Solidarity According to Women
13 December 2016, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm

Event Information
Wolfson Lecture Theatre (SWLT) 1st floor, Paul Webley Wing, Senate House North Block, Torrington Square, London WC1E 7HX
As part of the UCL SSEES December Conference: 'Is the Magic Lantern Still Shining? The Rise of Illiberal Democracy and the Contested Legacy of 1956 and 1989 in Poland and Hungary', and in collaboration with Feminist Sisters and Razem, we are very pleased to offer a screening of "Solidarity according to women".
“During the Martial Law, when men were imprisoned, women stepped into their shoes. They printed the independent press, they launched and ran an underground radio station. They did not care about sitting on the board of the Union, they did not care about ranks. What mattered to them was work and its results. (…) They were absent at the Round Table talks, however. They let themselves be forgotten when their male colleagues were assuming the most important positions in the public administration bodies after the first free elections. They thought politics was not for them.” - Solidarity according to women by Marta Dzido and Piotr Śliwowski
"Solidarity according to women" is a story about some of the brave Polish women whose wisdom, determination and commitment in the opposition movement of the 1980s helped bring about a change of the political reality in Poland. The link between two aspects of the film is Marta Dzido – its co-director and narrator. Born in 1981, being a symbolic daughter of the Solidarity movement, Dzido makes an attempt at locating and reinstating women who were written out of recent Polish history.
Join us on the eve of our conference commemorating the Polish and Hungarian revolutions that changed the face of Central and Eastern Europe, to discuss the roles that women played in the Solidarity movement.
The film will be shown in Polish with English subtitles.
Registration is free but essential, please sign up here.
For more information about the conference on the 14th December, please visit the conference website, or to register for tickets, please go to the booking site.