E&BSS: The Joint Impact of Labour market Policies and Crises on Total and Youth Unemployment in Europe - Silvia Dal Bianco, London Metropolitan University, UK
25 March 2014, 5:00 pm–6:30 pm
Event Information
Room 347, 16 Taviton Street, UCL, London, WC1H 0BW
This paper analyses the complex joint impact of both labour market policies and crises on total and youth unemployment. We look at the last two decades in the Enlarged European labour market and we construct a time varying and country specific crisis variable, which allows us to test the impact of labour market policies and their interactions with severe and unexpected negative in a completely novel way. We find that too generous passive labour market policies accentuate the impact of the crisis on unemployment but moderate ones mitigate the negative effect on the labour market. On the contrary, relative generous money spent in rotation training and rehabilitation policies might decrease unemployment even very low level of crisis' severity. The younger generations do seem to be hit harder by the crises anyway. Our analysis can highlight some of the weakness and strengths of different European labour market models.
Silvia Dal Bianco (BA Bocconi, PhD Pavia, MSc Oxf), is Senior Lecturer in Economics at London Metropolitan University since 2012. She has been lecturing at Oxford, UCL and Pavia. Her research focuses on growth empirics, the interaction between institutions and economic development and the effects of financial crises on labour market and financial flows. She also worked as a consultant for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Trade and served as research fellow at the Institute for Latin American and Eastern European Studies at Bocconi University.
- For more details contact: Dr Svetlana Makarova
All welcome - no registration required.
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