Baltic Symposium 2016: Cutting Edges of Europe
20 April 2016, 9:00 am–7:30 pm

Event Information
G6 Lecture Theatre, UCL Archaeology, 31-34 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PY
The eighth Baltic symposium will be held on Wednesday 20 April entitled "Baltic Symposium 2016: Cutting Edges of Europe". The keynote speaker, Dr Artis Pabriks MEP for Latvia, will speak on "New Security Challenges". There will be three panels: New security challenges- over coming anxieties, Media freedom versus the power of propaganda, and People on the move.
Programme | |
08.45-09.30 | Registration |
09.30-09.40 | Introduction: Prof Jan Kubik |
09.40-10.30 |
Keynote Speaker: Dr
Artis Pabriks, MEP for Latvia, New security challenges Chair: Prof Jan Kubik, Director, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies |
10.30-12.00 |
New security challenges – overcoming anxieties Panel: Sir Andrew Wood, Associate Fellow, Chatham House, London, Blind Man’s Buff - the Search for Hidden Answers HE Mr Renatas Norkus, Ambassador-at-large, Transatlantic Cooperation and Security Policy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vilnius, Lithuania's security policy: new challenges and opportunities Marko Mihkelson, Chair, National Defence Committee, Estonian Parliament, Tallinn, Western strategy and Russia
Chair: HE Mr Andris Teikmanis, Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia, London |
12.00-13.00 |
Buffet Lunch |
13.00-14.30 |
Media freedom versus the power of propaganda Panel: Dr Nerijus Maliukevičius, Vilnius University, Institute of International Relations & Political Science, Russian information warfare: history of the concept, lessons for Baltic region Rita Ruduša, Executive Director, Baltic Centre for Media Excellence, Rīga, Storytelling and knowledge: how to serve distrustful and bamboozled audiences better Edward Lucas, Senior Editor, The Economist, London, Why the Baltic States were right Chair: Dr Eglė Rindzevičiūtė, Lecturer, Kingston University, London |
14.30-15.00 |
Afternoon tea/coffee |
15.00-16.30 |
People on the move Panel: Dr Olga Cara, Senior Researcher, UCL Institute of Education, Academic achievement of Latvian Diaspora children attending English schools Ingrida Gečienė, Director, Institute for Social Innovations, Vilnius, Diaspora professionals: how to mobilize them to create home country wellbeing Prof Russell King, University of Sussex and Malmö University, The lure of London: a comparative study of youth mobilities from the Baltic States Chair: Dr Dace Dzenovska, Associate Professor, University of Oxford |
16.45-19.30 |
Reception |
The eighth symposium in a series sponsored by the Embassy of the Republic of Estonia, Embassy of the Republic of Latvia, Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania, Baltic Council in Great Britain and UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies.