us on 14 November from 19:00 in the Darwin Lecture Theatre for a panel event to discuss these issues.
Ellen Barry (The New York Times)
Dr Precious N. Chatterje-Doody (University of Manchester)
Dr Aglaya Snetkov (UCL SSEES)
Chaired by: Dr Ben Noble (UCL SSEES)
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