
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Health in Russia in 2020: A return to Normality?

28 March 2014, 1:00 pm–3:15 pm

Event Information

Open to





Seminar Room 4 Bentham B11

UCL, Higher School of Economics (Moscow) and University of Oxford Workshop

Revised Programme

1:30 Reforms of the Russian Medical System and Their Impact Out to 2020


Prof. Igor Sheiman, Department of Health Economics, Higher School of Economics, Moscow

2:15 The evolution of health-related Behaviours (smoking) in Russia

Diana Quirmbach and Dr. Christopher Gerry*, School of Slavonic and East European Studies at University College London, London (*and Russian Presidential Academy of the National Economic and Public Administration, Moscow)

3:00 - 3.15 Pause for refreshments

3:15 Illness, Morbidity Icebergs and Life Expectancy in Russia out to 2020

Prof. Christopher Davis, Wolfson College and University of Oxford, Oxford and Russian Presidential Academy of the National Economic and Public Administration, Moscow

4:00 Evolution of Health-Related Behaviour and Healthy Life Policies in Russia, 1990-2020

Prof. Marina Kolosnitsyna, Department of State Management and Economics of the Social Sector, Higher School of Economics, Moscow

4:45 Discussion and closing remarks
5:00 Reception

The drinks reception takes place in the UCL SSEES Masaryk Senior Common Room (4th floor), 16, Taviton Street, London WC1H 0BW

Workshop convened by: Professor Christopher Davis (University of Oxford) and Dr Christopher Gerry (UCL) and sponsored by the UCL ESRC Doctoral Training Centre. 

No registration required. Contact c.gerry@ucl.ac.uk for further information. 

Information on the speakers

Prof. Christopher Davis is the Reader in Command and Transition Economies in the Department of Economics and the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies at Oxford University and is a Governing Body Fellow of Wolfson College. He wrote his Ph.D. dissertation for Cambridge on The Economics of Health in the USSR and has carried out research on health issues throughout his career. He currently is involved in a research project in Moscow as the Head of the Research Laboratory of the Economics of Health Reform at the Russian Presidential Academy of the National Economic and Public Administration, Moscow

Dr. Christopher Gerry is the Senior Lecturer in Health Economics at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies at University College London, London. He is a specialist on the application of econometrics to the study of health issues, such as mortality trends and health-related behaviours of individuals/households using the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey. He currently is involved in a research project in Moscow as the Deputy Head (with Dr. Vladimir Nazarov) of the Research Laboratory of the Economics of Health Reform at the Russian Presidential Academy of the National Economic and Public Administration, Moscow.

Prof. Marina Kolosnitsyna is the Head of the Department of State Management and Economics of the Social Sector at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. She is a well-known expert on the economics and reform of health and education in Russia. During 2011-12 she participated in the Russian Government Working Group on Health for the Strategy 2020 document, which was intended to serve as the basis of the reform policies of President Putin from 2012 onward. 

Diana Quirmbach is a third year PhD candidate at UCL SSEES, specialising in the economics of health behaviours in Russia. Her thesis examines the influence of factors such as habit formation, price, income or education on cigarette consumption in Russia. Diana uses individual-level panel data from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey and regional-level government statistics and is particularly interested in the potential effects of the currently implemented ‘smoking tax’ increases.

Prof. Igor Sheiman is the Deputy Head of the Department of Health Economics at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. He is a well-known expert on the organisation and performance of the medical system in Russia. He has carried out analyses of most significant health reform efforts in Russia over the past two decades and has substantial experience in the evaluation of health reforms in the regions of Russia. During 2011-12 he participated in the Russian Government Working Group on Health for the Strategy 2020 document, which was intended to serve as the basis of the reform policies of President Putin from 2012 onward.