Course description: Level 1 is for complete beginners or those with minimal knowledge of Polish. The course runs over three ten-week terms and each session is two hours long. The course includes all four skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. The aim of the course is to enable students to function in simple everyday situations. The course will cover the following:
- greetings
- introducing oneself, friends and family
- describing how one feels
- describing people
- describing environment: classroom, home and city
- discussing hobbies, activities, and preferences
- describing daily routines
- ordering food in a restaurant or café
- buying food
- going shopping and shopping for clothes
- organising a meeting
- booking a taxi and ordering things
- numbers, days, months, and dates; simple time expressions
- introductions and greetings
- formal and informal forms of address
- giving polite orders
- making requests
- descriptive texts (describing people, home and city)
- expressing likes and dislikes
- describing skills, wishes and plans
- organising meetings and appointments
- giving polite orders
- consonants and vowels in Polish
- conjugation of verbs
- cases (Nominative, Genetive, Accusative and Instrumental)
- personal, possessive and demontrative pronouns
- cardinal and ordinal numbers
- negation, questions and word order
- agreement patterns
- adjectives and comparison of adjectives
Learning resources:
Course Book
- M. Malolepsza, A. Szymkiewicz, Hurra po polsku 1, Krakow: Prolog 2010.
Additional material
- I. Stempek, A. Stelmach, S. Dawidek, A. Szymkiewicz, Polski Krok po kroku, Krakow: 2010.
- B. Serafin, A. Achtelik, Miło mi panią poznać. Język polski w sytuacjach komunikacyjnych, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego 2001.
- D. Gałtyga, Ach, ten język polski!, Kraków; Universitas 2001.
- J. Lechowicz, J. Podsiadły, Ten, ta, to, Łódź: WING 2007.
- I. Stempek, Gry i zabawy językowe. Polski krok po kroku, Krakow: 2012.
- T. Pelc, Teraz polski. Gry i ćwiczenia komunikacyjne, Łódź: WING 1997.
- A. Seretny, A co to takiego? Obrazkowy słownik języka polskiego, Kraków: Universitas 2003.
- M. Szelc-Mays, Nowe słowa – stare rzeczy, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Zakonu Pijarów 1999.
- M. Pasieka, Język polski dla cudzoziemców. Ćwiczenia dla początkujących, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 2001.
- J. Machowska, Gramatyka? Dlaczego nie? Ćwiczenia gramatyczne dla poziomu A1, Krakow: Universitas 2011.
- D. Bielec, Polish. An Essential Grammar, London: Routledge 1998.
- K. Janecki, 301 Polish Verbs, New York: Barron’s Educational Series 2000.
- J. Fisiak, Collins English-Polish and Polish-English Dictionary. Collins słownik angielsko-polski i polsko-angielski, Warszawa: BGW 1997.