SSEES Employers Forum 2014
05 March 2014, 6:15 pm

Event Information
Room 431/433 SSEES 16 Taviton Street WC1E 6BT
This year’s careers networking event for SSEES postgraduates and finalists to make contacts is on Wednesday 5 March.
The panel and networking event runs from 6.15pm to 8.15pm. Sectors represented include Government, Language Services, NGOs, Business Consultancy, Financial & Legal Services, Research Units & Centres.
Pre-registration is necessary if you want to attend. Email: with EMPLOYER FORUM in the subject box and include your name, degree and subject by 5.00pm Monday 3 March.
(The guest-list will be available on the day. Invest just two hours of your time – it may make all the difference to finding your next steps after SSEES!)