This is an online course and will be taking place on Zoom.
The teacher for this class has been teaching Russian online since March 2020 extensively and all materials for the course are designed especially for the online environment.
This course will be taught on Fridays from 4pm to 6pm ONLINE VIA ZOOM.
Study materials for each lesson will be emailed to you one week in advance of the relevant class.
After each lesson you will receive a Zoom chat from the lesson and audio recordings of the text / story from the lesson.
Homework can be submitted as a Word file, or you can take a picture of your work in the notebook and email it to the teacher.
Course description: This course is for people who completed the Lower Intermediate course or who have sound knowledge of the language acquired through visits to the country or through self-study. The course runs over three ten week terms and each session is two hours long. The course will help you gain a more thorough understanding of sentence structures and expand your vocabulary in popular topics through reading and discussing short stories. the stories are written in different registers and styles. Each story is adapted to the required level and accompanied by a glossay, follow up activities and audio recordings for review and pronunciation practice. The course is also a good opportunity to refresh your existing knowledge of the language.
- Culture
- travel
- history
- technology
- modern society
- work and leisure
- education
- life abroad
- urban life
social media and much more.
- Gaining a more through understanding of sentence structures.
- Expanding your knowledge of grammatical structures and expressions frequently used in spoken and written language.
- Learning useful words, expressions, and phrases from such popular topics as culture, travel, history, technology, education, modern society and much more.
- Expressing views and forming questions about the subject of discussion in a clearer and more efficient way.
Grammar: Time phrases, verbs of motion without prefix, word-formation, case revision, phrases expressing reason, perfective and imperfective imperative, verbs of motion with prefix, phrases of concession, indefinite pronouns, comparative and superlative adjectives, short adjectives, reflexive pronouns, conditional phrases, subjunctive mood, negative constructions, participles, passive constructions, verbal adverbs.
All course materials are prepared by the teacher.