Course description: Higher Advanced Plus is for those who completed Advanced Plus or who have an excellent knowledge of the Slovak language acquired through regular visits to Slovakia or through self-study. The aim of the course is to give students an opportunity to revise, consolidate, and build on the skills they acquired at Advanced Plus. The course runs over three ten week terms and each session is two hours long. The course includes all four skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. The course will cover the following:
- to achieve a solid level of language proficiency in order to handle the normal range of social matters
- to reinforce and to extend the previous knowledge
- to develop the ability to use the Slovak language effectively for purposes of practical communication
- to infer low-frequency word meaning or anything clearly implied but not explicitly stated
- to offer insights into the culture, history and current affairs of Slovakia
- To follow and contribute to complex interactions with third parties in group discussions and debates, even on abstract, complex, unfamiliar topics
- To be able to cope linguistically to negotiate a solution using persuasive language
- To develop awareness and familiarisation with regional accents and social register
- To acquire a good command of a broad lexical repertoire allowing gaps to be readily overcome with circumlocution and repair techniques
- To communicate in speech, showing knowledge of a range and variety of vocabulary and of appropriate register in routine tasks
- To be able to use Slovak language flexibly and effectively for social purposes, including emotional, allusive and joking usage and to recognise idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms
- To demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively, with a degree of fluency and spontaneity, with a native speaker.
- To use the Slovak language flexibly and effectively for social and professional purposes
- To be able to outline an issue or a problem clearly, speculating about causes or consequences, and weighing advantages and disadvantages of different approaches
Personal Domain:
- Topics chosen according to students’ interest
- Job related, business orientated topics
- Reporting on events and matters of public interest
- Commenting, negotiating, and preparing presentations
- Reading between the lines: detecting non-explicit content in texts
- Practicing advanced translation from and into Slovak
- Making travel arrangements (booking flight, hotel room, buying a railway ticket)
- Discussing in simple terms differences in culture, attitude, customs and practice
- Planning holiday
- Talking about personal interests and leisure activities
- Talking about holidays, past experiences and future plans
- Expressing personal views and preferences on simple matters
- Discussing day-to-day activities and routines
- Inviting guests to an event and agreeing a date/place/time
- Cultural issues, celebrations or events
- Discussing in simple terms differences in culture, attitude, customs and practice
Public/ Occupational Domain:
- Sports events (olympijské hry, majster sveta, držiteľka zlatej medaily, svetové prvenstvo)
- Tourism (prírodné krásy, prírodné rezervácie, národné parky, kultúrne pamiatky, hrad je na zozname UNESCO, národné pamiatky)
- Banking system (Guvernér národnej banky Slovenska, platobná karta, úverová karta, otvoriť si účet)
- Public health (zdravotné poistenie, infekcia, kúpeľná liečba)
- Cultural life (kultúrne dedičstvo, národné zvyky a tradície)
- Religion and customs (veľkonočné sviatky, oblievačka a šibačka, oslava, hody)
- Public services (požiarna ochrana, hasiči, mestský vodovod, smetiari, odvoz odpadu)
- Shopping for everyday items; describing something you wish to buy, expressing quantity, colour and size; expressing likes and dislikes; asking for prices, understanding currency
- Travelling by public transport; buying tickets, understanding timetables, asking for information about travel, telling the time
- Making travel arrangements (booking flight, hotel room, buying a railway ticket)
- Arranging bookings with restaurants, hotels etc., stating facilities, dates and number of persons and making simple enquiries
- Buying tickets for the theatre, the cinema, the museum or other events stating dates and number of persons and making simple enquiries
- Current affairs (aktuálne správy, najnovšie udalosti, politický komentár)
- IT (internet, ochrana proti vírusom, @ zavináč, poslať esemesku, poslať email)
- Diplomatic life (ďakovný list, poverovacie listiny, príhovor, slávnostná reč)
- Cultural issues or events (oslava pri príležitosti Dňa …)
- understanding connectors that indicate relationship between ideas
- expressing different opinions, inviting to join a discussion
- to speculate and expressing “IF”
- making complaints
- giving instructions
- expressing likes and dislikes using idioms
- understanding short texts from Slovak literature and lyrics
- understating headlines from Slovak newspapers
- describing skills, wishes, plans
- making direct and indirect requests
- summarising conversation, applying direct and indirect speech
- plural forms of nouns, adjectives, pronouns
- complete declension
- prepositions and their relations with declensions
- reflexive verbs
- perfective and imperfective verbs
- word order
- conjunctions
- particles
- possessive pronouns: in genitive and dative
- imperative
- speculative sentences
- conditional
- English modal verbs and their Slovak equivalents (should, ought …)
Course Books:
- Krížom – krážom, Slovenčina B1, kolektív and CD, ISBN 978-80-223-3035-0
- Krížom – krážom, Slovenčina Cvičebnica A1 plus A2, kolektív, ISBN 978-80-223-2809-8
- Colloquial Slovak by James Naughton and CD, ISBN978-0-415-49634-6
- Bespoke material
- Bespoke teacher’s material (samples from Slovak literature and Slovak media)
- Useful Reference Material:
- Slovak without teacher, ISBN 80-85408-03-1
- Malý frazeologický slovník by Elena Smiešková. (Slovak idioms) ISBN 80-08-00009-0
- Slovak for you, ISBN 0-86516-331-6
- Anglicko-Slovenský prekladový slovník ISBN 80-88723-67-1
- Slovensko-Anglický prekladový slovník ISBN 80-88723-67-1
- The Guide to The Peoples of Europe , The Times, ISBN 0-7230-0624-5
- A History of Slovakia by Stanislav. Kirsbaum, ISBN 0333681029
- Modern Slovak prose by Pynsent, R B. 0-333-51596-X
- (Slovak/Czech films)
- (Daily Paper)