
Student and Registry Services


Directing Queries: SLS or CIM Services?

21 January 2025

Query management between Student Lifecycle Services and CIM Services

The Student Records and Student Lifecycle teams have been disaggregated into the Student Lifecycle Services and the Curriculum Information Management Services teams. Student Records has been renamed Student Lifecycle Services (SLS) to reflect its remit covering record processes from enrolment through to graduation. Team members with responsibility for curriculum maintenance processes have transitioned into the Curriculum Information Management (CIM) Services team.

MS Teams sites have now been re-branded to Faculties and Students Operations to incorporate the breadth of resources working together to deliver services.

Both Student Lifecycle Services and CIM Services monitor and support the Faculty and Student Operations Query logs, stored within the respective Faculty teams, making this a primary point for queries.  Below is a table to help you direct your queries effectively to the correct team. 

Student Lifecycle Services

Curriculum Information Management Services

Progression & award queries and mark entry

Programme and Module creation


Programme and Module amendments

Transcripts and certificates

Module maintenance

Module Selection

Diet maintenance

Module changes – on a student record

Module changes – within diet

Programme and route transfers & Interruptions of study

Curriculum Data Maintenance Support

Enrolment and Re-enrolment queries

Programme Summaries

All assessment queries should be directed to the exams and assessments team: examinations@ucl.ac.uk

Contact details for further information: 

CIM Services: curriculuminformation@ucl.ac.uk

Student Lifecycle Services sls.staffquery@ucl.ac.uk