
Student and Registry Services


Approval of exceptional delayed enrolment and re-enrolment for UCL Students 2024

11 September 2024

Processes for requesting delayed enrolment for students who are experiencing exceptional difficulties in meeting the enrolment deadline of Friday 11 October 2024 or the re-enrolment deadline of Friday 25 October 2024.

Please read on for the process for requesting delayed enrolment for students who are experiencing exceptional difficulties in meeting the enrolment deadline of Friday 11 October 2024. 

An MS form has been created for departments to complete a delayed enrolment request for consideration by Bella Malins and her team.  Decisions will then be sent back to the department so that the outcome can be relayed to the student.

The form is for internal use only (please do not send out to students) and departments should fill in as much information as possible about a student’s circumstances so that a decision can be provided as quickly as possible.  Please note that departments should only complete this form once they have obtained approval from their faculty.  Please also note that this form is for delayed enrolment only and a separate delayed re-enrolment from will be circulated by Student Records.

Link to the form: https://forms.office.com/e/3c2gDPTRmY

Due to UKVI rules, students on a Student visa will only be able to enrol after they have arrived in the UK.  However, we can consider delayed enrolment requests from students who are experiencing exceptional difficulties in entering the UK for reasons which are outside of their control.  Examples include:

  • UKVI delays in visa application processing
  • Delays in approving ATAS applications
  • Local lockdowns

Departments must support students while they are waiting to complete enrolment and can provide all types of educational content online, except live lectures and live tutorials (in line with UKVI rules). However, you are permitted to provide access to recorded lectures.  If the student has completed pre-enrolment, they will have the necessary credentials to access our systems (i.e., Lecturecast, Moodle and other UCL platforms).

The last date of enrolment is Friday 11 October 2024, but we can consider requests beyond this date if the Faculty can confirm they support the student, and that the student can still successfully complete the programme.

The deadline for continuing students to re-enrol is Friday, 25 October at 12pm.   

Students will be sent re-enrolment reminders weekly including the morning of the 25th October.   

For those who will not be able to enrol by this deadline, delayed re-enrolment can be requested using the Delayed Re-Enrolment Form

Delayed Re-Enrolment requests will be actioned once they have Faculty and, where necessary, Visa Compliance approval.  Once these approvals are made, the student will be given a new enrolment deadline, which will be communicated directly to the student and is usually an additional 5 working days unless the student’s situation necessitates longer.  

Contact details for further information: visacompliance.staffquery@ucl.ac.uk