Police and Persecution in Bosnian Krajina: Democratisation, Deprofessionalisation and Militarisation
15 March 2016, 6:00 pm–7:30 pm

Event Information
Room 347, UCL SSEES, 16 Taviton Street WC1H 0BW
Andy Aitchison (University of Edinburgh) will present a talk on police participation in ethnic violence in Bosnia, entitled ‘Police and Persecution in Bosnian Krajina: Democratisation, Deprofessionalisation and Militarisation' as part of the Centre for South East European Studies at UCL SSEES.
Andy Aitchison is lecturer in Criminology and Co-director of the MSc in Global Crime, Justice and Security at the University of Edinburgh. His teaching and research interests fall broadly in the field of global problems of crime and responses to these. His research falls into two broad areas, united by a focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first focuses on reform in post-socialist, post-authoritarian and post-conflict states with a holistic perspective on the criminal justice sector. The second deals with international crimes, including genocide. He is presently working on empirical analysis of police participation in war crimes and ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Followed by an informal drinks reception. All welcome, no registration required.