Polish in the UK - M B Grabowski Memorial Lecture 2016
14 November 2016, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm

Event Information
Harrie Massey LT- Gordon Street (25) E28
With the major migration wave over the last decade, triggered by Poland’s EU accession and the opening up of the labour market, the Polish population in the UK and Ireland has risen substantially.
Paradoxically, the first language of the Poles may be at risk of decline and attrition. For one thing, as a minority language, Polish is “surrounded” by English (and other languages in the speech community). The new migrants aim at learning or improving their English, and thus support their integration in the new environment. The maintenance of the native language may be (temporarily) neglected, and, if not, it requires much effort.
The lecture will be presented by Professor Agnieszka Kiełkiewicz-Janowiak who will address problems related to the maintenance of Polish in the UK’s and Ireland’s migrant populations, and discuss ways of researching the social aspects of L1 attrition.
The lecture will be followed by a wine reception in the Masaryk SCR (16 Taviton Street).
Registration is free but essential, please visit: