Roundtable on populism, news and information society: Fake news, post-truth, information warfare or alternative facts?
08 March 2017, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm

Event Information
Room G08, Chadwick Building, University College London, Gower Street
In an information society how and where we consume news has changed dramatically. Over the past year we have seen extensive debates around issues such as fake news, alternative facts or post-truth. Brexit, Trump’s rise to power and the populist turn in Poland have all been named as examples. What is the role of news in the rise of populism? Is this new populism about the message or the medium? And when can we speak of information warfare?
Please join us for an exciting discussion on the 8th of March at 6pm with academics and practitioners brought to you by the Platform of Contemporary Culture and Affairs, the successor project of the Platform Ukraine initiative.
Speakers include:
- Dr Eric Gordy – UCL-SSEES
- Valeriia Voshchevska - Newsweek
- Prof Mark Wheeler – London Metropolitan University & The LSE
- Dr Igor Sutyagin – Royal United Service Institute
Room G08, Chadwick Building, University College London, Gower Street
This event is free and open to all with no ticket or pre-registration required. Entry is on a first come, first served basis.